Passing Down the Crown

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
3 7772 2 3

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

"It’s time to pass my crown to someone else… someone I trust… someone that is always at my side…''

Table of contents:

Part One: It’s Not a Rumor! Part Two: Festival Arrangements Part Three: Let’s Celebrate!

Image Credits: LightGem

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Part One: It’s Not a Rumor!

It was early morning as the dappled sunlight broke through the gaps of the dense leafy coverage high up in the sky that the birch tree forest provided, the creatures of Deep Lock just beginning their daily tasks and social activities that could be heard to those who would stop to listen to them, odd cheeps, croaks and subtle buzzing carried on the crisp morning breeze that wound its way through the forest foliage and the leafy coverage above. A couple of sounds in particular were most prominent, the sharp snapping of twigs and crunching of leaf litter around two sets of feet, yet only one figure could be seen in addition to a maniacal yet playful cackle echoing and bouncing off the trees around them. ''Keep this up and I'll leave you behind'' A voice snapped sternly as it's owner carried on walking forward with showing no sign of slowing to a halt, long silver hair flowed behind them in an almost ethereal manor gently brushing the foliage below, the male had blood tainted orbs and large curled horns with protrusions running down them, they were entirely of a monotone colour pallet, their body consisting of shades of dark gray's, clothed in a white feudal era japan esc outfit with streaks of red adorned on the design, a large, long and puffy white scarf hanging off one shoulder, its tip trailing behind them on the ground. This individual went by the name of Tānji, he was an expressionless individual unless angered, and had a mysterious way with his words, never saying what he truly meant to say often coming off very blunt and cruel. 

A nose of protest was given in response to the males harsh words followed by a scraping noise of something sliding down the side of a tree ending with a thud on the ground as some foliage scattered and spirald with the sudden motion, though what or more accurately who the noise belonged to was not visible straight away surprisingly this nether concerned or made Tānji feel threatened as he simply carried on walking his usual pace, soon enough the invisible being soon made themselves known as they removed their hand from the pale smooth bark of the birch tree their body steadily materialised out of thin air. ''Your so mean Tānji'' A female voice mumbled now fully visible to the eye, she was of an equal monotone colouration similar to Tānji's but much lighter, the main differences being that she had soft yellow eyes and vegetal growth adorning their body that grew naturally on the female, in addition their horns were very different from Tānji's for they bore similarity to that of a deers and were more complex in appearance, the females name? Narüga, she was a stark contrast to Tānji's personality, very expressive and playful some might say to a childish degree. 

To outsiders looking in on their exchanges to better understand the actual definition of their relationship would prove to be hard for anyone to categorize it, however the two understood each other very well, even behind the hidden meaning of his words and cold exterior Narüga understood and accepted him for all that he was and is, even if what that was or is, was not a being of good deeds. Though Tānji however did care for his leafy companion, despite the fact he did not show it at all, at least verbally, she knew well enough for he was a lot more tame and tolerant of others when he was within her company. 

The two traveled the world of Deep Lock a lot together, most of the time for no reason in particular, this time however their sights were set on the citadel which acted as the capital of the Gemmer's Canyon, a large tempel esc tower almost tall enough to pierce the clouds above, It held many features from a huge public library, and a large trading fair, a mail center as well as the treasury and not to forget at the towers peak the Cardinals could be found working away. The tower was almost as old as time and adorned with trees growing from the sides and other vegetal growth hanging on the edges, despite its age it was sturdy and well looked after for it housed many citizens and was the heart of the Gemmer's Canyon. The soul purpose for their visit was to trade off their wares, get some food and rest before going about on their way, it was a supposed to be a mear inbetween and since it was on their planned route it made sense to go there than to take a detour to an outpost somewhere that would offer less in return for their efforts.

After half a day's worth of travel by foot behind them, soon the tower broke the horizon of their view, Tānji paused briefly to side eye his companion and state. ''Pick up the pace'' Narüga broke out an excited grin and soon skipped giddly ahead with Tānji taking long legged strides behind her keeping up with ease, however as they reached the base of the tower they found themselves coming to an abrupt stop, they soon realised that their plan, while solid on paper was no longer going to be a simple task, for neither of them could have predicted that they would be met with what their eyes were currently witnessing, Narüga's earlier giddy mood faded as she took a nervous and anxious gaze towards Tānji and back again to the scene.

Busy, frantic, chaotic and damn right noisy would be the best way to describe the ongoing scene that was gripping the citadel, while it was to be expected being the center of the Gemmer's Canyon, this was in over abundance. Horned's in a swarm like frenzy buzzing around left right and center, flyers littering the towers floor franticly dancing around over the ground and in air with the unwavering movement. Shrieks of delight and shock carried on the subtle and otherwise relaxing breeze. The populace with equally shocked and delighted expressions plastered on the duzons of faces, while others with holding their reaction and words with a bated breath as their eyes hungrily darted left to right, eating up the contents held upon the leaflets surface. 

The two had just arrived from their long and weary travels merely seeking for a simple bite to eat to warm their stomach's, roof over their heads and to trade their wares before carrying on their merry way onto the next adventure, but the scene in front of them hinted that would be harder than they had thought. Tānji's clawed hand flexed and anticipation for a fight his piercing yet expressionless gaze roving over the scene in front of them while the inquisitive Narüga let a hum from her lips escape while tilting her head to the side curiously with a beady eyed expression painted over her previously nervous features. Ignoring the ever growing twitchy Tānji Narüga's gaze was drawn to a spiraling leaflet practically dancing its way to them in a taunting manor as if it held all the answers they sought, and in truth it did.  

Narüga skipped her way over the the taunting material, her leafy growth bouncing and swaying with her own body motion before greedily swiping the piece of parchment mid dance. ''Ohh... Ohhh!'' She exclaimed drawing the bloody eyed gaze of Tānji away from the scene ahead and towards her general vicinity, he dare not move his position, knowing that the female would come over and tell him anyway. As if his train of thoughts summoned her, Narüga hastialy trotted over to him gently tugging a long baggy sleeve of his outfit like a child trying to draw the attention of its parents. ''Look! Look!'' She exclaimed while waving her arms around expressively before Tānji, who in no particular rush or urgency, plucked the contents from her flailing hold, his eyes lazily taking up the words contents while Narüga watched for his reaction, if any, with a bated breath. After what seemed like an eternity to Narüga, Tānji clicked his tongue and sighed. '' So, that's what this fuss Is all about?'' He paused as his eyelids rolled over his orbs before adding. ''I care not'' The male stated in a finality before letting the leaflet escape his grip and spiral towards the ground as it slinked away with the movement of the populace, as if saddened by Tānji's lack of care. 

His leafy companion puffed out her cheeks before dramatically placing her hands on her hips. ''But Tānji y-'' Narüga was about to go off on a verbal speech and supposed lesson about how it was a big deal and how he should care before being rudely interrupted. ''Hey! It's a big deal ya know! We are being crowned with a new leader, show some respect!'' A long white haired Horned with sky blue pigmenting along with royal blue gradients along side pastel purple, blue wings attached on their back boldly butted in. Narüga eyed the blue eyed Horned with concern and tense uneasiness, Tānji's eyelids snapped open in a flash at the interruption, loathing those who interrupt his woman when she is speaking seeing it as a punishable offence best redeemed by death, not that there weren't any other methods of redemption by his books. ''Are you quite finished?'' Tānji held his head as if looking down his nose at them in a deadly stare, the 'offending' Horned staring back, unable to brake Tānji's tense deathly gaze their whole body cemented in place before feeling their eyes beginning to sting and- ''Ahahah!'' Narüga forcefully laughed pushing herself in to her companion with the subtle plea asking him to stop painted on her features as she caught onto what he was doing. ''your so funny Tānji!'' Narüga squealed patting his clothed shoulders a few times drawing his hateful stare off the stranger giving them the chance to scurry away for high haven! 

''Tānnnnjiiii!'' She turned to him and whined dramatically as the stranger fled, cocking her head to the sky as if asking the great spirits for their strength. ''please, please, pleaseeee, no murder?'' She gazed at him gripping both her own hands in a prayer with a glassy eyed expression. ''Please?'' She whispered as she purposely fluttered her eyelashes twice at him. ''For meeee?'' Tānji side eyed her for a hard moment, taking on her plead ''I'll consider it'' Narüga let out a sigh of relief knowing the meaning behind his words and a bright smile grew on her face at him, Tānji gently brushed his shoulder past her own before stopping to turn a side eye gaze towards her. ''Let's find somewhere to stay for the night'' Narüga nodded with a hum in agreement, they both knew that moving anywhere or getting anything completed right now would be near impossible, it would be best to find somewhere to hold down until the hubbub died down before carrying on, though that in itself would prove to be an annoyance during this time for an otherwise simple task.

Any other time navigating the citadel and taking in its sights, sounds and smells would be a pleasant experience especially the trading fair within the center of the citadel tower where Hornthropods sell their souvenirs and consumable goods not to mention the huge public library on the lowest floor being any bookworms dream, at least before now that is, right now everywhere was navigational hell on every floor of the citadel, unfortunately for Tānji and Narüga everyone else was swept up in the chaotic excitement while the Cardinal guard Omoi'kai and Cardinal punisher Erain were stretched thin trying to calm the varying degree of reactions and emotions from the news of a new leader.

The two found themselves squeezing and pushing past others as they navigated the citadel, Tānji had Narüga walk infront to keep his ever watchful gaze on his companion and with every brush of contact on her from someone else ether knocking into her or losing their footing, Tānji found it more and more tempting to no longer take Narüga's earlier plea for no murder into his consideration as he had been, weather the contact was accidental or not they had no right to lay their grubby mits on her, and it would be oh so easy to give into his past and currently present urges, so easy to en- ''Ohh look Tānji!'' Narüga's grip found its way onto Tānji's arm as she hastily pulled him to the side unceremoniously knocking Horned's out of the way with the motion ''Whops'' She stated nonchalantly with a shrug as she released Tānji's arm as he flexed his clawed hand to release a miniscule amount of tension, Tānji huffed and nodded slightly. ''This will do fine'' He stated tilting his gaze towards his companion before adjusting his clothing and stepping inside the inn.

Tānji's critical gaze scanned the environment, a stark contrast to the chaos outside, the inn was calm and welcoming, more importantly warm and dry. ''Welcome! Welcome! Did you hear the news?'' The sudden voice drew their attention towards its location ''Who hasn't?'' Tānji hissed as a brow shot up in a judging manor Narüga bounced in offering a similar laugh to earlier that day swatting his arm playfully as Tānji's eyelid slightly twitches with presumably murderous intent ''Uuuhm...One room please!'' She asked hastily sensing Tānji's rapidly worsening mood ''We are just EVER so tired'' Narüga emphasized turning to face Tānji playfully winking and poking out her tongue at him once the receptionists gaze was casted else where, the receptionist soon cleared their throat awkwardly ''Uh...uhh y-yes of course, here's your room key, we can sort out all the details later'' The horned let out a forced laugh waving their hand as Tānji swiped the key with a low rumble from his chest and strode to their destination. 

With how long it took to trudge through the swarm of the citadel upon their arrival and make it to the Inn it was nightfall once they made it to their room! Tānji opened the door with force and shut it with haste as soon as Narüga past its threshold ''Sleep'' He grunted, it was clear this was no request but a demand and one Narüga was all to happy on accepting and flopped face first onto the bed like a starfish, the moment her body made contact with the bed she was out cold, clearly with little regard or concern for how she looked right now or leaving any room for Tānji, not that she needed to knowing full well that he preferred sleeping up right, propped up against a tree or a wall in case of danger and having to react quickly, taking his spot as he slid down against the wall across from the rooms entrance he allowed his head to lull to the side passing his crimson gaze upon Narüga's sleeping form as a small subtle smile pressed his lips for the first time this entire day.