A Terror and Treasure

2 years, 6 months ago

Explicit Violence



Rowan x Hizashi Yamada / Present mic

How they realize Hizashi loves Rowan

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Rowan trembled as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. It was one he saw many times thanks to the news in America. Wren getting impaled with the sharp pieces of metal from a falling building. Her trying to fight off the bleeding to take down the huge villain attacking the Seattle side in Washington State. The villain ending up crushing his sister and pushing her past her limits, one that even All Might might have been impressed with at one point. Her collapsing due to her wounds and never getting back up.

Rowan jolted up out his sleep and sat up, in a cold sweat and tears streaming down his face. When he had these nightmares nothing helped much. He just wanted Wren back. He wanted his twin sister back.

He wanted to hug her again. Braid her hair again and take in her presence for one more time. He wanted to hold her and tell her that they will over come this. That they would solve anything together.

But she was gone because he let himself get sick and weak. He was weak and worthless and he was nothing without his twin. A Has-been Hero now.

He shakily grabbed his phone and called up the one person he knew that was awake.

His sobbing made it hard for him to say words as Hizashi picked up the phone.

“HEY THANKS FOR CALLING ROWAN. Why are you up so late? I just got off the radio show for the night. Everything okay?”

Rowan sobbed into the phone and trembled more.

“C-c-can you come here?” He asked, hoping that Hizashi would come instantly. That he cared enough about the has-been hero and that he was worth something to someone.

“Rowan? Rowan, you dont sound okay. I’m gonna be there in 5 minutes. Hold on. I was already on my way over to crash on your couch.” Hizashi told the sobbing mess on the other end.

Rowan tried to breathe but felt the pressure of everything building up in his chest, making him unable to even catch his breath.

Rowan didn’t know how long time passed before he heard a knock on his apartment door. He crawled slowly out of bed and headed into the small living room and unlocked the front door, knowing that it was Hizashi most likely and if not- well he would deal with it later.

But thankfully it was the blond man he was waiting for, as Hizashi opened the door and saw the tears running down Rowan’s face still. He closed the door behind him and put his arms out for Rowan.

“Come here Rowboat. “ he muttered softly, making Rowan hiccup a sob and run into his arms. He nestled his head into his friend’s neck as he cried harder.

Hizashi scooped him up and started to carry him back to his room.

“Come on Rowboat. Let’s get you in bed and comfy… I wont leave until the morning.”

Rowan nodded slowly, acknowledging that Hizashi was talking. He was experiencing one of the worst back lashes from having the nightmare in a long time. Normally he didn’t cry this hard. He normally was pretty okay after crying for a minute or two.

But with her two year anniversary around the corner - it was not surprising that he was reacting so violently with his crying.

It had only been a year since he moved here, and only 10 months working with Hizashi at the station. Rowan lifted his head up and cuddled up to Hizashi closer as the other laid him down on the bed.

“I’ll be here. It’s okay.” Hizashi whispered softly. The two laid down together and held each other as Rowan sobbed harder until no more tears could come. He whimpered softly as Hizashi rubbed his back and kissed his forehead.

“I love you Rowan.”

They both froze for a heartbeat.

“Shit yeah bad timing.” Hizashi muttered and pulled him closer. “Just ignore that until you’re ready and okay.”

Rowan nodded numbly. Hizashi loved him? The disgusting person he was. The one who was weak, sick and let his twin… his everything… die without him even trying to be there to protect her.

How could someone love someone like him? It didn;t make sense.

But Hizashi was still here. Through everything he still was here and wanted to be around him. He knew he suffered a loss in America and he was broken because of it. Hizashi knew all this and still … he still loved him?

Rowan didn’t understand. But Hizashi stayed quiet as Rowan’s mind raced now.

Rowan started to feel heavy as sleep and emotional drainedness over took him.


Rowan woke up extremely slowly to the sound of pounding on his door. Rowan looked over at Hizashi who was still asleep in the bed next to him. He must have brought out the spare blankets because each of them had one draped over them.

Rowan groggily walked back out to the living room and opened the front door and blinked.


“I AM HERE! For Present Mic! He’s suppose to be at the school by now and everyone is a little worried about him. The last location his phone pinged was here. Are you his boyfriend?”

Rowan flushed heavily and slammed the door in the hero’s face on reflex.

“AH SHIT! “ Rowan opened the door , even more flustered now. “Sorry All Might. I’ll go get him, he’s in my room. If you need to, you may come inside?” Rowan scrambled to head back to his room as THE All Might Came inside and shut the door behind him.

Rowan made his way back into his room and shook Hizashi’s shoulder softly.

“Hey…hey..” He glanced off on the side table and saw that Hizashi’s phone was dead, his charger barely not plugged in. And his hearing aids next to his phone. Rowan crawled over Hizashi and cupped his face, pressing his cheeks together and kissing his forehead.

Hizashi’s eyes blinked open slowly , and a low groan escaped from his mouth as he stretched out.

“Morning Rowboat. You’re doing better?” He asked softly, pressing his head against the other’s.

“UHHHHH YEAH” Rowan Nervously sweated as he spoke loud enough for Hizashi to hear him and looked at the door way to see All Might standing there.

He flushed harder and poked Hizashi’s shoulder , making him look in All Might’s direction.


“Yeahhhhhhhh… I think next time you come over you should really actually charge your phone. “ Rowan chuckled softly as Hizashi put back in his hearing aids and grabbed his cell phone.

“Bye Rowboat.” Hizashi whipped around and kissed Rowan before freezing again.

“We will talk about this later. You are late for work and your students are gonna have a million questions.” Rowan chuckled and pushed Hizashi towards All Might.

“Thank you for sleeping over though… It really helped.” Rowan muffled into his back, hugging him from behind before giving him a final push towards the other teacher at U.A..

With them both gone Rowan now had a lot to think about while getting ready for work at the Radio Station today.