Enteli's species Hub

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
2 359

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Main hub for the information on them Should help me keep track of them and the world they have

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Where they live

The area they all live is rather secluded from the local towns and other groups of all of their kinds. The centre of their area is a rather large fresh water lock, perfect for the Badawi, that goes incredibly deep but also has plenty of shallow areas for others to dip into the water if they want to. One side of the lake is ringed by a rather large cliff, much to the Tuliki’s delight, enough room for multiple nests and a few caves that can be entered by other species to stay or visit, or shelter from any especially foul weather. There’s a forest that surrounds most of the rest of the area, the deeper areas nice and dry so the Badawi don’t feel too overwhelmed by the damp weather. There’s a well-trodden path to the closest town but it’s a nice sized area for the group that doesn’t feel too large nor too small where they’re always on top of each other.