Species Master Hub

2 years, 4 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
4 1563

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 4 months ago

Main information, lore and traits I have for these beans YOU CANNOT MAKE YOUR OWN

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Main Information

A sentient race that have found themselves cohabiting with many other species that live around the coast, in the past they were known to cohabitate with the Odonfee, both having ways to assist the other to have an easier life.

-Adoring culture, they are more then willing to share their own with others as well as pick up and learn other people’s cultures.
-Udencean adore shiny and pretty things, though these do not always follow the conventual standard of pretty that other species have.
            -They often trade and barter with these for other non-essentials.
-These shells and pretty things are their main currency, but they will also work with the currencies of the species around them
-They care a lot for their own and even other species, not wanting anyone to live without essentials they will simply give if they can, or do trades for other essentials.
-They love to be decked in clothing, jewellery and piercings, especially brighter colours for stand out pieces.
-Any Udencean with duller colours can use special ‘oil paint’ to stain on their fur, like body paint to add interest and vibrance.
            -This especially happens in their weddings, for both the wedded and the others.

Sexuality & Relationships:
-They are very open as a species over relationships.
-Same-sex relationships are just as common as opposite sex relationships.
-At 20 Udencean are considered adults, so those under 20 can’t date those over
-Polyamorous relationships and marriage is more then allowed, though monogamous relationships are still more common.

Body Notes:
-A semi-aquatic, mammalian species that can hold their breath for up to
an hour while diving in ocean waters.
-They are coated in a layer of water-retardant, isolating fur, which stops them from getting soaked and frozen when out of the water.
            -The fur below this is incredibly thick and soft, helping to keep in their body
-Even their tail and appendages are covered with fur, though the fin membrane has a far thinner fur coating
-All their teeth are incredibly sharp, especially their canines for cracking shells


            -There is no distinct sexual Dimorphism between the sexes
            -Fur tends to be longer and thicker in colder waters and more sleek in warmer ones.
                        -However, if a thick fur travels to warmer water, they can still pass down the
                          thicker fur genes.
            -Colours and markings always tend to be passed down through families, though
              there off course can be shot backs or new mutations.
            -Head Crests can vary in shape and size
            -Tail length after their last leg can also vary in length and girth

                        A more common mutation is to find Udencean whom have horns and
                        growths growing off around their forehead or in front of their fins.

                       A more uncommon feature of Udencean is those that grow a second
                        functional pair of arms, these are often places higher in their society due to
                        how much better at hunting and other daily functions it makes them.
            -It is only in legend that there is a Udencean that lives with two fully functional
             heads, though many of the youngers laugh at the belief of this actually existing, or at
             least having existed in the past. 

-They are not adapted for open-water swimming but instead navigating underwater terrain.
            -Though in tide less water they can swim decently, but tidal water is just too strong for them.
-They can walk along the bottom of the sea floor with their many sharp appendages.
-They can walk on land, but it’s not as common, as it takes a lot more energy out of them.
            -Sand or pebbles are preferable as they can sort of pull themselves along and it’s not so harsh against their bodies.

-Primarily hunt for shellfish, starfish and urchins along rock, costal shores
-Take advantage of tide pools during low tide to find quick, easy meals.
-They catch their prey with their large hands and then crack them open using their teeth.
-It is possible for them to eat other foods, though often only because it was prepared for them by another species
            -Naturally they don’t tend to cook their food either, but will if catering for other species company.