A new world

2 years, 4 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
1 1006 1

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 4 months ago

Prompt response for the Deercorn launch Allium is the first Deercorn to wonder into their town, where he stumbles across Aliya having a wonder. Might devolve into my sona meeting some of my main ocs from the species.

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I'm a Deer!

The wind blows, ruffling through his neck fur, the Alliums bend against the force, a couple shedding a few small blooms from their heads. He raises his head more, closing his eyes to allow the wind flow over him, the wind is so nice, he knows it’s probably no different back from his home dimension, but something about this new place just makes it feel so much more.
Allium’s head spins, trying to locate the source of the noise. There’s no sign of movement, oh wait, yes there is there. He tries to make his movement more subtle, as to not disturb whatever must be watching him, because he knows for sure that he’s being watched. Lowering his head, he prods at some of the grass in front of him, there’s no knowing whether this creature knows of their level of sapience. Slowly he waits, and then someone starts to appear from the bushes, from where he could hear that stick snapping. He tries not to look up too fast as he then spots the person appear, it’s nothing more then a child, so slowly he raises his head, and she gasps as she spots his horn.
“Unicorn!” She cries out before then approaching him, before then pausing for a second, looking anxious. Allium tilts his head, unsure on how to reassure her,
“It’s okay, I’m a friendly unicorn.” He states softly, before getting closer to her before stopping and sitting just in front of her. Her eyes widen, and a long tail that sweeps behind her wags happily, and she gasps,
“A talking unicorn! That’s so cool!” She says, getting even closer before she pauses again, “Can I, can I pet you?” She asks, all hesitant and small.  Allium nods before then lowering his snout for her, and she sinks her fingers into his neck fur. She makes soft happy noises as she gently runs her hands through his fur, careful of the flowers.
“Little one, where are your family?” He asks and she just ignores him, “Little one, where are the ones that are meant to look after you?” He asks again, a little worried now, there’s no sign of anyone else around and surely a child shouldn’t be out here alone.
“They don’t know I’m out here, I’m not meant to be spotted by other people though…” She states, pausing as she suddenly realises that she’s doing the same thing she was told not to.
“Well, I can promise you I’m a friend, now, shall we get you home then? I can make sure that no one who shouldn’t spot you, won’t.” Allium smiles, “Do you want a lift?” He adds, he doesn’t mind giving any children rides on his back, especially not now that this one seems to be getting rather anxious as she realises that she’s doing exactly what she’s been told she’s not allowed to do. She nods softly, so Allium completely lowers himself, laying down so that she can clamber on top, sinking her hands into his long fur to hold on tightly, but also as gently as she can. As carefully as possible, Allium clambers to his hooves, his ears flicker a second as he glances around.
“Which direction is home, little one?” He asks, following her directions to make her way home. It doesn’t seem to be that far, though defiantly more then he’d personally like a child to travel that is, especially down an unused track, that no one else will see you. Allium does hope that eh shouldn’t be spotted by other people for a good reason, rather then a bad one, something about that does make him worry; though she seems more then happy.
Eventually they get to a back gate,
“Let me down so I can open it.” She states, her tail wags against Allium’s back. He lowers himself to the floor again and she slides off, however just before she can open the gate it swings open.
“Aliya, thank goodness that you’re okay!” The person gasps out, his tail sweeps across the floor behind them in relief. His gaze then snaps to Allium stood just behind her; his eyes run from panic to then awe. “You’re a Deercorn!” He states, and Allium can’t help but snicker.
“That I am, it’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. I hope you don’t mind me bringing her home, she was just wondering out in the field and I was worried she was lost.” Allium explains, “And don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone she’s here, as she did explain she wasn’t meant to talk to strangers.” He adds, his front hoof slightly anxiously tapping the floor in front of him. He looks back up at the man, and he just, hasn’t stopped staring at him yet, however, he stops once he realised that Allium had noticed the staring, and he gives a sheepish smile.
“Sorry, I’ve just not met a Deercorn yet. If you want to discuss yourself, oh that sounds odd, but uhh, we have a friend, a man of science, he’d love to talk to you.” He adds, rather nervously. As he speaks, Aliya, as she’s called, sneaks past his legs and runs into their penned off garden. “Oh, anyway, would you like to come in. I’m sure Aliya would love you to meet the rest of our household, that is if you have the time, if you don’t I mean, you’re free to come around at any point.” He stammers. Allium smiles back,
“If it’s alright I’d love to stay and chat, Aliya is a wonderful child. And I don’t mind, I seemed to be one of the few Deercorn heading this way, and I love science so it would be wonderful to talk to this man.”