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Ohmigosh that seriously makes me so happy though cuz I didn't expect anyone would actually end up reading this big ol thing loL. I'm so glad you like it!! HARRIS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE

(Thank you so much!! I always feel like my writing is kinda rusty, so it's very encouraging to hear heheh. Fionn is great, she kinda just did her own thing without much input from me, definitely my favorite one-off from this one. I was actually kinda tempted to bring her back in present day. We'll see how much self-control I have on that one (the answer is not a lot--) and eY I MEAN no spoilers but Wyatt has definitely had actual trouble with the cops, before this and in present day. So like, maybe it didn't happen here, but you are definitely sussing out the foreshadowing lol. Also, the old couple definitely don't think they're mean people, there's just such a generational disconnect between them and a teen like Wyatt that they come off as spiteful to him, and he comes off malicious to them. But thankfully they're adult enough to be like oohhhhh mannn this kid's kinda fucked up huh, better get someone who knows him better. HE definitely thinks they're gonna rat him out though, because historically that's how most adults have dealt with him when they couldn't control him. 

Ok geez I better stop rambling, I swear when it comes to these characters I could info dump for days lmaO. But thank you so much for reading and leaving the lovely comment, made my day! I will also leave you with the fun fact that Wyatt eventually refers to Tomas and Harris as his parents, they're family your honor. Stan Harris!!!)

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gfhfdhfg aW MAN guess I gotta write more so I don't disappoint!!

(loL right?? it's always one or the other, no in-between. Why can't writing just be EASY. I swear the best stuff I get is when I go into a writing frenzy and bang out a whole piece in one sitting. Edits notwithstanding, I wrote chapters 1 and 3 in one session, after dreaming some of the scenes, so there's a fun fact pFF. Also tbf bios are HARD bro, like trying to condense all this info into little bite-size bits for readers, but also keeping it interesting, I don't know how anyone does it smh. I find my bios end up being way too verbose or just completely dry and factual, no in-between loL. But yeah dude developing all those concepts takes plenty of brainpower itself, impressive enough as is!

Noted!! Thank you for enabling me I will have to make her a profile lmaO. Will have to figure out what she's up to in modern day. I think she should be allowed to have a girlfriend, we'll see. and yeaH America in the 90s, even, so everyone sucks just a little bit more hahA. Wyatt got himself labeled as a trouble child so everyone tends to assume the worst intentions of him, even cops. At one home the foster parent would call them over to deal with him when he got violent, so many of them in this town know him personally and dislike him. and lmaO I'M GLAD the boomers still suck, but they're,, trying?? maybe?? idk they do suck tho lol. The Bonfils also have that weird thing going for them, where they're not outright mean, but from Wyatt's view are antagonistic. A lot of it is just that Wyatt (that is, Young Wyatt,) substitutes every emotion with aggression, so it makes it very hard for anyone to understand what he's actually going through, and it just gets him punished, which makes him more aggressive. He chills out a LOT after this though, the Rockwells are very very good to him.

Glad to hear cuz it is always a joy to trade comments with you! Welcome to the Harris cult B0n3less toyhou dot se o7o7o7)