Various HS dabbles

2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
2 606

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

oh yeah baby, welcome to the shitshow

noncanonical or just random dabbles of my homestuck ocs

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amblys: 01

you stand in the back, watching the party start to die. your already starting to sober up a tad. waiting for the moment to leave, you know they dont understand why you do this, none of them do. and you refuse to explain it. you watch the purple blood usher some trolls off... time. quickly stepping out the door you take a hard right and run off her property before you could be spotted from the windows. sliding into a small meadow you began to make the walk back to your hive.

you pull out your weapon as you walk. so many lusii come out during the day it isnt safe. but.. its saver then your hive. and youd rather have a few hours sober. you grumble rubbing your eyes as the sun comes up more. quickly making it under a tree to shield some of the burn, you forgot to bring your jacket to the party and your suffering the consequences.

you countiue to walk, thinking about what you have to do before your lusus gets up and so everyone thinks everythings fine. a normal routine at this point. you mite not even go to jaws tonight. you mite just crash at a freinds hive and sleep.

a few small lusii pass you by, thats normal. you see them ever so often on this path. you think their trolls live nearby, not that youd care.

coming across your own hive you sigh, and put your weapon away, and quickly get started on what you need to do.