Under the Mistletoe

2 years, 5 months ago

Sweetie finds a cute moth under the mistletoe

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Sweetie entered the hive where the big Christmas party was happening, the rest of her hive decided not to go as they were quite busy preparing for when Noelle became a moth. Sweetie thought she could bring some food back from another hive as it would be something different and maybe Minty would want to check them out when she heads off to find a new hive. Sweetie took off her scarf and decided to look around the party for a while and mingle. She was very sociable with the other moths there, some were recipient to her personality while others thought of her as too much, there was even an incident where a grub bit her tail thinking it was food. Sweetie tried the food that was there and wondered who baked all of the treats as they tasted better than any of her hivemate’s cooking. She looked around trying to find the baker replacing any trays that were empty only to bump into a pink moth with a cupcake monarch trait. She apologized for bumping into her, giving her a smile. Sweetie thought she was the cutest thing when she flustered herself about not paying attention. Sweetie was going to ask what her name was only to have a moth at the party point out that they were both under the mistletoe. Sweetie knew the tradition all too well and stayed calm about it while the other moth seemed to be even a little more frantic about the situation. Deciding to get it over with Sweetie grabbed the moth’s face, placing a paw on both cheeks and kissed her. The moth just stayed stunned for a moment before relaxing. Sweetie pulled away realizing she tasted like sugar, “Hey are you the baker of this party?” The moth shook her head to fight the on coming blush and to shake away the dazed look she had, “Yes, my name is Amai.” Sweetie smiled and held out a paw, “Names Sweetie.” She greeted, and the two ended up going to the kitchen and chatting for the rest of the party, even Sweetie helping to cater to the guest. The start of a beautiful mateship.