
2 years, 6 months ago
1061 1

Two young Pokemon playing in the forest no big deal

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“Wait for me!!”

“Hee hee, betcha can’t catch me!!”

Two young Pokemon galloped through the dark twists and turns of Glimwood Tangle. A young Ponyta was giggling as she galloped along, a joyous spring in her step as her hooves kicked up glowing spores. Not too far behind was a small, snow-white Vulpix-like Pokemon, small paws pattering against the soft earth as he made an effort to keep up with his larger friend.

As the two raced through the forest, the forest seemed to get lighter and lighter. It was a light unlike the city of Ballonlea nestled deep within. It was more… Natural. More like the open air and bright sun only told through murmurs of those who entered the forest.

The Ponyta stopped first, skidding to a halt into a ring of glowing mushrooms. The small fox was soon beside her, collapsing in the center of the ring with a huff.

“Jeez… You’re so fast…” the fox Pokemon complained as he attempted to catch his breath. “How can you expect me to beat you if you can gallop like that?”

When he didn’t get a response, he looked up at his friend.

“Stella?” he saw the Ponyta was staring wide-eyed at something straight ahead. He followed her gaze to see a thicket just up ahead, light pouring through the gaps as if it were a dam ready to burst.

“What is that…?” the fox asked.

“I… I think it’s the way outside…”

The Vulpix’s folded ears pricked forward at that. Outside? To the rest of the world? He couldn’t believe his ears! A small smile grew on his face as he began to take careful pawsteps down the path ahead.

“--Aurora!! What do you think you’re doing-?!” Stelle whispered in shock.

“Uh, I’m gonna go outside? Duh.” Aurora grinned back at her.

“But you can’t! You know it’s not allowed; we’re supposed to stay inside Glimwood Tangle!”

Aurora rolled his eyes at that.

“Yeah yeah, but that’s for you guys, bein’ Ponyta and Rapidash n all. I think I’d be ok out there.” he huffed.

Stella’s ears drooped at that, worry and sadness in her eyes.

“But… You’re a part of our herd as well, Aurora…” she frowned. “Ever since you were born, we always thought of you as part of the family… You even help us keep the peace between the Morgrem and Hattrem…”

Aurora huffed at that, kicking a paw against the dirt with his head low to the ground.

“Yea, but I don’t really do anything to help; I can barely control my psychic powers, so you have to clean up my messes.” he brightened up at that, looking up at her with a wide smile. “So, if I’m able to go outside and work harder, see the world and learn... I can come back a better Pokemon!”

The Ponyta still didn’t seem convinced at that, stepping forward and leaning to touch her muzzle against the curly fluff on top his head.

“You don’t have to prove anything, y’know..” she murmured. “Everything we need is right here; food, water, a place to sleep, a community… Ballonlea is right there if you ever want to interact with humans… There’s no need to go outside when it’s all in here!” 

Aurora’s tails drooped at that as Stelle lifted her head slightly.

“Now, let’s go back; Mother will be cross if she finds us here--”

“Find us doing what?”

The young Pokemon startled as a large Rapidash emerged from the bushes nearby, their white and deep golden mane flowing behind them as they stepped forward.

“Mother--!” Stella gasped as she knelt down on a hoof. Aurora scrambled to follow suit, folded ears pressed tightly against his skull. “We’re sorry, Mother, we were just racing through the forest and got carried away..”

The Rapidash looked at the two with a bemused snort. 

“Lift your heads, children.” they spoke, a sense of kindness lacing their powerful tone. “You are not in trouble.” 

Aurora was the first to lift his head.


The Rapidash nodded, watching their daughter straighten up as well. 

“However, I do feel like you deserve a stern talking to.” they continued. “I understand you got carried away, but you must be more careful; the outside world is full of dangers that have yet to befall us. Humans that could wish harm upon us, or Pokemon that can overpower us.”

“...With all due respect, Laidre Celeste, but I can’t think of anything scarier than a Hattrene.” Aurora chuckled nervously. He fell silent when the Rapidash’s gaze hardened ever so slightly.

“I have seen the hearts of those who live beyond the Glimwood Tangle as they pass through; they are full of wickedness, evil and selfishness. They only crave power against their fellow kin, or materialistic value over interpersonal love.” Celeste held her head high as she spoke. “Do not forget some of them has gone as far as to injure and catch some of our own to aide them in their quest for power.”

The young fox shrank back at that, remembering seeing a human with a red and black Pokemon attack Astra before capturing the younger Ponyta, never to be seen again.

“Y-you’re right. I’m sorry..” he murmured. Celeste’s eyes softened as they stepped forward to crane their head down. They licked the puff of fur between his ears until he lifted his head to nuzzle against their nose with a soft trill-like noise.

“I understand you wish to sate your curiosity, young Aurora,” they soothed. “But it is far too dangerous out there. I worry for your safety, as you still have so much to learn…” Celeste lifted their head to gently headbutt Stella, their demeanor becoming much calmer than it was before. “Come, children. Let us return home; the others have been worried about your disappearance.”

With that, Celeste walked along the dirt path, hoofsteps muffled by the crunch of grass and thistle. The young Pokemon straightened as they began to follow after the Rapidash with quiet steps of their own. Aurora paused, looking back at the brightened thicket behind him with forlorn curiosity before shaking his head, running deep into the forest with his brethren.