The Smile

2 years, 8 months ago

In which Zenic reminds Headmaster where his allegiance lies.

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The cold, clawed hand gripped his shoulder, digging into his back. All he could manage was to stifle the scream, rivers of tears running down his bruised face. "I've already told you what to say, say it." The sweet, malicious whisper cooed into his ear, the claw raking downwards ever so slowly. "And then you can have your worthless mask back." Each breath was forced and it heaved his chest, making the pain burn ever worse. "...I am loyal and you only..." He wheezed, coughing in pain. The claw jerked and twisted, causing him to scream and fall to his knees. "Say it." The voice hissed quietly. "....Father.." His voice choked, his body trembling with sobs. "Smile." He looked up at his torturer, his own green eyes staring at the black figure in horrified confusion. "I said, smile." The figure repeated, flashing its own terrifying grin. He struggled as the claw grabbed his chin, picking him up. Pained cries and wheezes came through, to no avail. Slowly, a crooked smile etched onto his face, one of horrible agony. The figure laughed, its own cruelty delighting it beyond measure, and it dropped the now limp toy, casting aside the mask onto the cold floor.