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2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

Pinkie makes friends in Bellacoste

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Chapter 1

Pinkie saw the strange pippet before she even saw the Ursuki near it. The little critter was unlike any she had seen before, and she was already making her way over to it. She had heard of them before, since there was one that matched the pippet’s description that came near Goldfair and caused quite a bit of problems, but this one was much…tinier.

“Hello, little friend!” she said as she got close to the Lycore Cub, nearly bouncing with glee.

“That’s Kitty,” the orange and brown Ursuki stranger explained to her, a little shocked that she approached her so enthusiastically. He scratched his head near his ear, barely making a noticeable mark in his long hair.

Pinkie was still more focused on the pippet, a big smile on her face and her teal eyes sparkling. “Hello, Kitty! I’m Pinkie! I hope you’re having a wonderful day!” She continued on and on and didn’t even seem to need to take a breath. Suddenly, she looked over at Kitty’s Ursuki friend and stood up straight. “And what’s your name? Have you been taking care of my friend Kitty here?”

He nodded at her, “Well of course I have. She came with me from Andras, why wouldn’t I take care of her? We’re sort of trapped here for now.”

Pinkie nodded, “That’s okay, I’ll watch out for you guys too.”

Sage relaxed a bit, happy to find a new friend in Bellacoste. “I’m Sage, by the way,” he said and held out a clawed paw to shake, then remembered that most of those living here were not bipedal like they were in Andras.

Pinkie stared at his paw for a second before mimicking him and putting her own plush hoof in his paw. “Nice to meet you!”