The Fallen Temple

2 years, 6 months ago

Varin comes across something most unusual...

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Being a god, you’d expect to have anything you needed. People who look up to you, worship you even. Your own temple, dedicated to the good deeds you do. Though, this was not the case for Li’aros. Being born a god is one thing, but being born the god of music and nature during the war times. That’s a different story.

Li’aros had always been envious of the other gods, they all had so much power and people who supported their every move. Being shunned by every god in Arrotria only made things all the worse. Besides, who needs music and the power of nature when all there is is war. He was cast aside as unneeded.

On the verge of death from neglect and violence from the mortals, Silennia did the only thing she could think of to save Lepliora’s rotting forests and killed him. His temple was left to crumble, turning into the ruins that stand today.

Varin kneeled in front of the statue that stood in the abandoned sanctuary, staring up at the young god’s likeness.

“So much was taken from you….”

Varin was one of the only few who have ever been able to withstand the temple's curse, or that even knew of its existence. When he first discovered it, he found that the sanctuary and all its plant life were still intact and alive despite the state of everything else. His curiosity was piqued to say the least. Information on the Temple of Li’aros was scarce, it was like someone deliberately erased all knowledge about it and its god. Luckily however, he managed to dig up a decent portion of information, as well as make a new friend.

- - - - - Varin approached the….building? What even was this place? It’s in so much ruin that he can barely make out the letters on this fallen stone in front of him.

“Te-p-- -f L-'-r-s” Varin read the few letters he could make out aloud, there were so many missing letters he couldn’t make out what the last word or name was. Looking back up at, what he thinks is an entrance, Varin was able to conclude that the Te and p of the first word meant that this was a temple.

“A temple?” Temples are very important places, it makes it very odd that he never heard of this one, let alone the fact that it’s been completely destroyed.

Varin peered around the area, searching for a way in. Though, despite the fact that it was clearly abandoned and destroyed, the inside seems to be completely sealed off still. Finding a clearing without tree coverage, Varin lunged into the air and took flight. His wings brushing against the nearby leaves as he spread them out. While Varin had 2 sets of wings, the smaller of the 2 seemed fairly useless as they were much smaller and lower on his back. He guessed they were just cosmetic over useful.

Hovering above the building, he searched for another way in. He spotted four towers in each corner of the building, however upon inspection of each one they all had shown to be sealed off as well. Sighing in defeat, he flew back to the entrance of the temple and sat on the ground staring at it. When he heard the rustling in the shrubbery, he swooped his wings around his body which covered his bright markings. His wings providing convenient camouflage in the moss covered stone environment around him.

The rustling came to a halt, and a small creature emerged. Varin parted his wings slightly to get a better view. It was a white….orb? A white orb with wings, bird like feet and a halo? Was this a celestial being? Strange. He had definitively never seen one of these before, not even in books. Staying as still as possible, he watched the small creature approach the door of the temple. It stood in front of a rounded stone with white paint, which he hadn’t noticed in his first search around the area.

The creature emitted a soft sound, almost like a flute of some sort. It was a short, 7 note tune. The white paint glowed softly, and there was a loud rumbling as the door opened. Varin jumped up, forgetting why he was hiding in the first place. The sudden emergence of a large humanoid startled the creature, who dashed into the now open entrance. The doors rumbled again, as they started to close again. Realizing his mistake, he made a break for the door.

Inside the temple was just as bad as the outside. Pillars were collapsed, doorways caved in on themselves, it was in very bad shape.