The Chronicler of Harpey's Nest

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Author's Notes

Author's note: Here's something a bit different to my usual style of writing, a log/diary made for MetalHarpey as an art trade. I hope she likes it as much as you do, I think it turned out well the more it progressed. Anyway, enjoy.

Dearest diary, as much as I’d hate to admit, I’ve yet again rapidly run out of paper. Even with Kate’s efforts, frequent visits to the local town market are simply not enough. After practically buying out all the available stock on a weekly basis, I kept finding myself reaching for cold empty shelves. Not due to my devotion to my duties, boundless and marvellous supplies of specimens are pending to be examined and catalogued. My lovely little Chartas are to blame, devouring my paper reserves as swiftly as if it were candy.

With the slightest craving for a snack the urge to chow down anything paper based with complete disregard for its contents seems to overwhelm them. Even now, as I write this I can imagine Nico and Molly eyeing up the inexhaustible tomes of knowledge within my possession. The substitute to their appetite’s desire, debarking of my numerous precious trees, not even the greatest within the centre of the hall is safe.

After countless counselling with my partner regarding paper shortages I took Kate’s advice. As difficult and heavy as it was, we've installed a vault door to the library, keeping my precious archives safe from mischievous hungering paws. Lest I’d go mad and tear my hair out rewriting from scratch just by memory. As for Kate, my dearest. She stood proud holding the door as I did my best to bolt it to its hinges.

She was right, I’m a nerd. I’ve certainly grown to catalogue my own experiences about as much as I catalogue species now. Every new discovery and experience, any event and moment spent well means a lot to me. I could write sections upon sections about her alone, the countless memories we share, I’d cherish every last one of them to my last breath.

Regardless, as not to fill my diary with fluff to later fish through for important details, I am vowing to try keeping things short and concise. Being the first entry to a paperless diary. Well, a log of sorts… It was quite liberating to be able to write without fear of data going missing within the hour.

Taking note of daily duties and discoveries, I would call myself a liar have I promised to remain professional all throughout. I cannot lie to you nor myself as I genuinely enjoy my work and the somewhat simple life we live. And now, with Kate’s remarkable offer to help with more than just the house, a lively jolt of company is brewing within the work to come.

Hubris, out of sight out of mind we thought. The great gate guarded the sanctum of insurmountable knowledge. Working precisely as intended, deterring to be sure but subsequently an incentive. The twins became emboldened by our attempts to defy their hunger, snagging the newest stacks of paper right out of the groceries seconds after Kate left them in the kitchen.

Restlessly fleeing around the house, we caught them to their chagrin. Though, no matter how much it happens. I could not bring myself to scold my adorable furry beans. Molly especially, with one gaze into those heterochromia eyes and that tiny blue nose of hers, I am always defeated. Kate, try as she might have cannot best their hopeless pleading eyes.

Having written my introduction, I found myself within Oni’s clutches. Giving my shins a warm loving embrace as if he were a living futon. The most comfortable rest for one's weary feet for sure. As charming and appealing resting for the entire day seemed, there was work to be done, with the promise of surprises at its end.

Finding Kate within the kitchen pouring mead into her trusty flask, sunlight radiated off of her stern yet happy expression as she looked up at me. The sweet aroma of fermented honey filled the kitchen as the last drops poured down. Slithering my fingers into hers I pulled her along to the first of our activities, a little basic housekeeping.

Accompanying Kate to the barn with prepared bags of feed for Gon the sunlight enveloped the farm in its ever radiant warmth. I stopped myself, instinctually leaning on the gate to the farming plots, observing our land as she disappeared past me into the barn. The sunflower patches enveloped our small flower garden, Jim found himself within the centre of the plat.

Surrounded by a thousand suns burning bright on proud green stalks. Glistening morning dew laced the technicoloured petals of the ever blooming flowers, he approached them cheerfully with tendrils at the ready. They began popping in and out of his chest cavity, leaping from one flower to another like miniscule dog tongues sipping from tiny bowls of the sweetest nectar.

Forgetting myself in his joy, the male Veenount gleefully consumed the richest feast before him. Kate’s voice pierced the serenity startling me, my elbows giving way as she caught me by the back of the collar. With a chuckle she embraced me, admiring the lustrous colours radiating throughout the farm and the variety of its diverse occupants.

Returning to our cosy farmhouse, we began tediously sorting through the countless new files on species. Kate read them briskly before tossing them in piles to be filed within the library. She found it amusing, as for me rather charming. Taking the most basic attributes and strewing them into compliments. Swooning me off my feet as she referred to me being as sweet but also delicate as the milkshake Glish.

The fun only began when we began forming moulds of fossils, tending with utmost care to the priceless artefacts of bygone ages, for precursors that could not safely lay in an open display. Kate paced herself with the moulding liquids, spilling but a single drop onto the tip of my nose with her index finger when least expected. With the remnants of ancients locked away, preserved in evenly stacked storage containers. Never to see the light of day, for their own protection it was time to conduct live testing.

The plants thrive and flourish as Pumpkin so much as approaching them, with imminent blossoming and growth beyond any rate I have witnessed regardless of environmental conditions. Conducting further examination Pumpkin exhibits the ability to bring plant matter from the brink of death, where just before the point of withering away her simple presence miraculously nourishes them back to health in mere moments.

From one to two meters the effect begins to slow and fade, yet remains consistent. Diminishing entirely after an approximation of two point zero one meters, should she be allowed to rest in one spot for too long the grass and weeds spring into action along with any type of vegetation.

Being a herd animal, naturally this aura would be expanded by each member of the pack, the possibility for effectiveness in growth is quite simply immeasurable. Staggering as it may seem, further testing would yield the answer to possible application of using Shika Ichiki in order to prevent plant based food shortages throughout dry and winter seasons.

Lastly, while approaching other flora adjacent species the aura appears to nourish and enable for real time regeneration to set in, whole parts of plant based bodies can be regrown within minutes of prolonged exposure. Plant matter degradation appears to be nullified completely, plants will remain fully bloomed even through extreme climate conditions, regardless of the day night cycle.

Mechanical chirping echoed through the monumental indoors of our humble cabin, with noon on the clock the outside incandescent heat of an early summer sun enriched the farmland. Soft tingles of the wind chimes rang out on the porch, swaying with the gentle breeze. Kate sat on the fence to the old wood, faithful backpack hanging down tightly down then shoulders. She stared down brandishing her scythe, the surface of the blade gleamed with excitement as much as she did. Her promise of surprises was fulfilled, a summer day hunting trip, a very first for me.

Timidly hopping the fence I joined her side, double checking we took everything before entering the backwoods. Though the forest canopy obscured the sky, the ground before us remained as lit as the cleanly cut stone paths on the farm. With the warm winds flowing amidst broad pillars holding up the evergreen sky we treaded carefully, as not to startle any potential prey.

Merciful winds blew past us, making our scent as the soft ground broke under our feet. Pushing onwards we rumbled through the thickets, their tireless leafy assault on my face continued without mercy. Kate trudged through before me, with every branch pushed back like a sling ready to launch.

Finding ourselves within a delightful glade, taking a sip out of her trusty flask Kate almost spat her mouthful of contents at me. With wide astonished eyes her flask left her lips, a single finger pointing to the ground at the plane’s end. Large hoof prints littered the ground, burrowed deep scattering the peaceful earth the tall tale signs of fleeing.

Using the shape and size we determined it must have been a large male from the local boar population, having come here to feed or rest in the soft grass before hearing us clashing with the bushes. Crouched over the tracks, a single drop fell onto the open skin of my forearm. With no prior sign of potential rain we looked up instinctively.

Gazing up in shock to the view of a white underbelly of a black shape soaring swiftly over us, gliding steadily between the tree tops. Sporting wings like a bat's, followed by a segmented golden tail. Large blobs of red viscous liquid dripped down as the being disappeared into the horizon.

Distastefully scooping up the crimson drool I rummaged through it with my fingertips, feeling as disgusting as it smelled. I wiped off the residue with some nearby leaves. Kate questioned me about the mysterious visitor, with direct certainty I was able to narrow down the possibilities to a cave subspecies of local skivets.

Being their habitat, Skivets were common in the region, such an occurrence in itself was not uncommon. But, a cave Skivet gliding out in the middle of the day was an unusual sighting. An ill omen, the locals would call it. Sceptically Kate poured a portion of her flask’s contents to kill the bacteria over my arm, the sweet sticky mead covering the lightly crimson marks left on my arm before quickly wiping it away with a second leaf.

Though not entirely catalogued, Skivets are carrions of yet incurable diseases, though sceptical of the appearance we were not dissuaded from following the intimidating prints left behind. The forest teemed with life as we went, from calls of distant creatures to the silent flapping of butterfly wings. Colourful markings filled their large wings as much as the plants they resided on, swaying gently in the calm draft to an inaudible tune of Mother Nature.

The blissful peace died down as we tread deeper into the heart of the forest, we stopped dead, the ground fading into hard stone. The tracks concealed by immovable soil, we scratched our heads as we scoured the floor for them. Then from a far, as if on cue a violent bustling of bushes loomed before us.

Kate raised her scythe at the ready, I watched in anticipation as she took brief purposeful steps towards the commotion. Grasping the handle with both arms inches away from wrathful hedges she stopped dead in her tracks.

Her arms fell slack, the tip of her scythe piercing the bedrock beneath her feet as she leaned over, meeting my gaze as she turned with disappointment in her eyes. I approached her quickly, Kate’s left hand pressed firmly into her face as I gazed upon the cause of her displeasure.

There Nico, tangled up in blue berry bushes, struggled to break free. All the way out here on his own scavenging for meagre snacks, one paw grasping for freedom and the other filling his mouth with fresh harvests. Exerting great effort to dig him out of his predicament, we hurried him on to head home where it is safe in reunion with his twin.

After Nico swiftly disappeared in the path behind us headed for the nest, it's a miracle he was not attacked by the boar or worse on the way here alone. Reaching the end of the rocky terrain the imprints lead us straight on, only this time appearing soft at a trots pace. Kate grinned sheepishly, knowing full well we have become undetected, giving us the opportunity to strike the boar down before it could react when the opportunity would present itself. The boar could not have gone far.

Kate gestured slowly for me to get down, I crouched to her command as she scoped the space ahead, scythe firmly clenched within her hands. Slowing our pace to a crawl we skulked along the brush, the wind came to a halt as the air grew thick with complete and utter silence. Surrounded by dark shades of luscious greens from all sides we made not a peep, like mice in a lion's den.

In a sheer moment the hunter becomes the hunted, barrelling out of the opposing bushes, viscous tusks have come to run us down. Thunderous clapping of furious hooves advanced from the brush, fuelled by territorial rage the silence was shattered. Gasping as the beast pounced itself towards us, Kate leaped onto her feet just as fast, blade at the ready.

Rending the wind with a razor's edge the scythe was brought down like a guillotine, perfect pinpoint aim at the base of the skull the strike was absolute. But, as the blade made contact the boar was unharmed. The length of the blade outmatching the height of the beast embedded itself into the ground, not so much as grazing the boar.

The beast snarled as it lashed out with anger more ancient than man, its sharp teeth clamping onto Kate’s shin. She groaned in pain, the rancid yellow tusks piercing her soft war torn skin drawing red. Without warning the boar, shifted with a single motion, throwing Kate off her feet.

Tumbling over the beast she landed on her back unarmed, the wind knocked right out of her. Struggling to prop herself up on her elbows, crimson poured from her lacerations, potent red glistening in the bright sunlight. The beast however, turned to face her frothing red at the mouth before taking charge.

In a flash I found myself watching a freight train of hate and hunger headway with meteoric haste at the one I love. Within a blink of an eye the boar stumbled crashing down where Kate remained. Acting quickly she rolled out of the way of the falling beast, looking back as she turned. My trusted dagger was plunged deep within the thick hide as the boar squealed in anguish, thrashing through tufts of grass.

Writhing vehemently the boar would not be brought down so easily, with a second wind it arose unopposed. Sizing me up momentarily before vigorously passing above Kate who could only crawl for her weapon, unable to stand on her two feet.

I froze, my hands instinctively coming to shield my face from the incoming attack. Witnessing the world as if frame by frame I could examine every detail of that moment, from the boar soaring high over Kate as she tirelessly reached out for her weapon. Memorizing every vibrant shade of red, glistening on disturbed strands of grass in the shadow of the beast.

Mortified I shut my eyes as the beast leapt for me, behind the darkness of my eyelids I pictured its blood stained maw opening to swallow me whole. My muscles tensed as I anticipated the impact of an unstoppable force, though I was no immovable object. Seemingly the moment dragged on for an eternity, only then I could feel the gust of wind from the boar's approach hit me head on.

Inches from my forearm covered face, the snout wrinkled as it retracted. The boar found itself like a dog, chained, tugged on by its leash. The boar was yanked away from me with an impossible change of speed in its motion, my eyes affixed on their own frightened reflection. The base of its throat gripped by cold merciless steel, the pure force hewed its body into a summersault. Cartwheeling limp like a sack of potatoes, the carcass hit the ground with a tremendous thud.

With Kate’s draining exhale clearing the deafening pulsation of my own heart, the cleaved head reached the stained grounds below. She stumbled, taking a single step towards me collapsing to her knees breathing heavily from exhaustion. Letting go of her scythe, the sharp clinging of metal plotting to the floor I rushed towards her, taking her in my embrace. Aiding her to the nearest tree, one arm over my shoulder supporting her, faltering with her weight I aimed for the closest tree.

She cursed to herself with every other step, barely holding balance. Slowly and carefully settling at the base, her hands clenched as she winced in pain reaching for her leg. Grasping her hand without a word we locked eyes, she resisted momentarily before resting her head back against the tough bark.

Allowing me to commit my secondary form of duty, mustering the compassionate green glow from the palms of my hands with gentle strides caressing her wounds she breathed deeply. The tattered skin sealed as the exposed blood ran dry, with every heartbeat Kate’s breath steadied amidst the rustling remains convulsing their last.

The deed fulfilled I succumbed to weariness, collapsing at her side we embraced one another. As moments, minutes and even hours passed in warm loving arms we cherished the company. Unlike the swine, having gone cold and still. Its feet were stiff as we scrambled to our own. Rolling it onto its back, skinning and bagging the kill.

Leaving only the unusable parts behind we tracked on a little further, in need of smoking the meat to preserve it we searched for a suitable camping location. Not far away the unmistakable sound of rushing water poured into our ears, holding Kate’s hand I pulled her alongside myself towards the very familiar pond and waterfall. The local Skivet and Glish population resided within, finally we were out of the proverbial woods now.

Scooping up twigs and branches as we went towards the pleasant sounds of tranquillity, I propositioned to clean ourselves within the waters. Though the fresh liquid would be cold, the perfect contrast to the summer atmosphere. We surely broke our sweat today, I reassured Kate that we’d have the campfire at the ready.

Sounds of rushing and splashing filled the air as we breached into the clearing, a large clear pond presented itself to us. Under the softly sparkling sunlight cluttered waves, colourful occupants went around their fishy business. Waving our hands through the calm still waters, cleaning away the blood, the locals were intrigued at our presence. Keeping their distance, the coppery taste blended within the drink.

Finding a simple flat surface for us to camp upon would suffice, being in huge supply the camp was set up in minutes. The smoker was shut as the fire seared beneath, the logs burning with deep comforting warmth. The meat locked inside drizzled with tender juices amidst the tasteful smoke, enriching its flavour over the course of our stay. 

Sitting at her side we watched the sunlight piercing the still waters, illuminating the occupants in their vibrant colours to the sound of crackling embers. Having committed our due diligence to prepare the meat we striped down to our final layers before dive bombing together, the mild liquid absorbing us as we dived deep within.

Swimming with schools of vibrant Glish and their masters, the Skivets vigilantly respected our boundaries, allowing us free roam of their realm. We approached the rushing waters emanating from the waterfall, the force of the water colliding deep into the surface reverberated down at my legs as I drew near.

Kate moved head first through the sheet of water as if it were a curtain, following in her steps I felt the heavy liquid refract from my hair as I wiped my eyes clear. Before me a wall of gloom presented itself, Kate peered deep into the dark pondering on how and where the cavity could lead.

Teeming with excitement my eyes widened as I came to realization, this has to be the place the first Skivet we witnessed lived. The only cave in the forest obscured by a natural wonder, what are the chances I thought. An adventure for another day, Kate begrudgingly proclaimed. Knowing full well we were ill prepared for such an expedition, without proper equipment, venturing into dark depths of an unexplored chasm would be a fool's errand. Especially as we already had fought for our lives today.

Dried and warmed by the campfire we tried portions of the game, a rich delight of flavours filled my mouth with every bite. Even as I kissed Kate, on her soft lips I could taste the meat. Gazing up at the branches as we lay, I could rarely make out parts of the clear blue sky as its hue cooled down from the warm bright blues.

Kate took sips from her canteen, sprouting up she turned to me offering me a sip which I accepted. She asked me how it tasted, it was like soft sweet honey I told her, handing the flack back to her. Grasping gently onto my wrist she pulled me close, whispering softly that it’s just like me before meeting my lips.

Brisk golden rays dimmed to warm comforting oranges as we stomped out the fire, the ash seeking embers as it cooled from red to black. Pushing my still wet fringe aside the breeze swept the dusty remnants away, packed up and ready to go hand in hand on the track back home.

Coming over the spot we prevailed not long ago, the waste cleared out by the wild life. The only memory of the altercation, dry streaks of crimson on green pastures. Snacking on the berries Nico had travelled all this way for, we saved some for Molly, knowing her brother would not carry the burden all the way back just for her.

The warmth subsided to a soothing chill, the orange driven back into cooler browns as the sun started to set. The simple wooden fence on the horizon, the nostalgic screeching of the hinges were joy to my ears and feet. Home sweet home, we hurried to the porch as loyal companions awaited our arrival at the yard, Taz and Barkitana nowhere to be seen.

Sitting on the porch Molly joyfully ate the berries right out of my open hand, Oni approached me from behind offering hugs as happy as always. Acting as a comfortable back rest to the firm wooden floor, his thick fur made for a godly cushion. Kate hurried to store the meat in the kitchen, wasting no time to divide it into portions before rationing it between the fridge and freezer.

Although my fashion sense frequently consists of partially darker tones, the leftover hair of Oni’s fur acts like an infectious disease, plaguing the house as if a yeti was shedding. From single hair strands lining the rim of my coffee cup in the morning to the lines of white strewn onto our clothes. Maybe I could make use of them for something… knitting perhaps? Surely, such a sweater would keep all those less prepared for winter warm.

Then again, the only warmth I longed for was Kate’s, cuddling on the bench we watched the setting sun, keeping each other warm through and through. There was no greater way to spend a productive day then in the company of the one you love, as I did.

Swaying the porch chain bench gently back and forth with the tips of our feet, observing the sky growing pink like the tips of my hair. We gazed over the long stretches of fields to the west, bright lights shined in the far off town. Nestled right under the mountainous horizon, the busy markets and stalls settled for the night as darkness had befallen. The fields faded in detail as time passed, the greying fields falling into obscurity.

Surveying, the last visible sunlight passed behind the snowy peaks. The dying soft glow caressing our cheeks for the last time as if speaking its goodbye. Interlocking our fingers Kate pulled me close to her, the twilight painting the farm quiet, still. Without a rustling of the wind the chimes gently swayed from side to side, unable to make contact there was naught but the sound of our breaths and hearts.

I could reside myself into that moment, live it for all eternity and it would never grow dull to me. Shimmering yellow glows consumed the fields, fireflies lit up the cold night as the city went black. With the moon rising proudly at its fullest, the pale white glow drowned the fields in platinum.

We stepped down from the porch, taking a seat on the old creaky stairs leading up to the house as we gazed up in awe. Accompanying the moon, an aurora of stars and galaxies as far as the eye could see. The overwhelming assortment of forever reaching colours covered the sky like a layered mural, a natural masterpiece. With gold and white glows flickering from each tiny speck paling the moon insignificant in comparison, our voices grew quiet as we lost ourselves in admiration.

Author's Notes

Credit goes entirely to Edvin FireStorm. Check him out, please! I highly recommend him!

I merely added links to this. Might add some images later 🥰