An Domhan - General information - ONE

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 4 months ago
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Chapter 5
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

An Domhan is an interconnected universe where the most significant and important realms are connected to the center, the following is a whole bunch of information, lore, etc on the realms.

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The first realm was a gift from the Panther to anchor each of the core realms to one point, which was done in order to prevent them from floating off. Due to the placement of the first realm, it was decided that it would be the place that would deal with all the magical barrage from the beasts, and would process and nullify its strength to avoid damaging the other realms. This was done in the shape of a cylinder of magic blasting down from the heavens into the physical plane, the closer it got to the physical plane of existence, the more like an actual tower it became. This did mean that if you climbed up the tower for long enough, at some point you would be burnt to a crisp by the radiant light. Before the tower was placed, the first realm consisted of an already incredibly magic-infused forest. More information on the forest will be written in its own edition.

The first realm was made to not be owned by any celestial beast- and it was agreed that decisions regarding it would have to be unanimous, which meant that since its creation nothing had ever changed about it seeing as the Dragon and the Unicorn would never be able to agree on anything.


Cause: The holy tower and the forest combined

Effects on living beings not born in the first realm: Death and severe illness if removed from the first realm on time. 

Example flora & fauna that is a surviving species of the magical radiation effect:

While the first realm was already quite magical on its own, the abundance of magic from the holy tower allowed it to empower the hivemind that resided within it. This caused the forest to be able to shield itself from the eyes of the gods, effectively hiding any and all activity within it.


The holy tower often attempts exposure tests using children and students that were brought to them. The parents are not aware of these practices. The experiments have a 100% mortality rate and the procedure is as follows:

 -Sort the groups by category. In this case, age. (Four 5 year olds.)

 -Each child gets exposed to the radiation for a duration of time. (1 sec, 1 min, 10 min, 1 hour)

 -Keep children under vigilant watch, seperated in rooms. Do not allow anyone to come in contact with them. Observe the results.

 Current results always seem to be: 

Child 1:

 -At first seem fine but gradually mutates over the day after being exposed. 

-Develop a cold, followed by a fever. -Generally weak, unable to speak. 

-Go blind by the end of the day. 

-If left untreated, suffer for a month before dying unexpectantly in a magical burst. 

-Can be cured through extensive and experimental treatment. 

Child 2: >Follows the symptoms of child 1 but more intensely.

 -Weirdly enough last a bit longer than a month before dying.

 -Unlikely to be treatable unless child is lucky. 

Child 3: >See past results, alongside an increase in survival time by one extra month. 

-Vein-like markings form on the places of their vital organs. 

-Die as a result of sudden rapid mutation, causing total organ failure and near-instant body decomposition. 

 -Untreatable under every circumstance. Child 4: >See past results 

-Vein-like markings actively spread throughout their body. 

-Agression similar to Rabies is noticeable -become drawn to any magic object.

 -Have inhumane abilities, things children should not be able to do or say.

 -Die on the spot unexpectantly. Some may live for a year or two, others only a week. Seems to be completely at random.

The tests are not enacted upon adults. Kochev is an outlier and a cause for a new theory regarding magical radiation. The following information is either only known in bits and pieces or completely unknown by the holy tower. His mother dipped in and out of the 1st realm to hopefully be affected by it, upon giving birth her condition worsened dramatically while her child seemed perfectly fine aside from the surprisingly tame mutation (Half elf).  The running theory is that the mother's life was shortened as a sacrifice to make sure her child would live. She experienced much more rapid aging and a variety of health problems. Kochev however did not do great. He suffered many of the symptoms that have been recorded so far but simply managed to survive it. One of the symptoms that manifested strangely were the vein-like markings- they did not target his organs, but rather it manifested on his arm. Random magic effects were common in him due to having no training in magic. Kochev should have died at the age of 4, as while his performance was fine, his body was internally deteriorating. However due to him living that long without treatment, he finally got the helping hand of the celestial dragon who blessed him and chose him as his successor in order to not let him die as a result of the radiation.


FIRST REALM - The anchor, connects all realms and distributes magic. Owned by no one. The population of the first realm mostly consists of either the irradiated flora and fauna, or the servants of the holy tower. 

SECOND REALM - Owned by the Unicorn, incredibly technologically advanced through the constant funneling of magic. Most realms are not allowed to interact and trade with this realm due to the instability it would cause in development. Incredibly futuristic.

THIRD REALM - Owned by the Unicorn, similar to the second realm in most aspects. Modern age.

FOURTH REALM - Owned by the Panther, eerily enough always prepared for war with an incredibly strong military. All the citizens of the fourth realm are trained and educated well, surprisingly the most politically stable realm. Most realms enjoy trading with them. Industrial age.

FIFTH REALM - Owned by the Dragon. Contains the rebel base. A healthy mix of steampunk and magic is seen in this realm, it is mostly left to its own devices by the dragon. Quite stable in general.

SIXTH REALM - Owned by the Dragon. Medieval, early steampunk development in some parts. Kochev is from this realm. Quite stable in general. For some reason seems to have a second sun- though it doesn't act like an actual sun. No one really questions it.

SEVENTH REALM - Owned by the Vulture. A cheap attempt at copying the second realm, but mostly with magic and prettied-up medieval items. Chaotic and unorganized due to trying to copy another realm.

EIGHTH REALM Owned by the Vulture. A cheap attempt at copying the third realm, but mostly with magic and prettied-up medieval items. Chaotic and unorganized due to trying to copy another realm.

NINTH REALM - Owned by the Octopus. Wilderness with no large civilizations due to the Octopus being unable to sustain such large civilizations after it lost the 10th realm.

TENTH REALM (PRE-FALL) - Owned by the Octopus. Self-developed into a large and strong nation. Known for their active trade and interest in communicating with other realms, seek to expand.

TENTH REALM (FALLEN) - A crumbling remainder on the outskirts of the network, still possible to visit despite having its connections disrupted and broken but it requires a lot of dangerous loopholes and a good knowledge of the layout of the area. There are still folks who live here, although most have turned into demons or various other creatures of the dark. Those that did manage to remain human aim to help their fellow folk even if they lost themselves. A collective hatred for the Dragon and the Octopus is present. The Dragon for convincing and deceiving them into breaking the laws, and the Octopus for its inability to care and stop its folk.

Sometimes, an exile from the tenth realm may attempt and even succeed and returning to the nine realms. They would be marked immediately as an exile by the realms themselves, but weirdly enough the Dragon's realms don't try and hurt these exiles. Possibly as an apology or a form of appeasement.