The written word

2 years, 4 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
2 242

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 4 months ago

Partial or complete translations of Unnamed lore. Many of these are now lost to time due to lack of preservation care

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He who watches stars

I am he who watches stars, for the purpose to read what they speak. They speak not as The Animal People do. They have a written word. Many speak to me of a name, I do not speak it. 

There is a creation in the sky. A horse who have wing. He is made of stars. He speak from another time, a time with no Animal People. The Big Now from the collective people of another time. No, same time, another world. 

He is called many names, and see many stories. Many stories from many Big Nows. How to perceive so many nows, I do not know. 

The stars, we remember. Remember when you see, in every perspective, when you read every story. I too watch these stars from another time.

Participate with me when you watch. Remember he who watches stars, and we will share this Now together, time not important. Time do not matter. Now is for every individual who has looked up, they together with me, and horse with wing.

-He who watches stars