2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

Not all these stories are written by me, nor are they all canon in the universe or go in order

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Birth of a god

The world just wasn’t complete yet.

The pantheon was filled with an assortment of gods, all created to suit a different purpose and yet there was something missing.

There had been whispers from nearby towns, of a certain hellspawn wrecking havoc on any flammable object it came in contact with.

It was so small, nobody could seem to catch it. And it would strike at night when it’s fur blended in best with the pitch black skies.

It resembled a cat, but it was far from one. That much was clear. Those who were unfortunate enough to stumble upon it would call it “cute” at first, though the deep lacerations on their skin would tell a different story.

The only thing that saved most was the fact that it was easily subdued by gifts, such as pancakes and shiny things. A young townsfolk kid even referring to the thing as “Pancaek” in half burnt journal entries.

Elios thought the entity fit the role as “The god of chaos” well, and so the small thing was adopted into the pantheon.

He awoke, surrounded by a field of bright yellow flowers, though some of them were fluffy and liked to break apart in his hands. The flowers now matched his fur. He sat up, confused by the voices in his head that told him different things, but he felt at peace in a way. The temptation that usually drove him to keep moving was no longer there, and yet he was content and happy.

A tall figure stood nearby, watching him. He couldn’t see his face, and that made him even more curious as he stood to touch the stranger, convinced that this was an illusion. A trick his brain was playing on him.

Unsurprisingly, they weren’t an illusion. They were really there, and that somehow confused the young god even more. He blinked curiously up at Oreion and opened his mouth to speak, the many overwhelming thoughts wanting to break out into words, into millions of unending questions and yet he couldn’t.

All he could do was stare