A vilainous start: Sewing friendship

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2 years, 6 months ago

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Abyss was a self-proclaimed mysterious Pacapillar with a permanent grin etched onto their round dark head. Even though they had no known friends or family members, this peculiar individual would show itself at the strangest of moments, knowing how well that it would give them that negative reputation they longed for. It was not good for their backstory if they were perceived as the goodie two shoes. Since there was no conflict in their life whatsoever, they decided to before the embodiment of mysterious and unsettling anti-hero. They now needed to find a damsel or person in distress to create their magnificent entrance. It was the first act of the play of their life, and it needed to be of the upmost perfection.

They carefully planned everything out for days, up to their villainous costume in shades of black with green. They grinned as they finished weaving the last touches before their first semi-villainous act. With a mask atop their eyes to conceal their appearance and an adorably maleficent outfit, they set forth toward their victim, one soft pacapillar named Darling. Such a name must have been a strike of destiny toward their own vilainous path of an anti-hero.

They were supposed to simply kidnap the helpless female, but events did not unfold in such a way. As they made their grand entry with a maniacal evil laughter, the damsel approached them and handed them farming equipment before they had anything to say. With her smile and adorable beady eyes, they could not say no to help her with her overly large crop field.

- Great! I very much appreciate your help stranger! I do not have enough nubs to cover the whole field of mine. You arrived at the right moment!

- Well… the incredible me will accomplish this task then resume with the real re-

- I would need all the onion plants watered before dusk. Thank you again.

They spend hours watering every onion plant they had found and carefully trimming down sickly leaves. They definitively had that knowledge because they were growing poisonous plants and not just because of their roses hidden in their garden. At least they could say that growing onions was indeed villainous as they could cause outbursts of tears out of control. It was a truly evil vegetable. The sun was harsh on their costume, and they felt as if they were roasting alive right there, outside the prying eyes of their target.

How could she work on those fields everyday by herself? This was a divine punishment before they even started their evil deeds. Yet they continued to try their worst to carry the water to those poor thirsty plants which caused them to shed tears. They would say it was simply dust falling into their numerous eyes if asked. After all, a villain such as themselves was not allowed to show such emotions if they wanted to fix their poor first scene.

As the sun reached its zenith, they came back toward Darling, as they had finished to care for the onions. With a maniacal second laughter, they tried to initiate their villainous mysterious speech they had spent days writing. The female simply handed him more farming equipment and pointed a soil with no seed within. They were also given a bag of onion seeds. They did not have the time to even utter a single word during these interactions as they were dismissed back to work with a huge kind smile. Abyss started to become scared of this lady which completely discarded them to prioritize the care of the gigantic farm.

- But miss… The fabulous me is here for-

- Dear, I very appreciate your help, we can maybe talk after all is done for the day.

On these words, the pacapillar who was dying under the harsh sunlight carried the heavy material and started working once again. With their tiny nubby legs, they dug holes in the freshly turned soil and planted one seed with care and calculations of the right angle to expand the chances for the plant to grow. After all, Abyss was not one to do half-assed jobs. Their sweat was a nutriment for the ground beneath them.

It took them around 10 minutes per hole, due to the care in their working method. They spend around three hours digging and planting these seeds in strategical locations as to ensure everything was perfect. With their endless grin, they would not give on the instinct to simply give up as there are still 30 seeds to plant in those holes he made with precisions and perfect imitation. They were al parallels and planted in a symmetrical way.

Abyss was rather small in stature, so they worked even harder through their current endeavor which they perceived as a challenge bestowed upon them by their own narrative device they wanted as their lifestyle. They used to stay all days inside reading novels and grew this desire to become one with those fiction tropes they so much enjoyed. Now the world was vast and their quest to an anti-heroic journey had to start with a villainous one. They had the perfect clothes and mastered the art of evil monologues, yet they found themselves destroyed by the smile of Darling.

Once they planted the last seed in the soil they once again returned to the white and black fluffy looking damsel which was clearly not in distress. They handed back the material next to her. Their clothes were now too dirty to commit to their villainous debut. With a resigned gleam in their eyes, they decided against formulating their speech and wait another day, where they would not be interrupted by farm duties. As they were leaving, she held onto their cape with two of her nubs.

- Wait! You helped me through the day without asking anything in return. I would love to share some of my lands with you so you can start growing your own crops.

With such a smile on her face, Abyss could not resist but nod positively with their head. This was how they found themselves owning their own land with various bags of seed and tears on their cheeks face to the work they will have to do now. It seemed like the lady truly defeated them in the simplest way possible. They laughed an ironic laughter as they gave up onto their villainous plans for now.