Harvest friendship

2 years, 5 months ago
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Pleasant smells of seasonnal nutricious specialties filled the alleys of the selling booth of the notorious Harvest festival. The luxurious decorations in shades of brown orange and red brought a pleasing atmosphere to the slightly windy day. On such a bright sunny day without the slightest cloud and a blinding blue saturated sky, four completely different pacapillar found themselves reunited at the same takoyaki stand. Ironically, the four of them had soft cleerful colors, but nether of them had known each others beforehand. Yet, they all ordered the exact same flavour at the same time. It was bound to be the start of something greater than either of them would expect.

The first arrived was a beige splattered pattern slightly chubby brown haired pacapillar with a sketchbook attached to its waist and a blue striking beannie.With a soft smile and friendliness, despite its loner nature, it offers to pay for the four... err... seven pacapillar present. Cinno holds out its nob and pays before any of the others can protest.

The second who spoke was a yellow furred canine-looking pacapillar who wagged its tails and ordered a huge portion. The chiba Inu introduced himself as Sammy as he held a paw toward Cinno who shook it with a grin of his. It was a cheerful and playful pacapillar who absolutely adored food of all kind. He said it actually was the tenth stand in a row it visited with a proud grin. Sammy was adorable and deserved all the pats of the world. His cheerful and friendly behavious were accepted rather positively.

The third who had arrived was , in a lack of words simply gorgeous and outerworldly. With a pale pink base color and intricate black markings, it looked like an angel which descended upon the world to bless them of its presence.It has large white parts and looked extremely soft with that fur collar around their neck.The male figure introduced himself as Hiver and presented to the rest of the crew the adorable Snogoat by his side. He split half his portion with his feral companion with a caring smile. He then offered to pay for the next stand they would indeniably be brought to visit as there were too many of them which seemed absolutely delightful.

The three last pacapillar who arrived were the splitted parts of a pig-based shy pacapillar with pink colors and spots. Despite their visual shyness, they seemed like a nice pacapillar. Each parts had ordered one piece of the food. They never spoke at the same time and would stutter a bit in a low adorable voice. They never stated their name, but they were thankful for the offered food. The three parts had a quite simillar behaviour, as if they wanted to be reunited once again as a singular whole individual Pacapillar.

The group installed themselves at a wooden bench and enjoyed the food while discussing about their daily lives in a rather casual way, with occasionnal laughters when they would say certain annecdotes. The trip of piglets, as Cinno dubbed them, were the first to leave, under the pretense that they could not leave too late. They departed in good terms with the rest of the group.

With two companions left and nothing in their plate, the three pacapillars ventured to another especially good smelling stand where they , once again, ordered exactly the same meal, which they shared with grins. As the festival was nearing its end, the three parted their separated way with a promise to see each others on upcomming occasions, for it had been a very nice occasion. They all left the situation in a satisfied state.

Cinno decided that friendship was worth it as it fed his inspiration. He could not wait for the next occasion...