Personality Deets

6 years, 3 days ago
6 years, 3 days ago
2 795

Entry 1
Published 6 years, 3 days ago

Mild Violence
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Author's Notes

from a previous campaign to help me with rp'ing. just some basic info stuff + a little thing i wrote


reasoning for taking the job/going with the group: his undeath was pretty much dedicated to finding kadi & he ran out of possible leads. took the job to have something to do, get paid, & see if he can by chance get any leads in the process. stayed with the group bc thats just part of the job usually, yknow? didnt expect everyone to be pretty chill with him being undead but doesnt want to let his appreciation show. got attached to padrick but doesnt wanna think about it, sometimes acts or speaks without thinking though & ends up showing how much he cares.

quirks/traits: vampire (obvious one), doesnt seem to care about basic manners sometimes, is rude to strangers unless he wants something or they treat him with at least some respect, in which case the respect is returned. lowkey likes biting people but knows he shouldnt & doesnt unless absolutely necessary or acting on impulse/without thinking (like with faijeet). a bit cynical. greatly enjoys jokes, especially puns, but doesnt make an obvious attempt to show it. alcoholic, but shows at least some restraint. likes collecting things & having a ton of money, though rarely knows what to do with either. very protective due to his own fate, but once again tries not to show it too much. wants/tries to seem completely nonchalant or uncaring at times. its a bad coping mechanism but he feels it helps him not think about what happened, despite that being his main purpose for being with everyone currently. partially lives on a job to job basis. takes jobs requiring any of his skills and does whats asked of him, usually without questions. doesnt make a habit of questioning anything but is in fact extremely curious, so he sometimes tries to figure things out on his own. needs to learn to ask for help. used to be a good kid and it shows sometimes, hes just been through a lot and it changed him. hopes to get his life back together/start his life over once all is said & done. occasionally tense, desperately needs to relax. likes illusion magic & using it to fuck with people but also using it for harmless fun (ie. using minor illusion to imitate a cat meowing/dog barking). tries not to seem too weird with his vampirism (example: that time he just tasted blood off the floor & scooped it up in a bottle) but sometimes fails due to bad stealth. a bit pessimistic, usually just goes with it when things go bad. sometimes reckless, not afraid of death due to being already undead. doesnt feel the need to tell people about himself or his needs/issues unless asked or it happens to come up in a conversation. doesnt want others to get hurt because of him, partially why he sometimes wont ask for help & is reluctant to accept help.

progess/reactions: slowly learning to love again and maintain friendships. genuinely thankful when others help him but can usually only manage to say thanks, smile, &/or bow. quite respectful to those he trusts or has been shown kindness from. wants to help his friends but isnt sure how most of the time. generally trying his best. despite his affections hes somewhat afraid of padrick but tries not to ever show it. loves to chill out and have fun but feels like he has no spare time. has the potential to be the dad friend. more willing to sacrifice himself for others than for his own gain.