
2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
1 291 1

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 6 months ago
291 1

blacklist, check here before trading my designs additionally, please dont ask me to draw any of their designs

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these users cannot own my designs. giving my designs to someone on this list will get you a spot on this list and a block. If you’re friends with anyone on this list, you’re probably not blacklisted unless you plan on giving them one of my designs.  


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- mojochi/edgy_lola - scammer, refused to admit to scamming, lied, guilt tripped, underage

- c4ttl3 / cass / noah / etc - personal reasons. please stop asking about him (this goes for asking anyone) 

- slickthecoolcat / etc - using and justifying slurs, guilt tripping, using people’s real names (giving people’s private info to the internet) 

- dream_cactus - same reason as above

-  -buttermilk- / butterspook/ whatever theyre going by - underage, immature and rude behavior, causing an argument for no reason (acting like they owned an oc when they didnt and getting angry at owner for not doing what they wanted when they were incredibly unclear), scamming someone out of $45, constantly making new accounts to continue harassing someone after blocking them 

- ausiie_paws (th taken down) / aussiiepaws#5050 - stealing mine and several other people’s characters

 - L0VESTRUCK (scratch) - heavily referencing carter’s design and my art, not changing their icon despite obvious theft

- opalphine (da, th [taken down]) scamming me and stealing my character from me, trying to scam my friend with the design they stole from me 

- pop_tartz (th) 

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yes, you can ask what __ did. but I list the reasons in this so there shouldn’t be a need to.

shit that’ll get you blacklisted:
-art theft
- using slurs
- being homo/

transphobic, racist, any
 of that nasty stuff
- being an asshole

- making me uncomfy
in general