oc meme - when suddenly...

i was bored and suddenly remembered the good old writing memes on deviantart. decided to do one.

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Pick 10 characters. You can pick characters from TV/books/games/whatever, OC's, or heck, you can pick your friends. I don't care who they are.

It's recommended that you pick characters from similar-ish universes, but whatever, it's your meme.

1. ticho

2. kishzun

3. nok

4. tiffany

5. peoas

6. nesse

7. krou

8. poro

9. ruku

10. catfriend

1. It's another ordinary day at 5's house. He/she decides to kick back and relax. What is 5 doing?

planning her next cult (as usual)

2. 5 starts to drift off and has a dream about 7. Tell us about this dream:

she dreams of krou being on the sexypedia while she's at the basement with five cats

3. 5 is awakened by the doorbell. He/she goes to answer it, and lo and behold! It is 7. Describe the ensuing conversation:

"krou what are you doing here"


4. What happens next?

krou gets kicked in the face, peoas continues planning her next cult (as usual)

5. All of a sudden, they hear a loud crash from outside. Who goes to check it out?

krou, but in his big expensive car (peoas fell asleep)

6. Suddenly, ZOMBIES! Hundreds of them! Let's get the investigator's reaction:


7. You thought this was going to be a shipping meme, didn't you?

who are you

[If you answered "yes" or "maybe/sorta/kinda/etc" to number 7, go to question 8 and skip question 9. Otherwise, skip question 8 and go to question 9]

8. The house is no longer safe. 5 decides where to go next:

skip (no shipping please and thank you)

9. The house is no longer safe. 7 decides where to go next:

kishzun's house

10. Before they leave, they quickly grab some weapons:


11. Along the way, they run into 6. He/she offers to help 5 and 7. However, 6 needs to go back home to get something first. Describe their meeting:

krou: nesse help we're gonna die

nesse: not my problem

krou: i'll pay you

nesse: oh cool

peoas: oh cool

nesse: wait i need to get something brb

12. Well, they decided to go back to 6's house. Now that they're here, 6 is about to go find whatever it was he/she came for, when suddenly, a zombified 1 pops up! Who acts first?

peoas gave ticho a nintendo switch, ticho just continued playing with it even as zombie ticho

13. Now that 1 is taken care of, 6 finds what he/she came for. What was it?

a gun

14. Wait a minute... what was 1 doing in 6's house to begin with?

she wanted to find her nintendo switch

15. Moving on. 6 is still talking about 1:

"why is ticho still playing animal crossing new horizons"

16. Shut up, 6. The group comes across 2, who is being swarmed by zombies. Do they try to rescue 2? Describe their rescue attempts (or lack thereof):

they didn't save kishzun because honestly no one likes him

17. Well, whatever they tried to do in the last question, our heroes (and 2) end up being completely surrounded. Say your last words, 7:

"um remember to feed my cat lmao"

18. Suddenly, all the zombies turn around to look at something: 10 and 8 coming in for a heroic rescue!

catfriend comes running in with a bat swinging it in every direction while. poro is drunk and doing absolutely nothing

19. Now that they're all safe, 10, 8, and 2 introduce themselves to the rest of the group:

catfriend: hi!!!!!!! im catfriend!!!!! im very nice!!!!!!

poro: *hic* hi,

kishzun: why the fuck did none of you save me

everyone: shut up

20. What is your favorite number?


[If you picked an even number, go to question 21 and skip question 22. Otherwise, skip question 21 and go to question 22]

21. Night is coming soon. Fortunately, our heroes have reached their destination. They have to prepare for the night. What roles do our characters take?


22a. Nightfall; our heroes have not reached their destination yet, so they decide to hunker down in:

kishzun: i set up the tent can you please actually care about what i did

everyone: no

22b. They have to prepare for the night. What roles do our characters take?

kishzun is the meatshield

poro, peoas and nesse is sleeping

krou and catfriend are keeping watch

23. 6 starts talking to 10 and 8. How did they meet? Why did they decide to team up?

nesse: you both look stupid, but can you please keep watch. a princess like me needs her beauty sleep.

catfriend: poro is a bit sick though!!!

poro: *hic* n-no,,, im f- fine *hic*

nesse: i hate this team

24. Uh oh. It turns out that 5 got bitten in that last encounter. How does 2 react?

kishzun runs away kinda

25. Everybody decides that 5 has to die. How(shot in the head, sent on a suicide mission, etc)?

they dug a bit hole and hid peoas in there

26. 5 is dead now. The rest of the night is spent fending off zombies. How is 7 feeling?

krou: um why do i think peoas isn't actually dead

poro: *hic* nah she probably is

krou: ... well good for her!

27. Morning. If our remaining characters hadn't reached their destination already, they find it soon after. 3 and 4 show up at their base, tired and worn out. Who sees them first? Describe their meeting.

tiffany: hi, i'm tiffany, this is nok, we just blew up a couple of zombies through the entire night

kishzun: am i seriously going to trust... nok

nok: *cocks gun*

kishzun: i

28. 3 and 4 decide to join the party. Does 10 protest?

catfriend: they give good vibes!!! i like the rabbit girl!!!

kishzun: she literally had 4 guns equipped but ok.

29. 8 and 2 start arguing about something in the background:


poro: i can't take breaks now big dragon boy

30. Who breaks up the fight?

nok, who blasted an entire canon so instead of fighting they needed to deal with the mess nok made

31. Heads or tails?


[If you answered 'tails', go to question 32 and skip question 33. Otherwise, skip question 32 and go to question 33]

32. 6 is sent to go scout a nearby location, when suddenly, he/she gets attacked by zombies! 6 is overwhelmed. Describe his/her last moments:

"i hope my death looks dramatic enough"

33. Suddenly, the base is attacked by raiders! Our heroes manage to fend them off, but 6 is mortally wounded in the attack. Describe his/her last moments:


34. 6 is dead now. However, it turns out 1 wasn't dead after all! What is 7's reaction?

krou wasn't surprised she was just playing animal crossing

35. Okay, 1 is dead for sure now. But we've got other problems now: 8 stabs 2. It had something to do with that argument from earlier. 2 is okay, but now the group has to discuss what to do with 8:

poro: sorry it was part of my cancer curing research

krou: dear poro, i'm not mad! i'm actually happy you stabbed my dumbass brother!

tiffany: yeah he was kind of annoying

kishzun: help

the entire group celebrated

36. Suddenly, 8 goes berserk and attacks 3! Who acts first?

nok took out 5 guns and kills poro lmao

37. 8 got killed in the scuffle. 3 was badly injured. Describe the aftermath.

tiffany took poro's body. no one knows what she did with it.

38. 9 comes by the base with a truckload of supplies and starts trying to trade with them. What does 9 want?

ruku just wants a therapist

39. Before he/she leaves, 9 decides to kidnap 4. What is 3's reaction?

nok: oh, i didn't know tiffany was a therapist!

40. Suddenly, ZOMBIES! Thousands of them! Everybody to their battle stations:

nok put out loads of railguns

krou has a flamethrower

kishzun cowered in fear

catfriend just lopped of a bunch of heads

41. It's useless... there are too many! 10 tries to give an inspirational speech:


42. Are you doing this meme on a laptop?


[If you answered 'no', go to question 43 and skip question 44. Otherwise, skip question 43 and go to question 44]

43. Our heroes have somehow fended off the zombies. However, everyone but 3 got bitten, and some of them are already starting to turn into zombies. Write the ending of our story from 3's viewpoint (Remember, 3 was badly wounded by 8).


44. The zombies breach the defenses. Game over. Write the ending of our story from 3's point of view.

nok: actually wouldn't it be pretty epic if we were all just a society of zombies, yeah cool lmao