It was a RP exapmle

2 years, 4 months ago

I had done a RP example with the two of them a while back and just found it and figured I'd add it if you want it :)

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Here is a roleplay example, it features two of my OCs Bridget (AKA Gidget/Gidge) and Calixta (AKA Lixie).

Gidge's POV~

Giving a stretch, her white toes separated slightly as they dug into the cool earth. Ending her stretch she gave a shake, little flecks of dust, dirt and whatever else at taken to her pelt overnight went flying and soon found their way to the ground. Sucking a deep breath she smiled as she fresh spring rays of the sun first hit her pelt.

Leaving the den the grass sprung a little under her paws as she made her way across the decent sized open space and down to the little creek. When she neared it the trickling sound of the water found its way to her ears and pulled a smile to her lips. The scent of water filled her nose as she reached the bank of the shallow body of water. Dropping her head to drink the first lap filled her mouth just as a larger creature leapt to her side and barrelled her over, the water fleeing her mouth. The larger, darker wolf jabbed at her side with a large paw before the lighter one could scramble to safety.

"You'd better have an amazing reason for coming down to my creek!" The larger wolves voice boomed at the smaller one's ears.

"What?" Bridget's voice sounded small, driven with a mountain of fear.

"Not a good enough reason," she'd said licking her teeth.

"Wait," her eyes squeezed themselves shut, "who are you? Since when has this creek belonged to you?"

"To you? Death. And since now."

"Well... uh, I guess it's nice to meet you death?" she tried to keep positive with a slightly nervous chuckle, "I'm Bridget."

"Well, Bridget..." Calixta stopped, "Nah, Gidget sounds better, reminds more of the widget you're about to come. Ms Dead Meal," she teased.

"Okay then," she breathed and curled up, "just make it quick, please."

"Huh? I must say I've never met one who doesn't beg for their life before."

"I suppose you don't really have to kill me if you let me go, I'll find somewhere else to drink."

"True I guess, although It'd be much more fun if I were to kill you, however..." she trailed off pondering a thought.
"I've changed my mind, show me to your den," Calixta commanded lifting her paw off of Bridget.