Tactician's Relationships with the Mercs

2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Going in reverse class order since as of typing this I didn't have the offense classes done.

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Tactician and Spy surprisingly started off on a relatively positive note, Tactician admiring his drive to actually get shit done, and done right. Though Tactician knew not everything was as it appeared, especially with a professional Spy, his rather suave persona did get to her, even if she knew there must be a lot he hides behind it. She found his sense of humor quite funny, if a bit cruel at times, but she knew from her own experiences that sometimes you accidentally push it too far, we’re human. Tactician and Spy would often hang out, Tact often showing interest in Spy’s arsenal of revolvers and daggers, and Spy entertaining this. After a while, Tact asked that Spy teach her proper use of a balisong, in addition to some tricks, to which he agreed. He even got Tactician a real one for her first birthday with the team, much to her gratitude. As their friendship deepened, Tactician began to ask Spy for relationship advice, being the first person she admitted her crush on the Engineer to. 

But when she found out about his situation with Scout, the friendship they had built up immediately collapsed. She couldn’t believe the Spy had the audacity to do what he did, and wasn’t going to ever truly forgive him for it. Spy understood that he was at fault, and why Tact wouldn’t want anything to do with their friendship afterward, and he hated himself for the same reason. Over time, reparations were slowly made, but their relationship was never as coherent as it was in the beginning. Tactician will never put full trust in Spy, and always remembers.