Heart of the Heartlands

2 years, 4 months ago
955 1 2

Tatsuo braves her agoraphobia to give her amour a present on a very special day.

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It wasn’t often that Tatsuo was out during the day, in fact, it was almost mythical that her pale skin felt the warmth of the sun. She pulled the thick black hood further over her face, determined to avoid the eyes of anyone passing her by. If she can't see them, they don't exist. At least that's what she had to keep telling herself so the anxiety didn't overwhelm her, so she didn't just go running straight back home.

   Today is important, she had been building up her courage for days to leave the Den. She gathered a lot of supplies from Cinder and Steele’s school supplies and the general junk they kept around the Den. She tucked her hands into her pocket and ran her shaking hands over her creation. Good, still there. She’d been habitually checking that pocket even if she was sure she could still feel the weight of the item, she just had to make sure it was still there. If she lost it, she would just die. 

She dared lift her head from its downward state and frantically looked around. She got to the school from a memory of the route she used to take, and she thanked past her for choosing a path that had minimal activity. Deciding to loiter in the side street and glancing often at the gates, she’d pulled down her cat-eared hood to expose her real ears, already strained to a hyper-alert state but hoping to catch the sound of the bell; or babble of students leaving early.

   Despite the fact she was expecting it, the shrill ring of the dismissal bell still made her jump out of her skin. Her shakes got worse, she felt tears prick at her eyes and her chest heaved, a panic attack was coming. She had to do this quickly and get home. She couldn't chicken out now. She forced her swimming vision to focus on the stream of students now leaving the school. A few glanced at her and made a wide berth. She didn't blame them, over time she learnt to tune out the presence and the whispers of her possession, but it sure did make her an easy sight to spy. Normally she was happy that people avoided her because of it, but being here again just made it sting. Those memories weren't pleasant, and she bit hard into her lip to distract herself from the thoughts.

Of COURSE she had to be late leaving, she could spy the walking pink overload a mile away. She wasn't sure if the flutter of her heart was because of her, or the panic.

   Normally she left surrounded friends, but Tatsuo was very glad today just happened to fall on a day of club meetings, and normally on these days Missy would go to work instead. God, she sounded like a stalker. Whatever. She kicked the toes of her boot into the dirt, breathed in deep, and marched towards the other Lockette.

Aaaand she was too busy texting away on her phone to notice Tatsuo, typical. Though a fleeting thought does acknowledge how thankful she is that Missy doesn't look at her like the others do. “Oi. Pinky.” She looked over, and then down. Fuck why is she taller. “OMG Ta-channnn!~ You're out during the day! You did it OMG I'm so proud of you!” Immediately pocketing her phone, she lunged at Tatsuo and the dark Lockette was just a moment too slow as the ditzy, girly Lockette wrapped her arms around her, lifted her and hugged her tight. “Are you here to take me out?! OMG but I can’t!! I have work…”

   “No, you idiot! Get off me for fucks sake you're crushing it…” Missy drops her, taking no heed of the bad language, fully used to it. “It?”

   “Uh, yeah. Here.” She takes out the item in her pocket and hands it with force to her gir- friend. “Happy Hearts Day or whatever.” Missy snatches it up and hurriedly rips off the tissue paper protecting it to reveal her gift. A small, flat papercraft piece of Tatsuo's chomp charm going after little versions of Missy's strawberry charm in a Pacman style maze. It wasn't amazing, but it was simple and it was the only thing she could think of.

Missy was quiet for a moment as she took in the gift, and Tatsuo's heart dropped to her feet. She knew it, what a fucking stupid idea “Tatsuo…” why did she bother to leave the house for this, she should have just stayed in as normal, she-

   “Tatsuo!” Missy raised her voice and Tatsuo snapped out of her thoughts, she didn't even realise how fast she was breathing. She looked into Missy's eyes slowly, expecting a judging look for such a crappy gift, but she just saw a wide, loving smile that easily reached the cute lockettes eyes. There goes the flutter again.

   “I… Sorry I was… Spacing out. Do you uh, like it n stuff…?” 

   “Of course I do you still little Chompette! I love it so much!! Did you make this just for me?”

    “Yeah, who else would it be for dumbass…” The smaller Lockette muttered. It got a laugh from Missy and a small smile twitched at the sides of Tatsuo's lips. 

The pastel laden Lockette fished for Tatsuo's hand and wrapped her fingers through hers, making sure she couldn't pull her hand back. “Well, I was planning to get your present on the way to work to give you tonight, but let's go get it now shall we?” She punctuated her words with a squeeze of her hand “if you can handle town today?”

“Yeah…I think I can…”