Festive Delights & Disasters

2 years, 6 months ago

Festive disaster XD The nephfai crimnas prompt

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Lupin, after settling into his brand new apartment, decided to host a small festive get together for the nephians within his building. It would be tonnes of fun! Lots of delicious food to go around, holiday songs to be sung and a little bit of magic in the air.

Miki spent the entire day with Lupin, setting up the decorations, putting colourful baubles on the tree and singing carols completely out of tune - Miki was so off key that Lupin banned her from singing songs for the next 24 hours this did not stop the centicorn from humming, drumming or attempting to beatbox every Christmas song she knew though. 

After the house was decorated Lupin began to start on his holiday spread. He padded into the kitchen, pulled up his sleeves and twirled his pristine kitchen knives skillfully in his paws before Miki piqued up;
“I thought the guests were bringing food?”
Lupin looked at her, knife inches away from delicately slicing a carrot.
“Yea, but, what if there’s not enough food to go around, I have to prepare something,” he said to her and Miki looked at him, blinking a little bit before shaking her head.
“No no, they all offered to bring the food because you’re hosting remember, just go get ready okay, it’ll be fine,” she encouraged and forced Lupin to go get changed into his ugly Christmas jumper.
“But…” he started as he was pushed into his bedroom only to be told to shush and relax, it was Christmas not rush hour at his restaurant.

After Miki was convinced Lupin would just relax she left to go home and get ready herself leaving the chef to his own devices. A couple of hours later the guests started to arrive. Jingle Bells was playing on the record player and Lupin had opened a bottle, or two, of the finest wine he could swipe from work - it’s okay he owns the restaurant. 

When the doorbell rang Miki shouted;
“I’ll get it,” and galloped over to answer the door. There stood Crayon, a brightly coloured spinx dressed in an even brighter holiday sweater.
“Hey Crayon, come on in,” Miki said and nodded to the food counter where some guests had already placed their questionable food items.
“I brought my famous crayola stew,” Crayon said with a wide grin and lifted the pot lid of his casserole dish to reveal a very - VERY - colourful concoction of vegetables and what looked to be heavy amounts of food colouring. Each vegetable and piece of meat was coloured as bright as the spinx himself. Lupin almost did a spit take looking at the stew.
“That’s very colourful looking…” Lupin said to him and glanced down at the stew with a questionable look. It would be fine.

“Miki,” Lupin whispered as he scooted over to Miki who was still staring at the crayola stew on the counter.
“Mmmm,” she said as her eyes scanned the rest of the mostly inedible food.
“So far we have a cheese board, that’s about the only thing that’s edible!” Lupin growled and she shrugged.
“I just presumed all spinxyn could cook,” she said, which got a look from Lupin - the look.
“Lets just hope the next guest will bring something edible, otherwise I’m going to skewer you,” he hissed. Miki laughed awkwardly at her friend’s comment. He didn’t mean that…she hoped.

A little bit later the doorbell rang again and Lupin answered, glass of wine in hand - he was hoping the alcohol would help eliminate the taste of crayons out of his mouth. When Crayon said it was crayola stew Lupin hadn’t realised they’d actually dyed the veg and meat with crayola crayons.
“Sariel, welcome to the party, come on in,” Lupin said with a happy grin when he saw the spinx, but the grin faded as he was handed a ‘bowl’ - it was a carved out watermelon.
“What’s this dish…” Lupin said, trying as much as he could to keep the polite tone in his voice.
“Oh, it’s watermelon noodle soup!” Sariel exclaimed, sounding quite proud of himself. “It’s a watermelon, carved out, and filled with spicy noodle soup. It's one of my most well known dishes. You can have the recipe if you like Lupin. It'd make bank at your restaurant!”
Lupin stared at the swirling concoction of cold noodle soup swimming around in the watermelon carcas.
“I see…” was all he managed to say as his eyes squinted, noticing a few seeds sprinkled around the noodles.
“Why don’t you try it,” Sariel added and Lupin looked up, sweat dripping from his brow as he picked up the chop sticks and moved the dripping chicken noodles towards his mouth. He was all for adventurous foods and he’d definitely tried some cursed recipes in the past but when his tongue touched the slimy, slightly sweet yet salty, chicken noodles his whole body shuddered. His fur stood on end but he chewed and nodded, giving Sariel a thumbs up and letting the spinxyn head back to the party before placing the watermelon noodles on the counter next to the now brown looking crayola soup.

Lupin looked at Miki as she checked out the hollowed out watermelon.
“That’s a new one…” she said looking over to the now slightly green Lupin. “You alright?” she asked.
“Yea, be right back,” he said and ran to go throw up in the bathroom. Miki made a mental note not to try either of the odd dishes that were brought to the table.

Lupin, now a whole bottle of wine down, went to answer the door to let the final guest in. Creamsicle. His nose met the sweet smelling deliciousness of freshly baked treats, ice cream sundaes and…
“Oh thank the gods is that eggnog,” he said to him and Creamsicle smiled widely, only happy to hand his friend the glass as he walked in with a literal cart full of frozen delights and festive treats.
“You alright Lupin?” He asked him as he watched the spinx down the eggnog.
“Yea, let's just say that next time I decide to organize a get-together, I won't be listening to Miki,” he said and Creamsicle glanced around at the plethora of cheese boards and a few questionable dishes.
“Well, I also have margaritas,” Creamsicle said and Lupin almost cried as he was given the delicious alcoholic beverage.
“You always know how to take the pain away,” Lupin said and Creamsicle patted Lupin’s back laughing softly as the chef sipped the perfect cocktail.
“Happy holidays Lupin.”