A Lost Kit

Kai Show More
2 years, 5 months ago
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It was cold. It was the coldest that Kai had ever felt, he was sure of it. He was sat in a small hole on the Savannah, shivering.

'When will Mother come back?' he mumbled to himself. 'What if Mother doesn't come back? What if she's hurt or lost or...' Kai's muttering were getting more and more frantic.

'I should go look,' he mewed, 'I know Mother told me never to go out alone but this has to be an exception...right?'

After considering the problem for a while longer, a little grey head poked itself out of a hole in the vast Savannah.

One small 5 month old kitten in all that space, searching for his mother. The sun was beating down on the dry soil and yet Kai could feel that it's warmth was nowhere near what it had once been.

'Maybe the warm time is over,' Kai wondered, 'Maybe the rain will come back, Mother's talked about rain, I wonder if it's really like she says.'

Kai continued walking forwards, his eyes focusing on the sky, looking at both everything and nothing all at once. Shaking his head to snap himself out of it, Kai looked around him. He still couldn't see Kazan anywhere. He turned in a full circle and froze. He couldn't see home anywhere either. He couldn't see anywhere at all that he recognised, and he had no idea which direction he'd come from.

Cold and alone, Kai chose a direction and started walking.