An Domhan - General information - ONE

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 4 months ago
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Chapter 6
Published 5 years, 4 months ago

An Domhan is an interconnected universe where the most significant and important realms are connected to the center, the following is a whole bunch of information, lore, etc on the realms.

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The tenth realm had been a relatively tame realm. It was not as impressive as the second or third realms, had no strong military power like the fourth realm, and definitely had nothing as fancy as a second sun like the sixth realm. It was calm, small, and considered primitive by other realms. Even its beast did not interact much with it, causing it to develop on its own with little to no influence from the gods. They believed that if a god spoke to them it was an incredible event and it had to be celebrated. 

The Celestial Dragon noticed how the tenth realm was neglected by the Octopus, and chose to experiment with it. It spoke to the tenth realm and it was thoroughly amused by their response, hearing them give him their unwavering loyalty was a little bit concerning but simply gave him more ideas for experiments. He decided he would continue poking this little place until the Octopus would stop him, the first action he had taken was to increase the magic flow in the world. He allowed the citizens of the tenth realm to use wondrous magical abilities that none of them had witnessed before and simply got to work on making it a proper civilization. The tenth realm responded positively, following his every word and command to the dot and continiously asking him what they would have to do next. They were starved for a god to give them some kind of direction in existence, starved for significance amongst the other realms.

The Octopus did not stop the dragon yet, as he was simply giving positive improvements to the tenth realm which it quite appreciated. It left its guard down and did not quite watch what the Dragon did, which was a severe and lazy mistake on its part. The dragon wanted to test how far he could get these civilians to follow his lead, and told them to start building an army in secret to be on the same level as the fourth realm. And they did, it took them long but they made an army, a massive army, just to please the Dragon. And then he decided to get them to attack the ninth realm, and what the Octopus did not notice was that this war was not a war within the ninth realm. It was a war between two of his own realms. And thus they conquered, and then they conquered the eighth realm, and the seventh. They left the sixth realm and further be out of respect for the dragon- but they made a bad move without consulting him. They had grown cocky and assumed he would support them in every movement they made, and thus they attempted to take over the first realm. Thousands of casualties fell due to the radiation, but once they actually managed to bring some damage to the Anchor the gods suddenly sprung to action and severely punished each creature from the tenth realm that was invovled in the war. Blasting them all back to their respective realm and closing its border to figure out what to do with this rogue realm. 

The Dragon was called out for its meddling, but it defended itself with having said that it did not tell these folks to continue conquering past the ninth realm. They had decided to do that on their own. The Celestial Beasts held a vote, deciding on what to do with this rogue realm as punishment. It's folk could pose to be a danger and if it would be let slide other realms may choose to attempt the same, causing major chaos. 

They decided to vote on disconnecting the tenth realm from the network, effectively crippling the Octopus. The Dragon, the Octopus, and the Vulture voted for, outnumbering the Panther and the Unicorn. The Octopus was accepting of his fate to be crippled severely and the Dragon promised to compensate it for its losses, so it deemed it worthwhile to prevent any further incidents. The Dragon seemed strangely pleased with the result, and when it was time he watched it crumble and fall as the light of the Anchor drained out of the realm, leaving it for the dogs. He witnessed the demons overtaking it, killing hundreds. He witnessed the ground itself break apart and saw how the mortal folk attempted to run for their lives.

If it wasn't enough damage done to the people of the tenth realm, the civilians of the realm that had moved to other realms such as the fourth and fifth all suffered of their own special curse to cripple them in life. The symbols of their realm blackened and seared onto their skin permanently for all to see. To put more salt on the wound, they started being shunned and refused everywhere, people being nervous that if they were to house tenth realm exiles they would be punished. 

 The Dragon decided to compensate the tenth realm exiles, allowing them to stay within his realms with their curses partially nullified, as he could not remove them completely because of the rules. Though most citizens only noticed that this was the case many years after the incident. The fifth and sixth realm folks were sceptical of the tenth realm folk at first, but decided that they were a hurt people that needed a home. While some are still not positive, the majority agree that they should be helped rather than shunned.

The realms that do not belong to the Dragon all speculate he had done it on purpose, to threaten the other beasts and to show that if they did not stay on guard he would take what was theirs and ruin it. The Dragon got a bad reputation after all of this, especially when it became known that he refused to acknowledge that this had all been his fault.



The 10th realm was not fully abandoned, as several dwelling spirits looking for a home found this unprotected world and chose to settle in it to help rebuild it. When the Dragon took notice of their activity, it spoke to them to question their intentions. And when these intentions were revealed to be good he chose to gift them some of his magic in secret to allow them to rebuild. He intends to return the 10th realm when it had recovered, under his control this time to avoid any more neglect from the Octopus. Until then he chose to be seen as the evil beast for everyone, deciding that they wouldn't be as disappointed in him when his lies and trickery were revealed to be for the good of everyone. He deemed their attention worthless, as long as he kept the Panther as a friend and his own realms trusted him to protect them.