Falling Down To Earth

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 11 months ago
1079 1

A Space Cat from outer space creates a spaceship but something wrong happened and they fell all the way down to earth!

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Chapter 1 Falling down to earth


I Wake up My eyes are all blurry, The last moments on  the moon today i said, i get ready to go to planet Mars... My name is Haunted Cosmic but you can call me Cosmic for short Today we are going to planet mars, My spaceship is right over their i say pointing at it, Lets go to Mars! I Remember all my memories on space Lets go i said. i walk into the spaceship and get ready. BLAST OFF IN 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!! BOOM!!! We are now heading the direction to planet mars. It will take a few days to get there but i can wait. I Was getting a bit bored so i went to explore the rest of the spaceship i was making sure i didn't miss anything or leave anything behind. We were now above Planet Earth i've never been there before but i've heard a few things about it like things called people or humans i've also heard about other living things like dogs cats horses pigs zebras and a lot of animals. I've never seen a human before and i'll keep it that way. It Turns out humans are dangerous creatures and sometimes own you which will never happen to me. Hopefully i will never go to planet earth i said although it looks pretty from afar i'm not getting captured from a human creature. I do kinda want to see another animal though they seem nice and don't act like humans One day i will see one. CREEK!! Huh? What was that i said. i start looking around it seems like everything's ok? i look a little bit longer just in case. Huh what's that? i heard another creek i walk a bit closer to where i'm hearing it. Suddenly the floor drops and flys off?!? W-What's Happening?  I'm guessing the spaceship wasn't strong  enough. It starts pulling me closer to the whole, i try holding on tighter but it won't hold, it keeps dragging me closer and closer until my legs are out of the spaceship, i can't hold on any longer!! SCREECH AHHH!! I Start flying out of the spaceship into the galaxy i'm falling down to earth but i don't want to go there. I'll find a way to escape how am i gonna get back to the spaceship there's no way to get back there while i'm falling. I need to be safe once im at earth i need to find a way out of there but how am i gonna leave earth once i'm there? I'll make another spaceship i said one that's stronger one that works. And maybe once i'm there i can explore a little and make some friends with animals and maybe there's animals like me there? I'm a dragon feline i'm guessing that other dragon cats will be out there like me and other animals out there that would wanna be my friend. But i'll still have to leave and make a spaceship. How am i gonna make another spaceship quickly? It took me months just to make that one. BOOM!! I Fall to the ground on a field of grass. I Got up Where am i? I Said, I start to look around, i have scars, scratches and some blood all over my body my face was pretty protected cause i had a glass helmet. But on the way down it got a bit cracked and some glass fell on my face and my cheek was kinda bloody. but i'm  mainly ok. I Mean it kinda hurts all over but i'll get used to it. I found a few trees, hmm maybe i should go over there i said. But then i hear something, Huh what's that? I Look around and under the hill of grass was people at a village. So those are people i say coming a bit closer to the edge of the hill. Hm they dont looks that evil then what ive heard? I Look back let's go to the forest and explore. I Was about to go to the forest once i slipped and i was about to fall down to the humans luckily i was grabbing on real tight i got up curled into a ball i felt so scared what if i did fall? I got up and started running to the middle of the field so i won't fall off my tail was down hopefully that doesn't happen again  i said with a face of fear. I Go to the forest and i heard some noises in the bushes, Huh what was that? Poof a bunny comes running out of the bush, Huh what's that creature i said? A Few other creatures like wolves, deers, more bunnies, racoons, and more came out of the forest and were just looking at me all weird. All of the other creatures were just whispering stuff like "Huh what's that?  looks like a dragon feline? Um who are you? Who dare come to our forest"!! Oh well my name is Haunted Cosmic you can just call me cosmic and i just came from outer space once i fell off my spaceship! I'm an space explorer i don't like on planet earth. And i'm a Dragon cat! And i just came because i fell down to planet earth, i wanted to explore but like other creatures i'm not looking forward to going to the humans I Was just trying to get away from the village of humans right over there. " Oh Well nice to meet you Cosmic! Welcome to our forest! My name is Bella" The deer said " My Name is Hops" The bunny said And all the other animals introduced me to them. It Was really nice meeting you all!! Do you guys know if there's more dragon felines like me here in the forest or just anywhere, i would like to meet my own species to! " Hmm a dragon feline i've never heard of it before until now, But i do know a few other animals like you! They have came here not knowing where they are, they were just as unique as you! Not much creatured with Lots of wings, Big ram horns, And lots of other unique features! Not much animals have those, There all special just like you!! Would you like to meet them"? Meet them? Id Love to meet  them!! I Would love to meet new friends!! We started to walk deeper into the forest.