Akama Sora F.I.L.E.S

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
3 3374

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

Some history of how the Akama clan came to be. History of Poly's relationships and stuff like that! ^^

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Akama Sora a clan created by a mysterious man named [“POLYBLANK”]. Not much knows about him personally. His true identity is unknown. He had created the clan after he was kicked out from his previous organisation, not many know that he used to work for Toni Kensa and Ciel’s organisation. In fact he wasn’t that close with Ciel and lost that connection with the boss. He wasn’t anything special...a secret agent and hacker meant to serve the purpose of eliminating his rivals from getting anywhere near exposing their organisation. He used to be a dark character with dark intentions at first- he thought taking it more seriously with a more antagonistic approach was a good way of being in a shady business, making deals and gathering more information but...he had encountered someone that was interested in taking Ciel’s information. He was hesitant at first but he thought it would be interesting to see what would happen when he did, behind a sadistic smile he was more or so of a player. He didn’t feel like himself and he wanted to be more free- giving into that side more. He had accepted the deal, able to sneak through Ciel’s office to steal all of his files, he was curious about him but even so- Ciel had caught him in the act and he was thrown out- his negotiating wasn’t getting himself anywhere. 

“How Harsh.” Poly thought. 

But he had a bit of information on Ciel but not much, he knew he needed to get back at him. At first he was a bit mad but….he couldn’t stop thinking about messing around with his organisation more and perhaps take it all down if he was willing too. With that motivation he had started his own organisation in secret. 

How did Poly’s organisation became bigger? 

Well… he decided that he needed to hire people but he also needed a way of founding money as well. He had already had a few cash from his jobs- he had left Toni Kensa behind feeling like a design company of clothing wasn’t suitable for him and wanted to pursue the dark path instead. He had his parents he could rely on but...he didn’t want their help, he was a man and he can do things all by himself. He didn’t want to come off as a kid begging for money from his parents, he thought. “That’s just scummy.” 

He had saved up a lot of money and he had bought himself a big building with many  floors and levels...but he had to think how could he pay it off? He needed some help- he had encountered a casino along the way- he had visited often and became closer with a particular someone…