The People of Thernia: Jeane

5 years, 7 months ago

Stefani's First Interview, and we're in "Gorgon Country"

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Welcome to The People of Thernia. Where I shall interview people from all around the world, of different backgrounds, classes, social statuses and etcetera. I do this to let the voices of the world be heard, so we can all learn about one another.

Now, I didn't want to start this with the mundane, I wanted to start with a bang, and what is more of a bang than the Gorgon Royal Family? I sent out my request for an interview, and within a few days, I was invited to "The Country of Gorgons." The family, or the person providing on their behalf at least, was very generous. They wanted me to see the sights of the country before I interview them. I was to interview them one day at a time you see.

My first day in the country I didn't see too much, I arrived in the afternoon. The thing about Gorgon Country is that it's one of the few places in the world where planes cannot access. One of the world's wonders exist in that ocean, a hole to the center of Thernia is west of the country by a few miles. No sailor would ever dare to head to Gorgon Sea because the force of the sea would send one plummeting to their dooms. The thing about having water constantly fall into the center of the world, is the heat, just as much as water falls down, the steam rises. Gorgon Country is the only island close enough to be effected by the steam. But as soon as I go close enough I felt it. The air is thick, humid. And you cannot see further than about ten feet ahead of you. It is VERY rare to see any non-Gorgons visit this place, which is why they were so accomadating to me, I assume at least.

That evening I was allowed into the castle the family lived in. I was guided to the study. The bookcases were higher than most houses, and the carpets were made of a red velvet. It would've been a lovely place to be if not for the smell of damp paper, I doubt any of the books were readable. I sat at the desk, awaiting my first interviewee. After a moment, a girl came in, teenager. She had green skin, and black snake-like  "hair", she was of average build, her height, about 5 foot 8. I was surprised by her casual appearence, she wore a black t-shirt with a foreign metal bands logo on it, jorts, and worn out trainers. Like most gorgons, she also wore eye protection, hers styled like sunglasses. It was time to start the interview.

Note: As I interviewed her, her body language was very relaxed, she spent the whole time slumped in her chair, and occasionally waved her left arm about when going on her tangents.

Her Name, and Age:

"The name's Jeane, I'm 19 years old."

Her Role in the Royal Family:

"To be honest? I don't have much of one, April's the Queen to be, so me and Juliet are her back-up. Anyone wants to step to her? I'll kick their face down their own face! Hell yeah!"

Connection with her sisters:

"Alright, so let's get this straight, there is like, a hierchy? Yeah I think that's the word. Ok so April, she's the boss. Everyone in this big bad country listens to her. She's the coolest. So when me and Juliet were invited to hang out with big sis, we were freaking thrilled! Like, can you imagine I get to hang out with such a smart, beautiful, powerful girl, AND she is my sister? That's the bomb. Speaking of sisters, Juliet, my twin. Juliet is like, both my opposite and my equal, if that makes sense? She is VERY quiet, unlike ya girl here. And she's all prim and proper, while me, I like to keep it casual. But we both know who is the boss here, we both follow April, because we KNOW she knows how the world works. We also both love strawberries, so really, no better best friend than my own twin, am I right? As for, well, Mae, she's like, you know, the black sheep? She doesn't belong in the family. It's mean to say but it's true. She's weak, noone listens to her, and she can't fend for herself, April tries toughen her up, like the angel she is, and yet Mae lets everyone down forever."

Connection with her mother:

"Ok so like, mum is... complex. She's VERY VERY powerful, one-wrong-move-could-wipe-the country-clean type powerful. Her true form is like, a 1000 foot tall? No wait, hang on, 50, yeah! 50 miles tall. She can crush towns with a few fingers. So like, we don't see her every day like a normal family. She has to create a smaller body. So like, technically could we say we've ever seen the REAL her? But yeah when she's walking around in the vessel it's either due to business, pleasure, or to teach April a lesson or two in ruling."

Explanation of the eyewear:

"Oh yeah I'm the first Gorgon you've seen. Ok so, like, Gorgons, we're infamous. We have snake-hair and eyes that turn people to stone is the stories. Ok so first of all, our hair is not actually snakes, they aren't living creatures, we can cut it without problem, now we CAN control them as if they were your, you know, fingers or toes or whatever, I guess msot people can't move their hair around, and technically, MOST Gorgons hair is hard and scaley, so that's where the snake thing comes about... also the fact Gorgons are a sub-species of Snake Thernians of course. Where was I going with this? Oh! Yeah, ok so that was basically saying that no, not all stories of Gorgon-kind is true. BUT, the eyes thing is. Yeah, so all Gorgons can turn anyone to stone, the only way to combat it is eyewear, because it turns out, even Gorgons aren't immune to other Gorgons. So the way it works is if YOU see MY eyes, you're screwed, I don't have to see yours. So if YOU wore the shades, and I wasn't? You'd be done, turned to stone. Luckily, it's on Gorgon magic to UNDO it at will, as long as you're within proximity. So if I took these off and stared at you, like so, you'd be... ah shit."


The interview was cut a bit short because of what happened, as it turns out, while it can be undone by Gorgon magic, being turned to stone was not a pleasant experience, especially learning that a person not-well versed in magic, such as Jeane herself, takes about an hour to undo.

Blurred vision and feeling stiff in the back, I returned to the inn paid for me. Tomorrow I would interview the twin sister.

Next Interview: Juliet