Halloween encounter

2 years, 4 months ago

Yep. I uploaded a few years old thing just because i wanted to save it. Enjoy your first person encounter with the Witch!

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The cold wind whistles in your ears... You have been walking for a while now, just going deeper into the mountains. Are you really sure there are houses here? You start to wonder if you should go back.. But you already got so far and going back all the way down from the mountain in the middle of a cold, dark night, doesn't sound like such a good idea. You muster your strength and climb just a little bit higher up into the mountain. And to your surprise there is actually a light! Real light that is coming from a house instead of the round moon or little glowy bugs still flying around as if immune to the cruel grasps of the cold nights air.

It's a strange house too. Very small and all tower like as if it was build for a wizard living in a fantasy world long ago. Is someone really living there? Well.. Looking at the lit up windows and smoke coming from the chimney it's safe to say so.

Carefully not to step into any of the jack-o'-lanterns that surround the house like tasty traps for the little bugs, you get closer to the door and finally ring the bell. Literally. There is a little, tiny bell tied to the doorway. You start to wonder if anyone can even hear it! Well, you don't wonder for long as the door finally opens letting out the house warmth and delicious smell of pumpkin pies baking in the oven. Smells so tasty..

In front of you stands a witch, with a broom in her hand and oven mit in the other. She looks quite worried when seeing you at the doorstep. "Oh, no! Are you okay?" She asks, letting the oven mitt fall to the ground. "Did you really climb up here at night? You could have gotten hurt!"

She takes a quick glance around before inviting you inside. "Please come inside. It will be warmer by the fireplace and I can give you some pumpkin pie." The stories of witches who eat children for a moment crosses your mind, but you shake that thought just as quickly as it came. There is no way this nice lady has any ill intentions.


You stay and talk with the witch lady for a while as she bakes an extensive amount of pies. One after another popping them out of the oven. She can't possibly eat them all, can she? Well anyway.. It's rude to judge. And she is very kind to you. She already gave you a lantern to guide your way back down and a slice of freshly baked pie, so full of flavor you aren't sure if anything else will ever taste the same.

You glance over at housekeepers cat-shaped clock and feel the color leave your face. It's so late already? You must be going! "I think I should be going, thanks for the hospitality!" You say before going to the door. Suddenly remembering what you came here for, you turn around and with a smile on your face, say the usual Halloween rhyme. "Trick or Treat!"

Author's Notes

This was the part in the amino event thingy where people commented and i could decide to either give them tricks or treats. Treats were art and tricks were riddles, memes, animal facts..