Rise from the Ashes

2 years, 6 months ago

Explicit Violence

Ashe focused (twin childhood prompt 2021 november mini prompt)

TW: Abusive family, Death

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Author's Notes

Authors Note ~ In this story, I’ll be referring to Ashe as Hana/Harpy and characters will refer to him as she/her. He doesn't come out as trans till about 15. He’s described with longer hair as well as he hadn’t undergone any appearance changes just yet! Lyra will go by her actual name, Kyong or the nickname Ragdoll, in the story as well! 

♦♦♦♦ Age 10 ♦♦♦♦


Fast little feet ran through the house, “Hi Akaya!” The voice paused for a moment to tackle the other into a hug, “Look look!” The small bundle of pink and black messed with her hair till she could finally pull it out of the way, “My curse mark came in! Isn’t it pretty!” A pink flower with a white heart centre and specks around it adorned her neck. Akaya knelt down slightly ruffling her hair.

“Now all you have to do is dye your hair pink and you’ll match your curse mark, Kyong!” Akaya smiled as she nodded. Her black hair almost reached her waist now. Apparently, her parents didn’t want her to cut it for some reason. Whatever. That wasn’t his issue. He was only 12..His only issue was wondering when dinner was and what his little siblings were up to. Akaya slowly peeked behind her. Hana, unlike his twin sister, was typically quiet. The only thing that set them apart was their hair length and their eyes. Akaya put his elbows on his knees, resting his head on his hands, “What about you? Do you have a pretty flower too?”

Hana shifted uncomfortably slowly turning around and pushing his shoulder-length hair to the side. Sure enough, the same flower-like curse mark lay on the back of his neck. The only difference was the colours being reversed. “I think it’s dumb.” Hana said simply dropping his hair and looking back to Akaya, “Why couldn’t we get a cool one like yours? I want a wolf mark…”

“Hey hey if you had one like me people would think we are related or something! What about your kabuki? What did you two end up with?” Akaya asked, tail slowly shifting side to side as he watched Kyong get overly excited about showing him. They both had simple patterned katanas. Fitting considering their parents’ kabuki. But he then had to listen to Kyong go on and on about how she couldn’t wait to have the coolest weapon in the world! Whatever that was. It didn’t last too long as she darted off to show off her curse mark to Chikage, leaving Akaya alone with Hana. Akaya loved them both equally but he sure did find it hard to talk to Hana in particular. “Hey there Harps…” Hana barely looked up staring at his untied shoes. “Are you excited for your kabuki to change too?” A small shake of his head. “No? Why not?” Hana kicked the floor shrugging slightly. “Do you want something like mine?” Akaya asked his bat-like kabuki materialising in his hands. Hana started to say no but then nodded instead.

“I don’t wanna be a guardian. I wanna be a fighter like your family has!”

“Who said you had to be a guardian? That’s up to you Harps!” Akaya smiled ruffling the younger’s hair, “Come on now…you want a snack? We can make cookies or something..” He offered his hand out to the other which Hana finally took skipping after the other as they moved to the kitchen. 


“I don’t want to go home. I wanna stay here.” Hana said firmly holding onto Akaya’s jacket. 

“Aw sweetie, but your parents would miss you. You can always come by tomorrow.” Akaya’s mother always had so much sense. She had a way with kids. “Tell you what. Akaya will walk you two home so you’ll be safe and sound. And then tomorrow maybe we’ll make a cake together.”

“Cake???” Kyong chirped perking up. She had been ready to go for a while now but her twin was busy fighting to stay put. They were both rather late by now. She herself wasn’t excited to go home. But at least tomorrow they would have cake right? “Come on Hanaaaa let’s goo it’s gonna get too dark to see!”

Hana made an exasperated noise. He gave Sei a quick hug before returning to take Akaya’s hand, “Fine. Cake tomorrow!” Akaya laughed as the twins pulled him out of the house.

“Stay safe you three. Be careful crossing the street, Akaya.” 

Akaya waved his mom off knowing well enough how to care for these kids by now. He only needed to hold Hana’s hand in the end. Kyong was scared of cars and always walked on the inside of the sidewalk, while Hana refused to cross the street unless someone was holding his hand. He put his free hand in his pocket, keeping an eye on their surroundings as they walked down the block. It was a short walk to the twins’ house. Akaya admittedly hated this place. A large white mansion lied before them. The Ryu family screamed money..but why was it that sometimes it seemed like they didn’t give a single care for their kids? Akaya slowly walked up to the door to knock, both of the twins hiding behind him as he did. This felt wrong…why didn’t they want to go home? Akaya bit his lip glancing back to the two behind him. He should ask. But before he had a chance the door was opened. A tall guardian lady was standing in front of him. She pulled off her gloves and tsked softly. 

“Ten minutes late. You are to be home by 7:30 on the dot. Not a minute later.” Disgust laced her voice. She wasn’t even yelling but it was enough to strike fear into the three kids. Hana was the first to go in, whispering a quick apology before running upstairs to wash up. Kyong did move to hug Akaya goodbye but a hand quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside. Akaya started to say goodbye but a door was quickly slammed in his face and he was left outside. He sighed slowly turning around back to his house. Weird…that place was weird.

♦♦♦♦ Age 12 ♦♦♦♦

The funeral was on a cloudy day. Hana could barely watch as the coffins were lowered into the ground. He looked to the wolf anri beside him. Sei had barely moved an inch during all of this. Not a single facial change. A tear…nothing. He supposed Sei got out all his tears the night of. Hana squeezed his hand, getting a small delayed squeeze in return. The ceremony came to a close and Hana continued to stay by his side. They sat together away from the group. Hana played with his fingers waiting for him to say something. Sei rubbed his forehead looking over to Hana. 

“are you ok?”

“…huh…? shouldn’t I be asking you?”

Sei shrugged pulling his jacket up, “You were part of the family too…you practically lived with us at times.”

Hana scooted closed taking Sei’s hand and shaking it lightly, “I’m fine if you’re fine. Chikage…seems to be taking it worse than you.” Hana whispered looking back to the gathering. “Where…where are you going next?”

He hesitated, holding his hand slightly tighter, “Hana…look…I know we’ve been around each other most of our lives but…our cousin is taking us in. You saw him last year at Christmas, He lives a bit away, but we can still call. And maybe when Akaya is free he can help us figure out the subway.” Sei paused looking at Hana for his response but he just looked shocked and confused. Hana took a deep breath holding back any tears. 

“Wow…we haven’t..spent a day apart in years…promise right? You’ll facetime me when you get there?” 

Sei nodded removing his collar and pushing it into the other’s hand, “Of course. Also, this is for you..I got a new one so…you can keep this one.” 

Hana looked over the collar running her finger on the fox emblem. He smiled and took a deep breath, “thanks. I’ll wear it every day. Or at least when it matches my outfit.”


“yes mother” Kyong mumbled as she was told to get ready for bed. Hana rolled his eyes. Honestly, a little respect would go a long way. She went to her own room and slowly shut the door. Alone time finally. He fell back in his bed pulling up his texts with Sei. Back and forth pictures all day. Scenery, his new house. Pictures of Chikage being dumb. He paused on a picture of Sei in front of a big tree. Treehouse material? He laughed tucking her hair back. That would be fun. New hideout in the sky…


Hana quickly answered the call. Sei’s camera was facing the ceiling. A soft hold on came from the phone before Chikage suddenly was in the picture, “Oooo is this your- oh. Hey, Hana~ Is Sei giving you a house tour?” Hana didn’t get a chance to answer but he did notice the little wink that Chikage threw in. Sei took back the phone whispering a sorry before walking off. “Sorry, we are sharing a room right now. How are you-” 

A crash outside his room cut him off. The shiri took a shaky breath chewing on his lip before cutting him off, “Fine..Hold..on” Hana whispered putting his phone down. He slowly stood walking to his door as voices got louder outside. Oh no. His only thoughts before his father walked into his room with Kyong close behind.

“You can’t do that! This is an abuse of some sort!” Kyong huffed trying to grab something from his hand. Hana stood aside as he watched his one way of communication being taken from him. A bang echoed through his room as it was shattered. Kyong froze, Hana stared at the pieces on the floor. Ah…he wanted to cry. The two continued to fight over him, Hana slowly crouched down picking up one of the pieces. Their conversation dulled out as he struggled to pick his next step. 

What was the point in the end? To try fighting this? His one way of talking to the person that kept him sane was gone. He didn’t even have his address yet…What was next? What does he do…

But his head was blank all he could think of….was how badly he wanted to leave this place.

♦♦♦♦ Age 14 ♦♦♦♦

“What about Han?” 

“I don’t wanna be an evil villain thanks.” 

“It’s not that evil villainy” Sei picked up another stone practising his throw before trying to skip it. One…two…two bounces then it sank. “Who knew name picking was this hard.”

The lynx shiri stretched out on the grass, feet resting in the river as he watched Sei struggle to skip rocks. He smiled picking up a stone himself and giving it a shot. Ah…harder than it looks he thought as the stone simply sunk to the bottom, “Yeah…Maybe I need something simple. I mean Harpy works for now. Gender-neutral nickname I’ve had since a kid…but I want like a real name. I want a name that guys hear and are like ooo that’s a hottie….ya know?” Harpy smiled tilting his head slightly. Sei simply rolled his eyes. 

“If you want a hot name you’re asking the wrong person. Should name yourself shorty.” He stated as he flicked the others head.

“Ow- sheesh…might as well name myself firey hot personality,” Harpy mumbled gently hitting Sei’s hand away. 

“…Maybe not that but Ash is a nice name. Fire related. Physically can be hot.” Sei was joking but Harpy didn’t take it as such. 

“Ashe? Like with an e? That sounds great! Ashe…Yeah. That’s fitting.” 

Sei blinked and looked down as the other hugged onto his leg. Ashe. Yeah…that was fitting. He leaned down ruffling the shiri’s hair, “I like Ashe.”

“Awww you like me?” Ashe teased getting a light smack on the back of his head. “Ow- Sei! Hey! Where are you going?? Get back here!” 


Lyra shook a pink spray can watching as her twin ran by chasing Sei down for one reason or another. “Can you hand me the black again? I ran out of pink” Chikage tossed her a spray paint can before going back to work on his own section. Lyra stretched carefully lining her artwork, “Maybe I’ll get an art major…for college.” She stepped back looking over her graffitied horse, “Aha..I don’t think I have enough talent for that huh? Plus my parents would never let me…” She muttered going back to painting in lines. Chikage looked across the way to Lyra’s work. He smiled before pulling his phone out and taking a quick picture of her. Perfectly framed against her own artwork.

“I think you do. What do your parents have against art?” Chikage asked turning back to his own piece. His was more abstract, random stuff. Whatever came to mind. He and Lyra had managed to paint most of this area now occasionally having to clean out old works to paint new things. 

“Everything. Creativity is the way to destroying the soul…or whatever. Not to mention Harps arranged marriage is coming up in what? two…three years now? So everything is all about him. Anything I want to do is pushed to the side. Guardian school I guess…that’s my one choice in life. Or forever be a disgrace.” She sighed as she accidentally screwed up one of her lines, “It would be so much better if my parents were dead ya know? Like if they just vanished. I would not care one bit.” 

Chikage made a face before glancing back to her, “You know you can always stay over with us if you want Lyra…”

Lyra smiled but it was forced. Now that Chikage lived with his cousin, Hotaru, there really was no one to run to. Every night they had to deal with whatever rules their parents had set. And that was that. She twirled the can and did a quick signature, “that..would be nice.” She whispered before packing up the paints and walking over to the other, “I wish…” She started but stopped. It didn’t matter what she wished. there wasn’t anything she could change about her life. She simply smiled and watched as Chikage worked on his scene. "Life gets better eventually. That’s what Akaya always says.”

♦♦♦♦ Age 16 ♦♦♦♦

Life gets better eventually

That’s what Akaya always said.

Ashe looked at the red on the floor then back to his twin standing above their parents. How…how did it get to this. What happened…what…


“You can cut it off. All of it. I’m done with this. I’m done trying to be perfect for them. I want to be myself. They can’t force me to marry this stupid guardian kid. Not when I’m not what they want me to be.” Ashe said pushing the scissors into Sei’s hands. Sei frowned looking at the metal object then back to Ashe’s hair. it fell down to his lower back. For his parents’ sanity, he never cut it, trying his best to fall into whatever they wanted from him. But this was it. This was his snapping point. Ashe turned back around to face the mirror. His hands went over his eyes mumbling to Sei to get it over with. 

Sei had been Ashe’s friend since they were kids. They did everything together. They spent nearly every day of their lives around each other. Ever since Ashe was little he wasn’t like his sister. He often said he felt wrong and wanted to change things about himself but was never sure what he needed to change. Now here he was. Finally going through with it. Sei gently gathered Ashe’s hair into his hand trying to make this the most even cut he could.


Sei took a breath watching as the black hair fell to the floor. This was going to be far from even. He quickly gave up on that. Deciding that doing cuts here and there to try and at least make it look decent was a better idea than trying to make it even. A few minutes passed before he finished. Ashe lowered his hands looking over his reflection in the mirror. Tears slipped from his eyes as he took it all in. This…this was him. He spun around pulling Sei into a tight hug. “oh my god I could kiss you right now-” Ashe mumbled into Sei’s jacket before pulling back and pressing his lips to the other’s cheek. Sei simply smiled, glad his wacky job of a haircut worked out in the end. It wasn’t…too bad. He should definitely not do this for a living when he’s older. “My parents are going to kill me ha…but it was worth it. To be happy for just a bit.”

“They better not kill you.” Sei half laughed unsure if Ashe was joking or not. Ashe laughed back holding onto Sei a bit tighter. It was almost 7:30 wasn’t it? If Ashe was late it would be worse. Sei pulled back looking over Ashe one last time. Why was he crying…it was going to be ok wasn’t it? “Ashe…you can stay…here. We can ask Akaya. I’m sure he’ll say yes if he knew what your parents would do.”

“I can’t…intrude on you guys like that-”

“It’s not intruding, Ashe. You’re like family to me. I don’t want to lose you”

“You won’t…I promise you won’t. I’m not dying without you dummy.” Ashe laughed gently punching Sei’s shoulder. “I really need to get going. Lyra is probably waiting for us downstairs.”  Sei hesitated but let go of him, following him out as they went downstairs.     

The subway ride to the Ryu’s house was oddly quiet. Chikage and Lyra were standing a bit away. Lyra held onto Chikage’s jacket as she was far too short to reach the handholds. Her eyes hadn’t left Ashe since they left. She couldn’t help but have some sinking feeling something bad was going to happen. But Ashe was smiling as he talked. Happily to lean back against the pole and hold Sei’s hand without a care of what was about to happen. Perhaps it was better to stop thinking about it. Lyra yawned leaning up against Chikage as the outside lights passed by. 


“Yes?” He asked, moving his free hand onto her shoulder to keep her from falling over. 

“If say..Akaya…or um..Hotaru…were bad guys. And they for some reason tried to hurt Sei..would you…hypothetically of course… kill..them?”

Chikage was silent for a moment looking down to Lyra with a concerned look, “Hah…Ragdoll…what.”

“Hypothetically. If someone were to try and hurt Sei. Would you kill them?” Lyra repeated worrying her analogy wasn’t good enough to make sense. Chikage glanced over to Sei then back to Lyra.

“I mean…if I needed to I guess. It would be different if it was someone I trusted. I don’t think I could hurt my family.”

“I see…but would…it be justified if you had to?” Lyra asked, looking down to the ground.

“Lyra…” Chikage hesitated as her stop came up, “Don’t do anything stupid. I know it’s bad but it gets better right? Two more years and you’re 18 and you can legally move in with us. Just last those two more years.”

“Right…I won’t. I’ll just do what I need to to survive” Lyra whispered stepping away to meet up with Ashe, “See you later guys!”

Chikage took a deep breath as she walked away. Why did he have a feeling something bad was about to happen. Sei shared the same concerned look as they watched the other's go. Something bad was about to happen. 


Lyra stood still over the bodies, staring at the parts where syorans should still flicker, before looking up to Ashe. 

“what..what do we do..”

Her voice was quiet and shaky. But he had a feeling she didn't regret it. No..why would she? They spent all of their childhood up to this point under a reign of terror. Trained...forced to be perfect children. Something that they weren't no matter how hard they tried. Ashe shook his head swallowing hard. He wasn’t even sure what they do now. His head was spinning. He wasn't sure if it was the smell or the thoughts that swirled in him, but he needed to sit down..or something. Fuck. Lyra..what..why? He would've been fine. Tetru above he would've been fine. Right? His parents wouldn't have hurt him...right? He slowly took out his phone dialling the one person he knew who would know what to do.

“H-Hey…Akaya…yeah it’s Ashe. We um…We need your help”

♦♦♦♦ Age 18 ♦♦♦♦

Sei stared at the photo on his nightstand. An old picture that Ashe had taken of them the day he got his polaroid. His breath stopped as he picked it up. Sei…should’ve insisted. He should’ve insisted that Ashe stayed. Lyra wouldn’t have killed their parents…Ashe would be here right now. Fuck. Sei’s thumb ran over the photo. Ashe was smiling there. He was happy. He was alive and happy. If he said something would Ashe have stayed? He could hear Akaya in the hall. Her voice. Her voice hurt to hear. Sei couldn’t even start on how badly he wanted that demon to leave. Deep down he knew she needed them. He laid back, head smacking the headboard on accident. “ow- shit…” He rubbed the back of his head slowly sitting back up and looking over to the window. The only thing outside was an old swaying oak tree. A tree that somehow still held the treehouse that Chikage and Lyra had made a few years back. He smiled a little remembering how scared Ashe was to get down from it. Who knew that he had a fear of heights… He started to turn away hearing a door shut in the hall and an exchange of good nights.


Sei’s ears perks and his head whipped back to the window. Silence…what was that…He slowly stood making his way to the window. 


Sei hesitated but opened his window. A cool gust of cool wind blew in. He looked left…then right…then his eyes slowly travelled down. His heart stopped. Was he..hallucinating. There he was. Ashe. In the flesh. His hair was messy with dried bits of blood stuck in it. His ear was nicked but his syoran were there. Ashe was there. Right there. Ashe smiled, his head tilting slightly as his long tail swished side to side. 

“H-hey… it's kinda cold out here…can I come in?”

Sei moved without thinking. That could be a mimic. A ghost. Zombie..something...Who cared. He grabbed the rope ladder that Ashe had made several years back and tossed it down to the other. Sei backed away as Ashe came in, quickly finding his arms around the other. The shiri tensed at first but relaxed, melting into his friend. No words were exchanged. His presence was enough. Sei’s fingers entangled into Ashe’s hair, pulling the other back for a moment. This was Ashe. This was his Ashe. He knew those eyes anywhere. Sei’s hands rested on the other’s cheeks, holding Ashe still as he placed his forehead against the other’s.

“don’t do that ever again.”

“not planning on it wolfie. I promised I wouldn’t die without you hah.” Ashe whispered back, ears perking at a noise in a different room. Followed by a quick exchange of Chikage and Lyra in the hallway, “I just wanted you to know that…you know..” Ashe whispered as he pulled back, holding Sei’s hands in his own. “I can’t stay here. Not while she is here.”

“Where are you going then? I can’t-”

“It doesn’t matter. I can’t tell you anyways. If you know and she finds out then this is all for nothing. Its my one last try to hope someone can get to her. I...couldn't do it. She's dangerous, Sei. I'm scared she'll actually hurt someone. Like one of you guys.” 

Sei frowned looking at their intertwined fingers, “Stay the night at least. You look terrible. You need rest, Ashe.” Ashe hesitated, looking to the door. If Lyra was here..and she found him here…Sei pulled his hand loose, gently pressing Ashe’s cheek to face him again, “Please. I’ll make sure no one knows you are here. Just stay the night..” A deep breath then a sigh. Ashe half-rolled his eyes but moved away to Sei’s closet, pulling out fresh clothes to replace his dirty ones. He supposed a shower and a nap wouldn't hurt. Just had to be gone before sunrise. 

“Fine fine..just the night. I spent a whole day just walking here..You better appreciate the amount of pain my feet went through just to see you.”

Sei relaxed slowly sitting on his bed as he watched the other, intently listening to him half complain, half talk about his day. Of course, he was alive…this was Ashe…If there was a way to survive, he of all people would figure out a way to rise from the ashes.