L. Macbeth and Macbeth Meet

5 years, 6 months ago

when L. macbeth first met macbeth. from L's point of view.

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When I first saw Macbeth, she was standing on the outskirts of town. She seemed to be talking to someone, but no one was there. I watched her for a while, until she started screaming and crying. 

“Please come back! O most fair fates! Please!” She cried. 

The fates? Why would they reveal themselves to her? I pondered. But then I realized, I have the Sight. I would’ve seen them regardless of whatever glamour they would cast upon themselves. Then I knew that that little fae was hallucinating, and someone so disconnected from reality was a delightful prize for someone like myself.

You see, I could never find myself to care about our kind. When I was younger, I never could understand what made people love and care for each other. Other people bored me, unless they were hurting themselves or others. Quickly I learned what lies and whispers had to be spread throughout the school to get what I want. I have a body count you know, though none even done by my hand. I’m always careful to keep them clean. Any time anyone would seek to destroy my carefully crafted web of lies I would add a new web detailing horrible things they never did. The community thought of me well, and never thought I was the one behind the horrid lies. It was great, but it felt too… distant. I wanted my own plaything, someone I could lie to and they would believe every word.

Seeing Macbeth looking around with vacant eyes, I could feeling excitement growing in me. My heart beating like a hummingbird at the thought of thoroughly ruining her life, I approached her. A smile that only I knew was fake spread on my lips, and I approached her. 

“Oh my goodness miss, are you alright?” I asked, reaching towards her apprehensively, like she was a scared animal.

“I… Where am I…” She said, and upon seeing my hand reaching out she recoiled. I retracted my arm. “I thought I was talking to someone… The witches… No, I mean… The fates. They were here weren’t they?” Macbeth looked up at me, her previously dead eyes frantic.

“I didn’t see anyone when I saw you over here,” I answered gently. It was the truth, but I knew she seemed unsure of my answer. She brought a hand to her mouth, biting her nails nervously.

“They, uh…They were. They were here and I uh… I saw them… I think… But they wouldn’t answer me… And then they left…” She looked at the ground while saying this. “Um… uh… uh… can you help me?” Macbeth’s deep blue eyes seemed to burn into me now. It was a little unnerving, but also exciting. “I’m new here, I uh, think. Yeah. I don’t remember how I uh, got here.”

It was the perfect situation, almost too perfect, but I didn’t question what was clearly a gift from the Gods. I extended my hand slowly towards her. “I’d be glad to help. My name is Lady, but I go by L.,” I said. She cautiously took my hand and smiled at me, and when I smiled back, it was real this time.