Till the sky falls down

2 years, 5 months ago

Typical depressing stories but nova makes things better 2022

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His humming was so comforting. Polaris slowly closed his eyes turning over to better lay in his partner’s lap. He didn't recognize the song. Probably from some anime that Nova watched. Polaris wasn’t one to watch those. At least not actively. As he slightly turned his head back to the tv to see some schoolgirls transforming into magic girls or whatever… he turned back over listening to Nova whispering lines from the show. At least Nova was enjoying himself… Polaris knew he should be working. And not hanging around doing nothing but.. cuddling… interacting with people. Ugh he was just so tired. Polaris rubbed his eyes shifting again to hide his head in Nova’s lap. A gloved hand gently pat his head resting on the back of his ears. If he fell asleep now he would be up all night. Nova said something but it was too late… Polaris already drifted off before he could process what he was being told.

Polaris woke up lying on top of someone else. He started to sit up only to find Nova was holding him like a teddy bear. Ah…this is his life now he supposed… Polaris glanced to the tv which was left on a ‘are you still watching screen’. Dark… his eyes roamed to the clock before he slowly put his head back down. Fuck. Another day lost. He slowly rubbed his eyes before wrapping his arms around the other. 

“I’m so useless. I’m sorry.”

Polaris felt bad. Nova providing everything without ever pushing for anything in return. While Polaris struggled on the same clothing line for months on end. Nova worked so hard for them. He sang, he danced, he was the influencer of the century. And Polaris? Well Polaris was a drop out college student who could barely hold relationships. Absolutely useless. Yet somehow he managed to snag Nova. It had to be fate running into him that day. Their first date at that ice cream shop. Where Nova offered to pay to apologize. It wasn’t Nova’s fault…it was Polaris’s. He wadn’t watching where he was going but maybe that was a good thing..? Did… ah… he shouldn’t think like that. 

Polaris slowly laid his head back on the other’s chest. The strange diamond like galaxy marking seemed to pulse and move as Polaris watched it. Slender fingers slowly traced the outside of the mark before eyes finally closed again. Maybe… it was best to sleep these feelings off. He was just stressed. Overworked… his eyes started to close but not before Nova’s fingers intertwined with his hand. 

“You’re not useless.” Nova whispered half awake. He shifted then rolled over keeping Polaris on the inner side of the couch. “You're perfect.” He continued getting a small but genuine smile from Polaris. Polaris wanted to say that ‘you think everyone is perfect’ but he knew that Nova really meant that to everyone he said. He truly bekieved everyone was perfect. Everything deserved to live. Aha. He’s so pure. Polaris shifted gently letting go of Nova’s hand to let it return to his hair before moving his own hand back to Nova’s shirt. 

Thank you. 

Is what he would’ve said if he could find his voice. Instead he found that he was great at crying about ever situation he ran into. Even if they were happy tears… ah how embarrassing. But Nova never made fun of him. Always greeted everything and everyone with a smile. So sweet… if only more people were like him. Polaris’s tail slowly flicked over to wrap around Nova’s leg. “I could never wish for a better best friend than you…”

Polaris felt a smile on his forehead then a kiss on his horn, “best friends till the sky falls down... Don’t doubt yourself so much…you’re unique and perfect…I love you.” 

Polaris smiled shifting one last time before letting those words repeat over and over in his head. If only everyone had a Nova…then the world would be a better place.