The Million Pages

2 years, 8 months ago

Explicit Violence

Now then, I've prepared a very special punishment for Vivian Cherri, the Ultimate Short Story Artist! Let's give it everything we've got! It's... PUNISHMENT TIIIME!

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A rope appeared from the ceiling, a clasp at the end clamping down hard on Vivian's neck. He gasped, the guilt on his face bleeding into pure fear as the rope jerked him up. His oxygen flow was cut off as he was pulled into a large tube - gently he was set on his tip-toes, just enough so that he wouldn't die from strangulation before the execution even begun.

The Million Pages.

A whirring sound started up, blasting the students on stand-by with an insanely loud noise. It was a sound that you'd hear near something similar to a bouncy house. The sound was fans underneath the floor cutting on, blowing Vivian's hair up and lifting his skirt up ever so slightly.

From beneath the floor, papers began to blow up, up, up, jerking left and right around the enclosed tube. Paying close enough attention showed the formation of tiny cuts on Vivian's skin, slicing him open and staining his dress red. The paper seemed to be reinforced with some sort of sharp metal, almost akin to a knife - it was slicing straight through the fabric of Vivian's dress.

Monoprince pressed a button on a keypad as Vivian squirmed, desperately trying to avoid the cuts appearing on his thighs, arms, face, stomach. The wind seemed to heaten and heaten until Vivian was sweating, water dripping from his forehead. With wide eyes he opened his mouth to cry out before the papers themselves seemed to catch on fire, the new marks leaving heavy black burn scars.

He was screaming, and screaming, and he wouldn't stop. Tears stained his face. With a final twitch of his paw, Monoprince began to move the rope upwards. The oxygen began to cut off from Vivian's heavily bleeding and burnt body, until soon he was clawing at his neck, opening fresh wounds with his nails as he desperately tried to pry the rope off. He kicked his legs out and jerked his arm as he tried to get the rope off.

It didn't work.

Ever so slowly, right in front of their very eyes, the bloodied student ceased to struggle, their breathing getting shallower and shallower. Their eyes began to glaze over; instead of screaming, they blinked heavily and seemed almost to accept their fate in Monoprince's torture chamber. Releasing their burden, their hands slowly fell from their neck to hang limply at their sides.

They stopped moving.

The machine cut off.