Francis's Journal

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
2 2239

Entry 1
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

In this story, I'm writing from the perspective of Francis Hawthorne. It's a little sappy but I enjoy it.

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Author's Notes

It was either write about the lolli and the bean, or what cosmo keeps in his tophat.


It was the first night she was staying at my house.  She had run out of money to stay at the inn, she had worked around town doing little favors for people, making the minimum she could as a 12-year-old. She didn't like asking Cosmo for money, even though he would've given it to her. She also could tell Cosmo didn't want her to stay at his house, not that he was stopping her or anything. That pissed me off, he could live with it, he shouldn't of gone and guilt-tripped her like that. She was just a kid! Besides, it's not very safe or comfortable for her, with those peculiar strangers at that old, rickety inn. 

She came over to my house in the middle of a storm, soaking wet. She was like a puppy looking for food and shelter, it was honestly kind of sad. I never thought Cosmo kicked her out or anything, even he couldn't do that, but I  knew she left, and I could understand why. He was incredibly awkward when people were over at his house, probably cause of the incidents that happened there, and he was always uncomfortable to be around. I don't know how she could stand him, but I suppose I am a little biased.

 I let her in and she told me she had no money and needed a place to stay. I told her that was fine. I didn't necessarily want any company, but what could I do, let her sit in the rain? The least I could do was let her sleep on the couch because the guest bedroom was unimaginably full of stuff I didn't need. So I until I could clean it out, or when Cosmo got his crap together, she would, unfortunately, have to make do with that. I found an old blanket in my closet and let her use it. She looked incredibly thankful, which took me by surprise. Probably cause no one ever really depended on me like that. 

She's really a cute little kid. She almost always has a smile on her face. Her eyes are just so sparkly and full of a childlike inspiration. She has so much patience, I cannot fathom how she does it, not only with Cosmo but with me as well. I know very well, that despite my extensive vocabulary and IQ (and however many times my mom Rue tells me how proud she is of me) that I am no charismatic sweetheart. But, she seems to respect me, even think of me as a friend? 

 Peta fell asleep now, I think. I went to check on her and she looked peaceful, she probably passed out. Inns don't have the best mattresses, so she probably didn't get much sleep. You know, it's quite adorable, because she fell asleep with a smile on her face. I left the fire on because I didn't want her to get cold. Honestly, I thought the source of my anxiety would be from the risk of her snatching something, but no, she's not like that. I'm most fearful of what she needs. I understand humans and monsters are similar, they need food and water and stuff, but what about her? Can she freeze to death in cold rooms? No, that's ridiculous. I need to go to sleep.

It's the next morning. I did not go to sleep right away. As I was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, I felt a deep guilt. Sure, it was better than the inn mattress, but was she ok? Was she offended that I didn't sleep on the couch and I stayed in my warm bed? This all tormented me until my conscience told me I had to do something. I went back out to the living room, and sure enough, she was still alive and sleeping silently. I picked her up, blankets and all, and took her to my bed with me. Yes, I'm aware this sounds very creepy, but no, I'm not into little kids. Trust me, I felt creepy enough doing it, considering... past experiences I've had. 

I tried to keep my distance because I'm not going to lie, I felt really creepy. Eventually, though, she rolled over and got closer to me. I've never had a sibling before, so I don't know if I can speak, but it felt like she was a little sister to me right then. I would say she could've felt the same way back, but really, I feel like I would've been more of an older sister.  Joking, of course.... yeah, joking.... 

Author's Notes

Thank you to Scarletfox777 for creating these wonderful beans!!