SCH AU Timelines

2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
2 4576

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

This is literally just a whole bunch of the SCH AU characters files stitched together in a timeline form, that's why there are different writing styles often. I'll try and keep it updated. If you are in the SCH AU and want to have something added, feel free to ping me for it :))

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Hydra Timeline

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  • Tyr - Red (owned by me)
  • Crow - Purple (Tea)
  • Ryan - Orange ( BlitzzHasCheesecake)
  • Barn - Yellow (pupbarnes)
  • Stone - Grey (pupbarnes)
  • Okra - Grey (pupbarnes)
  • Hylaos (VisionSkyx)
  • Atlas - Blue (Wraithcall)
  • Ajax (Nova Blue)
  • Rowan (OrcaPlayer)


Barn joins the war
  • barns fam took in hier partner when hier ma passed,, hier partners dad had passed when they were way little. barn n hier partner signed up for the war in hopes that their college tuition would b payed for.


Barn is caputred by Hydra
  • war trauma. yeah. during/post war, starting after hie was first captured by hydra, hie became v closed off n quiet. hie didnt want to talk to many ppl. Hated having to shoot hier gun, rarely used it if hie could. one big bomb ended up blowing off his arms. [that happened right before/as hie went missing]. barn got captured [similar to bucky in azzano] and hydra experimented on hiem.


Barn is saved from Hydra (for the first time)
  • Barn is rescued from Hydra.
Barn's partner dies
  • Barn's partner dies in action.
Barn goes missing (caught by Hydra again)
  • Barn went missing in action after a bombing. hie was kinda roaming by hierself, bleeding, then hydra ‘saved hiem’ by giving hiem prosthetics and pumping hiem full of some super serum, which turned hiem into a werewolf! the serum was actually just dormant this whole time from the first time hydra captured barn but it kinda. Awoke? when hie was captured the second time.
Barn escapes Hydra again (for the second time) and goes on a rampage
  • after hie got turned into a werewolf hie escaped and ran a rampage for 20 years till around the 1960’s? idk man the dates only rlly matter to me i guess,,,, barn was treated like a trophy and a rlly cool new weapon.


Barn is caught by Hydra for the third time
  • hie got found and captured again by hydra, which ended hier lil rampage, and then they began the freezing n unfreezing and mindwiping thing to turn hiem into the Perfect Weapon.
Barn is doing winter soldier type activities
  • barn was assigned to stone pentglass [and its symbiote okra] to try and ‘get hiem under control’. stone wasnt the best to barn At First [bc it had to look like it was following orders] [+ okra always Loooveeddd barn] but eventually stoneokra became parental figures! stoneokra actually helped barn control the wolf,,, throughout the wipes stoneokra were the ones who always seemed to stay,, at some point hie was ‘stable enough’ to use on missions [one of them being to get clare, hie failed that.] and hie was a pretty good attack dog. hie carried out a lot of assassinations till like. 2015[??]


Crow is born
  • Growing up, Crow never knew their real parents. As far as they knew, they were born in the Hydra facility itself. Though, they considered a cat named Veil to be their father to an extent. Veil was a Lab Tech, who had an unusually high understanding of anatomy and had a background in biotechnology. Apparently, when Crow appeared in the facility, Veil had had some kind of pity for them and took them in to raise.


Crow gets their powers
  • As Veil raised Crow, he also used them in some of his experiments. They were minor of course, things Veil didn’t think would harm the younger feline in any way. Though, one experiment took a sharp turn that neither of them were really expecting. In an attempt to make a sort of mood stabilizer, Veil had accidentally made a serum that would alter the subject’s Limbic System completely -- more specifically, the areas responsible for emotional states.
  • At first, Crow was pretty overwhelmed. It was like a whole new sense had been unlocked, and they were getting more input than they knew what to do with. Despite what they first thought about the other Hydra agents, there seemed to be a lot more to them behind their lack of expression. Any agent they passed by made them feel something different. They’d find themself getting angry out of nowhere, feeling bored without a reason, or even slightly happy despite nothing good happening. They found that as soon as they moved away from the agents, the feelings would go away too, like walking out of earshot of a conversation. Even though Veil wasn’t quite sure how Crow’s new power worked, he still tried to help them focus it.
  • With a few other agents, Veil was able to design and build them a suit to help control their powers. It would more effectively regulate input, output, and storage. Something Crow wasn’t told until they got the suit was the fact that Veil had also added a modified repulsor to each of the suit’s forepaws. This mechanism would siphon the energy from Crow and concentrate it into a blast. The more emotional energy Crow used, the stronger and hotter the repulsor blast would be. Now nearing adulthood, Crow officially joined Hydra’s ranks, using their abilities to take on tasks for the organization.


Tyr's powers are found by SHIELD
  • By the time he's 17 SHIELD catches on that he has these powers and track him down, demanding that he allow them to evaluate his powers and add his details onto the index. Tyr gets scared by this, feeling that having a list of everyone with known powers might be dangerous, especially because this was right after Avengers and powers are a bit of a hot topic at this point. He ends up having to flee and live under the radar for a while, but this means he has no way of getting any money, since a bank account or any sort of official job would alert SHIELD to where he was, this caused him to be forced into a life under the radar.
  • Tyr was just a normal guy before having to live under the radar and so has no idea how to survive under the radar alone, but luckily he comes across Cygnus who helps him out and teaches him how to survive. The learns about Hydra for the first time from Cygnus as they had previously stolen inventions from him while he was at SHIELD, and so the two go on missions to retrieve them before they can be used for evil.


Tyr is experimented on
  • On one of their missions, Tyr and Cygnus end up cornered and about to be discovered, leaving Tyr to make the hard decision to reveal himself and distract the agents to allow Cygnus to escape. He later regrets this decision, however since after he gets cut open in the experiments it only causes him to resent Cygnus as, in his mind, he allowed him to get caught. Tyr gets experimented on, causing him to get a large white scar down the left of his face and to lose the use of his left eye, but hydra doesn't really find anything from this.
  • Unknown to Tyr, the character that ordered for this operation to take place was Atlas, who was the director at the time.
Ryan is experimented on
  • Ryan is experimented on
Tyr becomes a Hydra agent
  • Tyr uses his ability to manipulate people to try and befriend his captors over time, and eventually convinces them that he can be useful to them in the field, allowing him to be free from being a prisoner and instead be at the lowest of Hydra’s ranks.
Ryan becomes a Hydra agent
  • Ryan has been turned into a soldier, however, since they were both in such a horrible situation together, she now has loyalty towards Tyr. She is the only Hydra agent to have known him properly before he breaks and turns completely uncaring towards other people.


Tyr climbs Hydras ranks
  • Over time he climbs the ranks, though not always in legitimate ways. Every time he feels he can get rid of someone who may stop him from gaining power he will go out of his way to throw them under the bus.
SHIELD attack a safehouse
  • shield mixes hier shit Up. hydra is preparing for a mission so barn is defrosted and when shield fucks stuff up and crashes the hydra safehouse(?) barns. like. mission/conditioning fucks up and it throws hiem off. shield unknowingly had codewords or smth that set him back to Something and hies confused and overwhelmed so hie Bolts. Barn is no longer on the warewolf rampage.
Barn leaves hydra
  • august and clare find hiem after hie calms down in some field and they take hiem into shield! hydra fucked barn up Twice so hie almost completely doesnt rmr hier life b4 war. hie only gets snippets. as a treat. sometimes.
Tyr spreads rumours about stone
  • Stone was a sibling figure to Barnes, a character who left Hydra. Tyr uses this information to frame it like Stone had encouraged this and so other members of hydra start turning against it. Those two things ultimately result in it leaving Hydra all together by faking it's death.
Stone leaves Hydra
  • Not long after Barn, Stone decides they have nothing to stay for at Hydra, and fakes its death.
Crow suspects tyr for the first time
  • After the news of Stone's death is announced to the hydra agents, Try is feeling very satisfied with his work, however he soon sees that Crow, a character with empath abilities, is standing next to him and staring at him strangely. It becomes apparent to him that Crow had sensed his innapropriate emotion in response to the news and so has started suspecting him. Tyr decideds that he needs to confront them before they can possibly snitch on him, and threatens to lead them to a similar fate if he ever suspects that theyre going to use it against him, as it could lead to other members of the team turning against him and stopping him from making his way to head of Hydra.
  • Tyr and Crow are forced to act as friends under threat of mutually assured destruction, however Tyr sees himself as being above everyone and so sees them more as a goon than he does a friend; using them when he can, but keeping them within eyesight even when they aren't currently useful.
  • Through the years they’ve been at Hydra, Crow has steadily climbed the ranks, although it's not something they particularly care much about. One *morning, Crow got woken up and called in for a meeting with several other agents. Crow noticed one was missing, and was about to ask why, but then they heard the news. Stone had died. The name rang a bell to them. Maybe they saw it while walking down the halls, or maybe they had a conversation with it at some point. Honestly, the events here tend to blur as they’re all so similar and monotonous. Except… Crow felt a sense of grief and sorrow among the gathered agents -- well, among most of them. One agent in particular stood out to them. Crow hadn’t paid much attention to Tyr until now. For a while, he just seemed vaguely shady, but then again everyone here was vaguely shady. Something was odd about him now, though. Among the feelings of sorrow, Crow picked up an intense feeling of satisfaction from him, and immediately wondered why. Did he have something to do with Stone’s death? Should they keep an eye on him?
  • For a while, that’s exactly what Crow did. Any time Tyr came into view, they’d watch him, though all they really saw was Tyr glaring back suspiciously. Did he know Crow was suspicious as well? The question was answered as soon as it arrived in their mind as Tyr pulled Crow aside to confront them. (The confrontation)
Hyalos becomes unstable
  • Some time in 2015, Crow is curious about Hyalos and the unquestioning way it carries out orders, even orders that Crow would view as questionable. They try to talk to it, but it doesn’t respond in the way they want it to, due to the fact that it doesn’t have any emotions or thoughts of its own. Out of curiosity, Crow puts their paw to Hyalos and transfers a few emotions to it, thinking that would help spark a more helpful conversation. Things go wrong as Hyalos is unable to comprehend or handle these new emotions, and it sparks an Ultron-like plot.


Tyr throws ajax under the bus
  • Tyr sees an opportunity to turn the team against ajax, and so he takes it, resulting in them leaving too. One less rival for Tyr to worry about.
Crow meets victor/ twitch
  • Hydra had been working with a loner called Victor and his symbiote Twitch. The two worked on building machinery for Hydra, and Crow was sent to make sure they weren’t planning anything against the organization. All the while, neither Victor nor Twitch knew about Crow’s other motives, just that they had an interest in building machinery and wanted to lend a hand. Twitch was the first to talk with Crow, even while Victor is trying to focus on working. Over time as Crow works with Victor, the two end up becoming friends of some sort. It’s a little shocking to Crow, as they’ve never really had friends before, and they’re unsure of what it really means.


The snap happens
  • Hydra members dusted during the snap include:
    • Atlas
Tyr becomes the director of Hydra
  • After 4 years of screwing people over in order to get ahead, he finally makes it as leader of Hydra after the snap dusts the old leader Atlas. He's now free to do whatever he wants, and he does just that. He continues Hydras persuits in experimentation and more general spy missions, but since he has lost all of his empathy, he has little regard for the people under him. Although he does care about the survival of the organisation, everyone is expendable to him, no matter their rank. This causes general resentment towards him within hydra, but he is so good at gettiung people in situations where they are so scared to leave or speak out against him that they feel they have to keep serving under his rule.
Hydra reveal that they have agents within shield
  • The agents that were previously embedded within SHIELD reveal themselves and take down the organisation from the inside
  • Although SHIELD did know about the existence of Hydra in this AU, they were still unaware that they had managed to get so many double agents within the ranks at SHIELD.


The snap is reversed
Atlas returns
  • Once the second snap happens Atlas returns to find that Tyr is in charge and is running a dictatorship in their place, and so Atlas wants their job back. Tyr refuses, but since so many agents had been unhappy under his leadership it splits the organisation, with some of them deciding they are actively going to start following Atlas again, and half preferring Tyr's more brutal but overall effective methods, resulting in a civil war withing Hydra. The first agent that Tyr finds out has turned was Crow, who they had stood beside for years now, and had even helped promote in order to keep them closer to Tyr. It turns out that Crow was the one who approached Atlas, suggesting that they confront Tyr and take back the position by force.
  • As the second snap happens, and the dusted are restored, *Crow discovers that Atlas is back and tracks them down. Convincing Atlas to come back wasn’t hard, as Tyr’s reign as a dictator over Hydra is not what Atlas wants for the organization.* Crow tracks them down behind Tyr’s back of course, fearing that if he knew, they would face serious repercussions. Upon Atlas returning and Tyr’s refusal to step down, Hydra splits between agents who favor Tyr and agents who favor Atlas, causing a civil war of sorts. *Though they hate it, Crow bides their time, staying allied with Tyr until the last minute where Crow finally turns on him.

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