Bonding Through Work

2 years, 3 months ago
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Reoseans Included

Bryidae 3544 | Agnulus 3096 | Shaa 7404

As the day was winding down to a close, Shaa was more that ready to go home. Lissana and their new friend Agnulus had started dragging him all over the place to do this or that, and he honestly was struggling to keep up with it all as he had no clue what they had done and what they hadn't at this point. 

He was broken out of his thoughts with a loud crash not fat away. His companions would have had to been deaf not to hear it, and the three of them headed towards the source of the sound.

The cause was apparent. A large grey vayron with a huge pair of wings on her was struggling in a mess of poles and tent fabric and flags. With wings as big, if not bigger than her main body bulk, it was no wonder the friese had gotten tangled. 

A vendor nearby was in near tears, trying not to cry in despair. His stall looked half crushed under the winged puller, and Shaa couldn't blame him. How clumsy could she be to run into all that?

Lissana was the opposite, her voice chattering in his mind about wow, what a special vay, it must be wonderful to fly!

He snorted and started to turn, intent on leaving them to their own devices, when Lissana rushed forward to help. Of course she would. The pink runner was right behind her, and Shaa knew he was resigned to helping. It didn't really bother him if they did or not, he was usually seen as a sharp edged individual, but he did hold a soft spot for those who could use his help. He was just tired.


Agnulus wasn't one to not help someone in need. Having the elf's help was even better, as her deft fingers were able to untangle and remove things far easier than fangs and claws could, and with less damage. It wasn't long before they had untangled the winged female, who thanked them profusely between apologies to the vendor.

"But my stall! What will I do now?" The vendor cried out in dispair, running his paws down his face.

"I can help!" The grey and white female tired to offer, but with cut off with a resounding no from the vendor.

"You're only going to make a mess of things!" He was clearly upset, and no one could really blame him. He did have his stall broken by an awkward vayron, even if unintentional.

She drooped her head and Agnulus knew he had to step in.

"Hello kind sir. My companions and I can help. And if the wonderful lady wishes to assist, we'll make sure she doesn't cause any more damage." 

Shaa left to fetch some new boards to replace those that had broken, leaving Agnulus in charge. 

"Thank you. I'm Bryidae." The collared female introduced herself with a smile. 

"Agnulus. This is Lissana, and the one who just left is her companion Shaa." Lissana waved and 

The trio started making a pile, sorting what was salvageable and what wasn't, until Shaa returned with supplies. Proving he was smarter than the average bear, he brought tools and nails, some drinks and snacks, and even found someone from the costume tent to put their face painting skills to use to paint what they would put together.


Bryidae was more than thrilled to have help, and to try to make things up to the vendor. She wasn't clumsy normally, but the fair was so packed with people and reoseans, and she tried to keep her wings up so no one bumped into them, potentially tearing through the membrane, or hurting themselves on the claws. That went so well as most things weren't built with overhead wings in mind. Sure tyrians made their way through the fair, but there were also floating things for them to access, and on the ground they crawled with their wings down. Plus they didn't have the claws to worry about on the ends of their wings.

She found herself making good friends with her new companions as they chattered endlessly while they worked. The glowing eyed male made sure they took plenty if breaks and kept hydrated, clearly doting on them like some father figure. Agnulus had a way of making everyone happy, even just looking at the flop eared pink male tended to make others smile.

While the vendor continued to be a bit crabby, he eventually started coming around to them, and helped with repairs. He was finally smiling and laughing as the stall came back together. And in her opinion, it was even better than before. The bright colors and intricate designs made it stand out, and Bryidae used her wings to hover, putting up a new painted banner that called attention from even further away than before. 

There were cheers from the onlookers as the group contemplated a job well done. The vendor thanked them, giving them all a small prize from his shop, even Bryidae herself. Clearly he forgave her. 

There was still one more thing to be done though. Turning to the elf, the winged vay spoke.

"I noticed how you keep looking at me and my wings. As my main savior, how would you like a ride?"

Shaa smiled as he translated and Lissana’s face lit up. She squealed and Bryidae didn't even need to kneel down for the lithe elf to jump on. The fair was a good place to have fun and make friends, and as she took to the skies, Bryidae was glad she could make someone happy.


♦ Send help! You hear a crash in the distance. Running to the scene, your Reosean soon discovers that a stall or other fair equipment needs some on the spot repairs! Does your Reosean help? Draw or write about your Reosean pending a hand, or simply watching the chaos unfold.

Bryidae 3544 | Agnulus 3096 | Shaa 7404

WC 935 +9

Personal +3

Event Bonus +3 

Humanoid Companion Lissana +2

Total = 17 CP