Hey I wonder where she got that lullaby from

2 years, 5 months ago



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Ayra brushed back strands of Leatsul's hair as he'd rested his head in her lap, humming oh so gently to him as she always did. Leatsul was never sure if she made it up or followed a specific tune, but he did know he enjoyed it. He cuddled his cheek against her thigh, he'd continue to keep his barrier up until the melatonin kicked in.

He always took a handful of melatonin to help him to sleep faster, he was glad in a way that it was natural, no matter how much he took of it, it wouldn't kill him. Even if it did, it's not like dying would inconvenience him that much - he'd just come back to life again after a few seconds, such was the God-in-exile curse; He couldn't go to Heaven, let alone go to Hell, and they wouldn't let his spirit just rest on Earth - so instead he was stuck wondering in this body until he could give the other Gods what they wanted.

He yawned, finally starting to feel it kick in and just about to lower his barrier when a familiar tune from the Goddess made him tense up. "If only, if only, the woodpecker sighs 'The bark on the trees was as soft as the skies'. As the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely, he cries to the moo-oo-oon, if only, if only."

He looked up at her in surprise, seeing she only stared into the distance - as if in a trance. He knew she was thinking of the past, but wasn't sure of what. If it was anyone else, he'd be able to penetrate their thoughts and see for himself, but he respected Ayra, he wasn't going to do that to her.

She only continued the familiar lullaby, though Leatsul had never heard the second part before, he silently wondered if she made it up. "If only, if only, the moon speaks no reply; Reflecting the sun and all that's gone by. Be strong my weary wolf; turn around boldly. Fly high, my baby bird, my angel, my only."

The brunette was unable to stop from uttering "You stole that from Adrian, didn't you?" She jumped and looked down in surprise, taking a few moments to register what he'd asked.

"Hm?" She questioned, black opalescent eyes blinking in confusion "You know I never met Adrian..." "Right..."

Leatsul relaxed, thought was still confused if not a bit startled himself. It begged the question, if she hadn't heard it from Adrian... then where had she...?