Secret Santa Party

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With the gentle sprinkle of delicate snowflakes falling down, the land was eventually covered in a soft layer of snow. Everything seemed to shimmer with a white glow as the frosty air danced in delight. Festivities were in the air. Lights of all kinds were decorated along the buildings, making them flash a multitude of colors to many foxtopi’s delight. Christmas trees both small and big were covered in baubles and other kinds of ornaments. Some had cute poptopus ornaments dangling back and forth. One of the biggest trees in the area even had a glowing poptopus light at the very top of it. It was a wondrous sight. The exciting holiday energy melded with the cold and the winds danced in joy, wishing every foxtopus a lovely time.

However, not every foxtopus enjoyed the cold. Cafes, restaurants, arcades, and more became the hangout place away from the cold. Each place provided a different atmosphere for the foxtopi there. The cafes were warm and cozy with the sweet scent of pastries and different kinds of caffeinated drinks. High-end restaurants radiated a more formal kind of warmth. The distinct scent of wine and it’s slightly darker atmosphere made the best place for some foxtopi and their dates. Arcades were buzzing with an electrical kind of energy with the warmth being radiated by none other than the hyper foxtopi along with the running arcade machines. No matter where it was, foxtopi of all kinds seemed to have found ways to enjoy themselves whether it be out in the frosty snow, or hanging in different establishments.

Of course, there were also those who simply preferred to stay home. Nice and snug with the soft texture of multiple throw blankets, and the delicious smell of hot cocoa with extra marshmallows. Holiday movies playing on the television as they snuggled in. Although a handful of these foxtopi spent this time by themselves, they were hardly lonely. It was simply another way to enjoy the holiday season as snow continued to fall like powdered sugar falling onto a yummy treat. If some of them fell asleep mid-movie, well, it’s not their fault that the blankets were so warm and comfy.

Amongst the festivities however, was a very obnoxious sigh from Damien. JT Corporation had given him a vacation but demanded that he spend it having a party with his fellow foxtopi. Knowing they’d know if he didn’t, he had planned out a small secret santa party and foxtonapped a few foxtopi for it. Luckily, JT Corp provided him a lovely house for it to happen in. Why couldn’t he just laze around and nap in the house instead? Another sigh, and Damien made his way to several places before he would return to where the party would be.

Kagayaki and Velvina arrived at the house first. The door had a note that said to come in and make themselves comfortable, so they did. The inside was decked out in all sorts of holiday decor from streamers to stockings to holiday patterned throw blankets. A Christmas tree was to the side of the living room, covered in beautiful ornaments that seemed to shimmer everytime light bounced off of it. Kagayaki didn’t particularly care for the festivities much, but Velvina was extremely excited to be a part of something and dragged Kagayaki along. The both of them knew a bit about Damien anyways, so it wasn’t like they were being invited by a stranger, even if Damien was kind of shady. Sitting down at one of the living room sofas, they picked up some cookies that were in front of them sitting innocently on the low table in a tall pile. 

The soft cookie crumbled as they bit into it. The sweetness was subtle and yet prominent with a hint of cinnamon tickling their senses. Not too dry, nor too moist. Next to the plate of cookies was a small note that alerted them they could get water in the kitchen. Kagayaki left to get them two cups of water while Velvina continued to nibble on the sweet treat. It was quite quiet until the sound of a door being slammed open alerted them of a new presence.

Rushing into the living room was a new foxtopus! With a theme of dark greys and purples, his single eye could be seen glinting mischievously as the other was covered by a talisman. Greeting Velvina loudly, he hopped over to the table and licked his lips as he saw the delicious cookies. Holding three at the same time and shoving them all into his mouth, he chewed them with a blissed out smile. Kagayaki rushed back to the living room while holding two cups of water menacingly only to see Velvina, and the other foxtopus, who apparently went by the name of Neo, were chatting happily with each other. Although to be fair, Neo was doing most of the talking while Velvina nodded along shyly, but excitedly.

They all turned towards the entrance as the sound of the door being opened was once again heard. The shy shuffling led way to an orange-blonde foxtopus who introduced himself as Kairo before he moved over and nervously glanced behind him as a huli jing foxtopus entered the room and looked around curiously. He noticed the other three foxtopus staring at him and waved in greeting and telling them his name was Qiu. It seems that Damien was inviting all kinds of foxtopi to the party. Ironic that the foxtopus himself was nowhere to be found though. 

Velvina noticed Kairo’s shyness and she softly beckoned him over to sit down beside her and have a snack. The two had some cookies together as they softly talked about their interests. Neo looked at Qiu in curious awe and quickly beckoned the guy over and started asking all sorts of questions while stuffing his face with more cookies. Eventually, the two convos somehow merged together and they all started theorizing as to where their host could be. Kagayaki chose to remain silent, but she listened in on their conversation. Her gaze softened as she saw Velvina happily interacting with others. 

Even though Kairo was still shy, he found it enjoyable to be talking with them. It turns out that both Neo and Kairo had similar interests in physical activities. Neo seemed to like the extra aspect of danger more than Kairo though and they fell into a mock argument of whether or not danger was an important and enjoyable part of physical activities. The argument quickly grew in volume, but it still contained a lightheartedness of a mock argument even if it was loud. Unfortunately, it was a little too loud as they didn’t notice the new arrivals until they felt the new arrivals staring at them with varying reactions.

The first one had pale blue hair with a very distinct tentacle tongue. He seemed to have been muffling his laughter in hopes of seeing who would’ve won the argument. The second one had heterochromatic eyes and wore colorful clothing. She was staring at the argument in excitement. When they stared at her, she thought the argument was over and started clapping. However, it was the third person that caused Kagayaki’s senses to go haywire. Although the lady was beautiful, her eyes were cold with hidden cruelty. She was a model, a well known one at that. How did Damien manage to invite her? 

The first two foxtopi introduced themselves as Ono and Sirpa. Even though it seemed the two had only just met, they looked like they were good friends. The third one needed no introduction, but she made one anyway. Her name was Raiden, and she was known to the public as one of the most beautiful foxtopus out there. What was hidden from the public though, was most likely more sinister than most could imagine.

There were a total of eight foxtopus now, but the host was still nowhere to be found. The plate of cookies were almost gone as Ono and Sirpa started eating some too. Raiden sat on a single person sofa chair that was slightly away from the rest of them. Her poise and mannerisms made it look more like she was sitting on a throne. Velvina and Kairo were intimidated by her presence and got closer to each other for comfort. Kagayaki was snarling at Raiden with her eyes. She wasn’t impressed by the cold energy that radiated off the woman.

Qiu and Sirpa tilted their heads in confusion. They weren’t really sure what was happening. Ono hummed to himself in thought. He may have lived only for a few centuries, but he was wise enough to feel the tension in the air. He thought this was supposed to be a party though, and not a calm before the storm. Well, either way, it wasn’t his problem until his life was in danger. He continued to chew on another cookie and wait.

Tensions continued to rise and there were no cookies left to enjoy. Kagayaki was becoming frustrated. Raiden raised her eyebrow elegantly at Kagayaki. It seems someone was picking a fight. Velvina and Kairo looked back and forth in a frenzy while Neo remained silent. The two foxtopus were much older and more likely to be stronger, so there was little he could do to stop them. All the other foxtopi also wondered what would happen next. Luckily, what happened next wasn’t a violent battle.

Footsteps. Loud, obnoxious, clanking of heels echoed and grew louder. In walked the man that everyone was waiting for, and he didn’t look impressed in the slightest. Behind his back was a bag that seemed to be filled with several objects. Without batting an eye, he walked over to Raiden and waited for her to get up. Now, normally she wasn’t one to listen to anybody, least of all someone who was so much younger than her, but the way he looked at her made her get up anyways. It was a look that politely but firmly demanded she got off. She knew that the foxtopus was different when he boldly walked up to her and invited her over for a party without a care in the world. He did not see her as some beautiful model, and that tickled her curiosity. She got off and stood to the side as Damien flopped down.

Stretching his limbs out and with the bag still in his hand, he beckoned all the foxtopus to come over.

First was Kagayaki. She stood in front of Damien with her arms crossed and watched as he rummaged through the velvet red bag. Pulling out twin axes that seemed to resemble a pair of extremely sharp wings, he handed them over. Kagayaki held them within her hands and felt their weight. One axe was engraved with the word “protect” while the other was engraved with the word “harm” on it. Huh. She was quite impressed. Nodding in thanks, she walked back to her place as Velvina shyly walked forward in excitement. 

For Velvina, she received a beautiful plant pot. It was engraved with swirls that resembled the sea and at the bottom were cute engravings of poptopi. Painted over with a glossy finish, the pot was beautifully made, and she loved it. Holding it carefully against her chest, she thanked him. He waved her away as if telling her it was nothing and asked for another to come over.

Neo rushed up and held his hands out, barely staying still as he waited in excitement for what he would get. Damien dug around in the bag and eventually pulled out a pair of extremely durable, but fashionable shoes. They were made of high quality materials and seemed to be resistant to most things. Neo held them up in the air in excitement before rushing away to put them on. 

For Kairo, he received a lovely mug with a bag of hot cocoa powder and another bag filled with miniature snowman marshmallows. Damien pointed towards the kitchen as an approval for him to go make some now, and Kairo made his way to the kitchen happily. Soon, the sweet smell of hot cocoa filled the air. It was soft and sweet, a lovely smell that seemed to put everyone more at ease.

Qiu floated curiously over to Damien after Kairo left. He didn’t know if he would receive anything, but it seemed Damien had something in store. It was a traditional watercolor painting kit. A bit old styled, but Damien really couldn’t tell what he would’ve wanted and just asked JT Corp to come up with something. Qiu held the kit within his hands in awe. He had never received gifts before, and he floated around in joy as he looked over its contents.

Ono got hit with a bag of glow sticks. Glow sticks in all kinds of sizes. He held them in his hand and looked at all the colors. The glow sticks were all in different colors. Some were even patterned. How that was possible, Ono decided to not ask. Shaking the bag, the sound of coins hitting each other was also heard. He held the bag up and saw a small collection of quarters on the bottom of the bag. He shook the bag in content and smiled gratefully towards Damien.

Sirpa clinged onto Damien’s arm and her eyes sparkled as she waited for her gift. Damien sighed before pulling out a colorful plushie. It was a patchwork octopus plushie! Sirpa held it in delight and thanked Damien in joy. It had similar colors to her outfit and she loved it! It was also extremely soft and comforting to hold.

Of course, last but not least was the most famous foxtopi in the house. Raiden, who was standing besides Damien the whole time, waited. She didn’t ask, but everyone could tell she was expecting something too. Damien rolled his eyes and pulled out the last gift. It was a crimson umbrella. It wasn’t made of plastic like the modern umbrellas, no. It was a vivid crimson umbrella made of paper akin to the olden days. Upon it, were finely painted spider lilies that danced along the edge. It was quite fragile of a gift, but it’s main distinct feature were small golden bells that rang softly yet clearly. It seemed to clear the air of its remaining hostility. Tensions disappeared as quiet clarity settled. Raiden held it delicately in her head. She didn’t reply nor even react, but the soft gaze on her face was all that needed to be known.

The party wasn’t over yet though. Now that all the bad energy had been cleared, with the clap of his hands, the lights around the house started glowing brighter. They shimmered back and forth as the fireplace became lit with golden amber flames. Out of nowhere, soft music began to play, filling the air with a jolly energy. They looked about in awe as Damien reached into the suspicious bag once more and started pulling out… another plate of cookies! Neo’s eyes widened and he quickly grabbed the plate, setting it roughly onto the table before munching on some of them. Ono and Sirpa, who didn’t get to have many cookies earlier, were also reaching in for more. Even Raiden, who didn’t eat a single thing earlier, tentatively reached down and picked a random cookie to eat.

Biting into it, the rich taste immediately melted onto all their taste buds. Now with the buzzing energy of jolliness, the cookies seemed to have become even tastier. The subtle cinnamon became more prominent as a small hint of ginger danced around with it. The small sugar crystals on top gave it a nice crunch as they fell between each foxtopi’s teeth. With another clap of his hands, hot tea soon came flying out of the kitchen. It filled the air with the fragrant scents of leaves, flowers, and fruits.

The television above the fireplace started flickering to life. Their attention all went to the screen as the intro to a movie started playing. Finding their place amongst the living room whether it be on one of the many sofas, or the soft carpetty floor below, they made themselves comfortable as the movie started playing. Each one of them made sure their gift was besides them or in their lap as they munched on the soft cookies or took a sip from their tea.

It’s hard to say if it was actually a party or more of a hangout amongst strangers, but either way, the end result wasn’t so bad. 

Velvina smiled to herself as she looked at her new acquaintances. Kagayaki didn’t particularly care to make friends but she was happy that Velvina was happy.

 Neo was overjoyed to have eaten such delicious cookies and find someone who liked physical activities like he did. Kairo was proud that for once, his shyness didn’t prevent him from talking and creating bonds with new people. 

Qiu was also happy that no one pointed out that he was a different kind of foxtopi and that he too was able to make new friends. Ono and Sirpa glanced at each other as they clink their teacups gently together and hummed in content at the easy atmosphere. 

Raiden, even then she was still sitting a bit away from the rest, but gone was her cruel gaze. She glanced at Damien who lifted an eyebrow at her and smirked. She glanced back at the screen and gently ran her fingers down the fragile umbrella, sipping her fruit tea and pretending to deny that she didn’t like the easy atmosphere of people just quietly hanging out together. 

Damien was just glad that the party was a success. Hopefully next year his bosses won’t pester him to do this again.

Eventually, night time came and one by one, all the foxtopi in the house fell asleep. The subtle tinkling of bells and a curious “ho ho ho” softly echoed throughout the house. The world outside was still snowing, but the inside of the house was warm and cozy. Softly lulling each foxtopus into a wonderful dream.

Merry Belated Christmas!