A portrait of Abyss

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2 years, 6 months ago

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Abyss consider themselves as a non-binary pacapillar since they do not wish to be associated with either gender. They also answer to ‘’ my boi’’ . They can usually be found either reading books in their self-proclaimed evil lair or sewing various plants. They are far from being the most adept pacapillar at socialization. They wish to become just like the anti-heroes of the various books they read and believe they must become a villain first to achieve this objective of theirs.

They have an undying dedication to their own ridiculous antics. They can spend days in the dark for the sake of cross-referencing characteristics of the persona they wish to develop to show this whole world how they are here. They spend hours in front of a mirror trying out the villainous monologues they have written. They are also a perfectionist which can be seen by the way every element of their residence has a specific order which they will never change.

There is a darker side to this peculiar behavior of theirs. They insist on maintaining the same exact daily routine because they have memory issues. They woke up one day in a farm field with no memory. They took on the name abyss due to the feeling they had when they first woke up. They have no clue onto who they were, but they adapted themselves to this unknown variant.

Books were their haven as they were surrounded by strangers. With no family to call theirs, they adapted to everything. An old man gave them their house which contained all the books they were reading. They never saw said man again and no longer remembered his features, but they could not dismiss the familiarity feeling they had.

Abyss hummed to themselves a long forgotten lullaby as they sewn their costume in preparation to their great journey among others from their specie.