oc meme - torturing your ocs

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Hello! And welcome to the institute of TORTURING YOUR OC'S!


1. You gotta answer ALL of them!

2. Link back to the original after you're done

3. Tag 5 people when you're done (Or tell us 3 dark secrets about a character of your choice >:{D)

4. This isn't a solid rule or anything, but I prefer that you comment and link if you decide to do this.

Alright, so lets get this show in the road! Choose 7 characters. They can be your own, or a friends, or with permission, OC's you're a fan of. So? What you are doing reading this still? Do it! DO IT NOW!!!!!!

1. Ticho

2. Nok

3. Kishzun

4. Krou

5. Ruku

6. Poro

7. Tiffany

OKAY. I'm done! With the beginning... So. WE RIDE! ...Okay, we'll be boring about things then. Start answering questions.......NOW!

1. Let's start of peaceful. 2 and 7 just came back from a long, walk. What did they talk about? What got them talking about it? Who or what did it involve?

They were talking about how arson should be legalized

2. Ahhhh, that's interesting. Very interesting... 3 decided it would be fun to follow 2 and 7 and eavesdrop on the conversation. What do they hear? Is it juicy??

No he was just extremely concerned

3. Crap! 1 just found 6's stash of...what's in their secret stash? Is it something they are ashamed of?


4. 4...HAHAHAHHHAHAHH! 4! On question 4! Oh, coincidences... ANYWHO... 4 and 5 are beginning to feel for each other. ALOT. How do they confront it? Do they eventually have sexytime?

fuck no

5. Despite their differences, 3 and 7 are forced in a room together even though they hate each other. They aren't allowed out until they work things out or at least stop going at each others' throats. How does that go?

Kishzun has a mental breakdown, Tiffany is making a ritual and constantly talking about how he should go to hell

6. LE GASP!! 5 just walked in on 1 and 6! 5 leaves screaming and waving their arms like a person who just got out of one of those restraining jacket things. How is the relationship between the 3 different now? Does 5 get even the slightest bit turned on at the sexy site?

fuck you

7. 2 is sleeping when they are awoken by a singing outside, They are shocked to find out that they are being serenaded but a pack of man eating sharks who can swim through anything but water is coming after them! Who's is serenading them 2? Do the sharks get a tasty dinner?

nok shot all the sharks with a big harpoon gun (thanks to my brother for the gun suggestion)

8. All of your characters are thrown down a whole is the desert with nothing to eat or drink. 7 suddenly goes cannibalistic and tries to eat a character of your choice! Who is it that 7 is trying to eat? Do they succeed? What do the other characters do about it? Do they ever get rescued?

Tiffany tries to eat Kishzun because

They ate everything else and eventually when they're almost giving up Ticho pulls out a giant helicopter and rode into the sunset



9...AGAIN! HA! FOOLED YOU! Is too a question 9! beat the shit outta 7 for trying to eat him. 4 has a secret phobia of spiders. Especially hairy ones. (Lol inappropriate XD). 4 is trying to act tough when they see a pregnant brown recluse and go all Turns out, tat was actually 2's favorite spider and now 2 wants to strangle 4. 2 tackles 4 and puts him into a choke hold. Who watches? Who tries to stop it? Who gets the snacks? Who is too busy making out in the corner? Who joins?

Tiffany joins because

Ticho is watching in the corner with snacks

Ruku is busy playing the hit game Security Breach

10. A character of your choice realizes their terrible fear of heights after climbing the Grand Canyon. They try to run back but realize that THEY'RE ACTUALLY IN A VOLCANO AND GIANT LAVA UNICORN MONSTERS ARE TRYING TO ATTACK! Which one do they befriend?

Kishzun doesn't want to befriend the giant lava unicorn monsters and probably died

11. 1 hasn't got much attention in a while. They think that you should apologize for the lack of  spotlight.

Ticho is asleep rn

12. They didn't believe that was a proper apology so they pull a scythe on you (One of those crescent shaped axes for those who don't know what the hell I'm talking about). Do you win this fight, or do they?

I immediately give up because its ticho for fucks sake

13. 6 just walked in on this murder attempt. Do they watch, help you, or help 1

its ticho

14. All of your characters just finished watching Titanic. Who cried? Who snuggled? Who gave everything away? Who talked about food the whole time? Who ATE food the whole time? Who kept secretly wishing they had a love? Who kept asking so many damn questions? Who snapped and told everyone to shut the hell up and just watch? Did anyone listen?

ticho is asleep

nok complained because they didn't use enough guns in the titanic

kishzun is confused of titanic lore

krou laughed hysterically at everything


ruku is glad her next therapy appointment with tiffany is soon

tiffany is worried about her next therapy appointment

15. HOLY SHIT 3 IS PREGNANT! Who got them pregnant? If 3 is male, do they have something they want to confess?

fuck whoever wrote this meme

16. 5 just bought a motorcycle without anybody's approval. And with 2's money!! When does 2 expect their money back? What will happen if they don't pay their debt?

Nok: look ruku. you took ALL of my money. that motorcycle looks too good for you, that should be mine. i am BROKE ruku. if you do not hand over the motorcycle in the next 5 seconds i will KILL you ruku. i will

Ruku: i wish i died

Nok: oh