You're Just My Type

2 years, 5 months ago

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"As if I would date someone like him."

Polaris sat back in the armchair sipping at his latte. Something fancy galaxy oatmilk. It was a pretty drink. His wings fluttered slightly as he glanced back up to his supposed sibling. Alucard was older than him and apparently, that meant that Alucard knew better than him. As if… Polaris thought he was stupid and a bit too full of himself. It probably came with being an idol or whatever. The purple angel slowly sipped his drink again. Sweet…a little too sweet but just his thing. Alucard huffed at Polaris’s words.

“Look I’m gonna set you up with someone whether you like it or not. I’m the god of love I totally know what your type is~”

“God of full of yourself….” Polaris snickered rolling his eyes. He didn’t even know what he liked. All he knew was work and trying to meet deadlines. Polaris slowly frowned. All he could think of was how badly he needed to get back to work. Everyone he had ever dated was always so…boring… Polaris reached forward pulling a small cake off the plate and taking small nibbles out of it.

“At least you acknowledge I am a god! Hm…Let’s see. You need someone with wings, someone as pretty as you…and…what else..” Alucard held his hands up framing Polaris’s face as if he was taking a picture. 

“Someone that can cook” Polaris mumbled with his mouth half full.

Alucard made a face and lowered his hands, “Someone that can teach you some table manners sure.” The pink angel looked around the cafe. There were all sorts of people about in New Haven. He was more than sure that he could find someone that perfectly met Polaris’s standards. Sadly he had failed…many…many times. Polaris was just hard to get along with! He was always so sad and depressed and boringgg. It wasn’t Alucard’s fault that no one liked him! But he wasn’t doing this for Polaris. He was doing this for their mother. She was always talking about how worried she was about Polaris. And Alucard figured if he could get Polaris out of his little art block then he could finally get that clothing line made after him! His eyes landed on a group of winged lads in the corner. “How about one of those! They are all so well dressed and nice looking~”

Polaris slowly looked over at them before frowning and starting to stand, “Look. Alucard I appreciate you trying. But no one is going to be interested in me. I’m boring and dull and ugly and…can’t even finish my work anymore haha. It's fine…I don’t really want to be with anyone. There’s…an ice cream shop opening down the street so…I’m going to go get some.” Polaris whispered pulling up his jacket and slowly walking out not listening to Alucard's mention of Polaris being lactose intolerant.

Out in the open street, Polaris felt a little more free. His tail wrapped around his leg as he slowly walked down the sidewalk. All this pressure to find someone that was perfect for him. Why? What was the point? He was better off sulking by himself. Polaris kicked at the ground as he walked. He didn’t need that one and only partner. He needed a nap and a blanket and a-

Polaris smacked into someone falling back to the floor. He opened his eyes to see someone on top of him. Ah…perhaps they ran into him? They had pretty white hair and strikingly beautiful eyes. One was…especially different. Like a mini moving galaxy… Polaris blinked twice struggling to take in all the details just on the other’s face. It took him a moment to realise he was staring. Polaris cleared his throat quickly trying to sit up before realising he was the one under the other.

“I am- So sorry. I wasn’t-”

“Why are you sorry? My name is Nova! What’s yours?”

Polaris blinked again, finding a hand now being forced into his own to shake. What. Who was this idiot? He had such a bright smile. Why. He just bumped into someone and was now on the ground. People were staring. Polaris made a sound similar to a dying cat as his head hit the ground again. The other quickly stood up not seeming too concerned. Polaris found himself being dragged back up to his feet by this…Nova…guy. Two gloved hands squished his cheeks looking for injuries. 

“Oh! I know you! You’re-”

“Hush!” Polaris quickly cut the other off feeling the stares of people. God how he hated being outside… “I’m..Polaris..please…shut up…”

Nova giggled pretending to zip his lips. “Polaris. I love your clothing designs! I’ve always wanted to model one-”

Polaris stood in shock as this kid just kept talking. He had so much to say…to a stranger..he ran into…on the streets. Polaris could easily pull the I have somewhere to be card. But Nova just spoke with such passion. Polaris smiled a little before laughing to himself. This. This was his type. 

“Hey hey..I was..going to go try a new dessert shop actually. Why don’t you tell me over that?” Polaris offered with a small smile. It felt weird to even offer that. He was never one for friendly outings or meeting up with anyone. Well, he was never one for friends in general. But Nova quickly nodded and pulled at his hand. 

“I was going there too! What a coincidence! I’m so happy I ran into you! Do you want to hear some ideas I had? I really like all your clothes though so you don’t have to-”

Back he goes. On rambling about whatever. Polaris simply smiled in return soaking in everything Nova had to say. He supposed he would have to look up this kid when he got home….