DTA Archive

2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

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The smell of marigold filled his nose as he slowly pushed himself up. There where flower petals carefully placed in a strange pattern around him. Bland white candles where placed around the circle. Careful not to disturb the petals, he turns around. There was a girl there. She had her white wings slumped beside her as of they where too heavy for her. Her faded grey eyes seemed to be searching for him. Like she couldn't really tell how big he was. Or where exactly he was standing. "Greetings. I am called Momo. I was recently sent here to Terra to keep order. I have summoned you to help me. Not only to help guid me around for a while, but to help try to keep the peace. I may be blind but after a few days I'll get used to this place and I wont need you to be my eyes as often. Bento. I'll call you Bento. In return for your help, I'll keep you in good health and give you everything you need and more to live. Now, come here. The ritual is over so dont worry about the flowers," Momo said. She carefully tied a pink and white rope around him. There was a little bell on it too. It made a small sound when he moved. "So I can find you," Momo told Bento while softly stroking his head. That's the first memory he has. Bento had lost Momo in the chaos of the battle. No, she wasn't dead just lost. Slowly, he sat down in a small puddle of gathered rain water to cool off. 'This water seems to have a life of it's own. It just rises up to me when I tell it to. But it doesnt. That's just a stupid thought. I just want to clean my head.' Bento thought. 'I wish I could talk to you. I wish you could talk to me,' he thought sniffing one of the fish that had popped up out of his fur. 'Go back now. Swim in my fur again. We must get going. No time to wast,' Bento nudged the fish back into his pelt as he got up to continue his search for Momo.