Buddy Badges

2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

Princess Mimi collects friends in Bellacoste.

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Chapter 1

Princess Mimi looked over at the imposing Vespire, her head tilted to the side in curiosity with one ear twitching ever so slightly. She stood on her toes to get a better view before she padded over to him and stared up with no hesitation, bold as anything.

Coffee looked around a few times, then back down at her. “Uhm..Hello there,” he said quietly, taking a step back with every inch of his body language screaming to go away.

“You are very cute!” she exclaimed, walking around him. What was wrong with her? “I love your ears, and your tail is really neat!” Princess was so bold and had no shame or sense of boundaries that it completely took Coffee by surprise.

“Thank…you?” he said in response to her.

“You are so very welcome,” she said with a confident smile. “My name is Princess Mimi, but you can call me Princess or Mimi, whichever you prefer.”

“I’m Coffee,” he said without even second guessing why he was introducing himself to the bold Ursuki, the words falling out of his mouth in response.

“So,” she said without missing a beat. It seemed like she had no problem with keeping up conversation, and he certainly wouldn’t be able to fit a word in even if he weren’t such a shy boy. “Tell me about yourself. What do you like to do? What is your favorite hobby? Vespires eat rocks, right? What is your favorite kind to eat?”

“I prefer flowers, actually,” he said to her, finally finding a talking point that didn’t make him question his ability to speak to her as she spewed out questions a million miles an hour.

“Hm, interesting!” she said, looking up at him curiously for more answers. It looked like he was going to be stuck with Princess for longer than he had originally thought.