One Bed Trope

2 years, 5 months ago

Except Jin keeps declining the bed like a weirdo

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This was awkward.

Ryn glanced up from her camera to the red headed fleuros beside her. Jin was intently watching as the city scenery moved by. Normally after concerts, Ryn and Nell took the subway or walked to wherever their hotel was for the night…but Jin offered to get a taxi for them and who was Ryn to decline? This day didn’t exactly go to plan. She was supposed to meet Nell for the concert and a quick photoshoot beforehand. But turned out he was sick..? Or busy with something? She didn’t get all the details. All she knew is that Jin had been sent in his place. He was nice enough, not rude in the slightest, even agreed to be her model for the day. Ryn was quick to warm up to Nell, but Jin was different. He was nice yes but he was more mature and just… Her thoughts trailed off as she noticed his eyes on her. She felt her face flushing as she quickly looked back down to her camera. “Um- Did you want to see the pictures I took?” Ryn said quickly to avoid explaining why she was staring at him.


A simple response but Ryn didn’t expect much. She moved slightly closer, showing him the pictures one by one. Some she had comments on, ideas on how she would edit them. She paused on one that was focused on Jin in the flower garden they went to earlier that day. “This one is nice. I want to highlight your taboo in it.” She whispered absentmindedly hovering one of her hands over Jin’s chest before quickly pulling away and sitting straight. Sometimes she forgot that this guy wasn’t Nell. No Touching. She reminded herself tucking her longer strands of hair back. 

“I think that would look nice. May I continue looking?” He asked holding out a hand for the camera. She quickly nodded handing it over and leaning her head against the door. It was fun to watch other people look through her photos. The hints of their smiles warmed her heart. She lost track of time watching him as they soon arrived at the hotel in record time. Normally it took several hours to find these places. She was happy she picked out a decent one for once. Ryn tended to be relatively cheap with living spaces. She was fine sharing beds and whatnot but she hadn’t exactly been expecting to share a bed with an almost complete stranger. Maybe if she was lucky there would be an upgrade available. Ryn left her camera in Jin’s care as she handled checking in. She sighed as she walked back to Jin with a room key in hand. Jin held the camera out to her to trade, which Ryn happily took. She pulled out her phone as they got on the elevator sending a quick ‘good night’ text to her brother and Nell before they got to their floor. 

The room was smaller than she expected. But she supposed the cheap price she paid explained that. “There was no upgrade available and I wasn’t exactly planning for this trip to be with anyone but Nell-” Ryn explained as they walked in. One singular bed and bath. Something fit for close friends or couples but not particularly made for two strangers. Ryn played with the edges of her phone before putting her backpack by the door, pulling out her clothes for the night. Typically she slept in one of Nell’s shirts and called it a night. But she didn’t exactly have shirts to steal from him when he wasn’t there. Thankfully she always packed pyjamas just in case. 

It wasn’t exactly what Jin was expecting but the hotel was fully booked so there wasn’t much he could do now. Honestly, he shouldn’t be too surprised considering Nell would happily be with anyone for a night without thinking of the implications. He glanced towards Ryn wondering what the pair’s relationship actually was. He was told close friend but sharing beds huh?  He doubted his little brother would be able to hold onto a girlfriend for this long or let said girlfriend share a room with anyone but himself. “It’s fine you take the bed-” Jin started as his eyes landed on the perfectly fine armchair.

“Eh? No way. You can have it. I’d rather share it than force you to sleep somewhere else.” Ryn said tossing her shirt off to change. Jin turned back to her the moment she did quickly spinning back around to keep his eyes off her. 

Jin listened to the rustling of clothes before sitting his own bag down and pulling his night clothes out. “You’re the one that bought the room, you should take the bed.” He said simply before rising. He turned as the sounds of her movement paused. Ryn was wearing an oversized bunny hoodie but from her position on the floor it was hard to see if she was wearing anything else. 

She was quiet looking up at him before flicking her tail and shrugging, “Look, Jin. I’m a lot smaller than you. I think for your own comfort it would be better for me to take the chair-”

“You’re taking the bed, Ryn” Jin cut her off as he walked past. Ryn watched as he disappeared into the bathroom leaving her alone in the room. She sighed and shook her head slowly standing and crawling onto the bed. The bed was cold without someone else in it. Not to mention Ryn naturally being freezing half the time. She glanced down to her phone as it vibrated with a message. Nell returned her good night message. How sweet. She smiled hoping he was doing well before depositing her phone on the nightstand. Her ears perked slightly as Jin walked back in. Surprisingly modest compared to what Nell would typically wear to bed. She caught a bit of a smile as he saw that she finally took the bed without a fight, but that vanished as he caught her eye. “Good night Ryn.”

Ryn’s tail slowly wagged at her name, “…good night Jin…if the chair gets uncomfortable you can take the bed ok?”

He laughed as if he would dare to wake her up. Unlike his little brother, he actually would take ladies on dates before screwing around like that. “I’ll think about it. Sleep Ryn.” He noticed her smile before she hid under the covers to sleep. As he clicked off the lights in the room, Ryn’s flowers started to glow, being faintly dimmed by the covers she hid under. He fell back into the chair watching her for a moment before closing his eyes. Nell was lucky he was nice enough to watch after his friends….