Considerate Love Quarrels

2 years, 4 months ago
852 1

Practically a married couple doting on each other

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An index finger tapped at the shallow glass impatiently. Stuck in the memories of the past, Alfred was only pulled out when he heard the faint jingle of the bells at the front. He didn't even need to glance over when the familiar scent of lavender and mint over a hint of blood wafted into the room and got stronger as the man approached. Cassius sat down at the bar stool, already getting comfortable and less tense before he opened his mouth to order a drink, but his companion beat him to it. 

Alfred straightened himself a little in his chair and ordered the usual for his friend, blood wine specifically the way he liked it like he's heard dozens of times, and then a small strawberry cheesecake for himself. It was nice to enjoy the night together away from any of their usual responsibilities. 

"How have you been?," the werewolf asked, gently sliding the ice around in his glass. 

"The turf has been fine. Finally has been-" 

"No, not that shit. How have you been?" Alfred insisted, frowning a little in response. "I thought I told you, Cass, that we weren't gonna talk about this stuff here. No business. There's no one here after all besides you, me, and the barkeep."

The vampire sighed and nodded, taking a moment to take the thin neck of his glass between his fingers and sip at the blood. "Then I'm doing well. I hope you've been, too."

Alfred chuckled for a moment as he cut a piece of the cake off with his fork. "Yeah, the same old stuff. You know," he said, a smile forming on his lips with the sweetness of the cake. "Man, I missed this. The only place I can even get away with this without being nagged or taunted."

"If you just stop putting up a tough front all the time, maybe you'd be less likely be taunted for it."

Alfred heaved a deep sigh before running a hand through his hair as he slowly poked at his cake. "You know I can't do that. What if it happens again? What if I lose control and I hurt or kill them? What if I hurt you?"

Cassius frowned a little and looked at Alfred, making sure the man in front of him was actually making eye contact. "Then I'll stop you like I did when you first awakened. You know I'm not weak," the vampire said in the most sincere confidence as he reached for a napkin to clean off the small bit of cake on the corner of Alfred's mouth. "I'm your right hand, but I'm your friend first. I'll do everything I can to stop you from hurting them."

Alfred frowned and grabbed Cassius' wrist for a moment before he turned away and let go. "And I'm also your leader. I won't allow you to get in the way and get hurt. One day of not being killed under my claws and fangs only saves you for another day to die."

Cassius nodded before he looked into his wine glass. "It might, but you don't know what will happen when it does. You know I can stand my ground against you at full force. I'll snap you out of it one way or another. Even if I have to beat you to the brink of death."

Alfred tapped at his plate with the side of his fork in thought before he smiled a little. "Fine, but that means you'll have to drink my blood instead. Maybe it'll give you my strength to take me down. It'd be an advantage for you if anything," he said, confident that his durability and strength could be passed through his blood. 

Cassius rolled his eyes and looked up at the werewolf who stared at him with those red and blue eyes. "You're too sweet. I'd much prefer blood like O negative," he replied genuinely. 

Alfred laughed and smiled before he rested his head in the palm of his hand. "Then have it for dessert sometime. You know where to find me usually," he replied. "You can't even worry about this. It only regenerates back anyways. No matter how much you drink, I won't be missing it for long. Even on death's door, I'll come back if I don't get killed instantly or whatever." 

Cassius huffed and crossed his legs as he sipped at his wine, unnerved at the same old response. "I'd rather not and you know I don't like when you say that kind of stuff. Who's going to be responsible if you're gone?"

"You are. You're the responsible one - the smart one. I'm just all brawn and all bite. If anything, you're basically the leader, too. People respect you rather than fear you. Anyways, we're going back to work talk. We promised we wouldn't talk about this anymore when we're here," the albino whined as he finished is drink and called for another. 

Cassius nodded in response and sighed. "It's hard when it's practically engraved into our routine... but fine. Let's drink and celebrate - another day living."