Varvio's Backstory

2 years, 5 months ago

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     While he was growing up, all Varvio liked to do was talk about himself. He hardly listened to others and how they felt. Sure, he liked hearing about someone else's interests, but he'd always find a way to turn it back to him. He didn't even realize what he was doing until mid high school, when one of the younger trolls in the brooding caverns told him. Varvio realized that he didn't really know how to talk about his interests without telling someone all his opinions on whatever he was talking about.

     Varvio started trying to listen to others more often. He'd often catch himself when he turned a conversation back on him. He had a hard time understanding how to tell others about him that he slowly stopped completely. Throughout high school, he listened more and talked less. He found it interesting what he could learn when he'd stop and listen. It got to the point that he never did talk about himself, or his interests, unless he was specifically asked.

     After high school, Varvio decided against taking care of grubs full time. He wanted to go out and find things he was passionate about! He liked writing stories, but was there something out there he may like even more? While he was searching, he did often come back to the caverns to check on, and help out with the grubs. He liked telling stories to them, and would even bring them gifts. Varvio often went to the beach when there were few sea dwellers there to find seashells and other pretty things.

     Varvio was combing the beach one day when he spotted a fuchsia blood on the land. The last thing he expected was to be bombarded by multiple questions. He didn't even know who this fuchsia was! He answered the questions that she had, then asked why she wanted to know so much about land dwellers. He learned that she was always curious about them, and the only way she could learn was to sneak off in secret. Alfasa asked if he'd come by more often, and he agreed to.

     Varvio never expected that he'd fall in love with the fuchsia. He was curious about learning more about the royal line and how it worked. Alfasa was invested in what Varvio taught her. It got to the point where the both of them were sneaking away to a place no one really visited. A meadow not far from Torrine, where some of the kinder sea dwellers made a large garden. It was full of flowers, hedges, and even had a large pond in the middle. Beyond the hedges was a secluded little cave hidden by the canopy of the nearby forest.

     He didn't expect to be followed one day. It was the day of he and Alfasa's anniversary of becoming matesprites. He was on the way to their spot with his weapon in hand, a staff that could be unsheathed and had a blade. Varvio noticed a teal blood following him and held out the sword end of his staff. He was intrigued when the teal blood, Denzee, explained that he wasn't a lawyer at all, and that he's broken rules as well, so he wouldn't tell any secrets of a jade loving a fuchsia. Varvio didn't entirely trust this troll, and didn't say anything about the rumor. He let Denzee go after the teal promised to keep this meeting a secret.

     Varvio was surprised to see Denzee visiting the caverns to talk to him. He supposed it didn't hurt talking to the younger troll, and eventually found himself viewing Denzee as a friend. Their friendship later turned pale as they confessed things to each other. He'd help Denzee through problems he had, and he got help with problems he had. Varvio had to secretly mention Alfasa when the two were having a disagreement. He hoped that Denzee never caught on.

     Varvio continues to keep his secret relationship with Alfasa. Keeping to himself and sneaking away to meet her. He hopes that one day they could tell the world about their relationship. The day they wouldn't need to keep it a secret from everyone.