Sick Day

2 years, 7 months ago

She's been feeling the itchiness in her throat lately... Rune had not paid it any mind as she was not much of a talker, so no need to complain about her voice occasionally cracking. It was just that... The voice cracking became hoarseness... unable to drink cold water, cookies worsened the pain and it hurt when she swallowed. When even nibbling on cheese became a problem, Rune had no choice but to relent and accept her fate... This wouldn't be solved without taking any... medicine

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"How long has his been then?", Korinthia eyes her as she'd pocketed the pen light. 

In response, Rune casually averts her gaze, "... I forgot"

"Forgot...", the disbelief in her tone was very palpable, "Or been so long you don't want to tell me"

A pause... "Can I know the correct answer?"

It still hurts to talk, she'd admit to herself that much but there was very little complaining she could do about it. Things had probably worsened when she had put off seeing the doctor for a couple of days. It started around 6 days ago, when when Rune had noticed persistent itching in her throat. She didn't think much of it, easily attributing it to spring and the pollens that came with it. Maybe she was allergic to something in the air. It wasn't a big deal anyway, she'd discreetly cough and the itching would go away. Her voice would occasionally crack when she talks - mostly when she's attempting to pull Donovan away from another conversation during patrol. But then, she didn't think too much of it. Maybe it was just voice disuse... 

Then came one morning where she woke up and it felt like swallowing pins and needles. She'd trudged on that day, downing some tea in hopes the hot beverage could soothe her throat. The pain did ebb but when she opened her mouth to greet Skye... 

She'd quickly turned away to hide a grimace. Hopefully, the fellow blonde did not find the gesture rude but she couldn't dwell too much on it when there was a more pressing matter

The constant pain progressed to even swallowing. She'd had to switch to a soft diet that later worsened - she even had difficulty tolerating water

At this point, Rune relented. She was... sick... and she'd need to pay the good doctor a visit

And said doctor did not bother masking her exasperation

"What's done is done. We'll need to focus on treatment now"

"What are we looking at here, doc? What's my prognosis?"

Korinthia continued to tick off something on her checklist which made Rune curious. It was just sore throat so why the seriousness of needing a checklist even? The brunette rattled off in explanation, "Best case, no lasting damage done. Worst case, this causes permanent heart damage"

Her eyebrows nearly disappeared behind her bangs. She studied the brunette's demeanor, trying to gauge if she was joking with her but realized that was not the case in a heartbeat. For the short seasons she has known the dwarven doctor, she would not mess around with a medical impression just to have her patients comply. Such an underhanded tactic did not suit her nor her profession

She waved a hand for the brunette to elaborate. Korinthia contemplated for a short minute, most likely stringing words together for even a person not in the same field to understand

"Sore throats are commonly secondary to voice abuse - which we both know is not your case"

They exchanged looks at that. Rune was the first to break with a scoff

"On the other hand if it is due to an untreated infection, it can spread downwards and cause damage to the heart valves. That is what we want to avoid here"

Rune watches the doctor move to her medicine cabinet moving aside glass vials until she reached near the back. Korinthia returns to her, handing her a small cup to which she then filled with a pink-sloshing liquid

The medicine certainly looked a lot more palatable than anything else she'd taken in this clinic so far, which was why she had no problems downing it

A pause

Rune licked her lips, "It doesn't taste... too bad"

"Of course", Korinthia giggled, "You wouldn't be the only one that I've had difficulty taking medications"

She eyed the brunette in disbelief, "Then why are those memory potions always so... gagging"

"Excuse me, those are trial meds", the doctor shrugs her shoulders, "I don't have to focus on the taste yet"

"... Right"

Her gaze returns to the cup in her hand, contemplating, "I just have to continue taking this?"

"Yes. Three times a day, preferably before meals", Korinthia nodded, "Try not to miss a dose. Continue taking that for a week then we'll assess how the treatment is working out for you"

"Noted, do - "

"And I will be pulling you out of patrol"

Her grip on the medicine nearly loosened in the scandalized manner. Korinthia forged on as she noticed this

"It's best no to put any strain on your body. Stress and excessive physical activity can lower your immune system and we'd rather not have that when we're trying not to have the infection spread"

She breathed in and out repeatedly, "Okay... okay, that is understandable"

The brunette placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I know it'll be tricky for you but I do want you to return to 100% before anything else"

Rune nodded

"Alright then. Is there something you'd need from me at the moment?"

The blonde looked at the pink medicine in contemplation

"If you can make those disgusting memory potions taste like this, please"

Korinthia cimply chuckled in response - promising nothing