{🌱} important profile info~

2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago
4 1041

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

all the info you should know before interacting with me !!

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🛑 - DNI


-If you fit the basic dni criteria (lbgtqia+phobic, racist, sexist, abliest, p3do/map, z00phile)

-if you draw feral nsfw or support people who do

-if you are truscum/transmedicalist

-you can interact if you are over 25 but only for business services !!

-If you support cringe culture

-If you are against polyamory

-If you are a proshipper/anti-anti

-If you are agaisn't xenogenders and/or neopronouns

-If you think boobs are inherently sexual/nsfw

- believe cishet people are in the LBGTQIA+ community, (cis-het people that aren't asexual, demiromantic, etc, just cisgender and heterosexual), Allies included !

-Anti kink, but also if you have kink stuff/uncensored nsfw on your pfp please dni because i am a minor.

-If you have uncensored s/h or s*ic1d3 on your th, including mentions of it without a tw/cw  (if you have a warning on your profile you can interact, but i wont sub to you or anything! and even if you just talk about it without censoring the word dni !!)

-if you are agaisn't self diagnosis (i have self diagnosed adhd)